Fifteen years ago, there was a lot of talk about the obesity epidemic. In 2008, Michelle Obama started a government program called “Let’s Move!” that sought to reduce childhood obesity. You might remember the First Lady teaming up with everyone from Beyonce to Big Bird to promote exercise and better eating habits. Unfortunately, the program was largely a failure. And the obesity statistics continued to rise.
74% of Americans today are either obese or overweight. And yet, we’re no longer talking about it. The national conversation around health and weight has turned away from things like good nutrition, weight loss and the importance of physical fitness, and instead adopted phrases like “fat acceptance” and “healthy at any size.” In some circles, there’s even blanket denial that there is anything unhealthy at all about being obese.
Shaming people for being overweight is unequivocally wrong. But in our attempt to not offend, we’ve lost sight of the very real fact that there’s a problem. Americans are heavier than ever, sicker than ever, dying earlier than ever, and it’s all preventable. So today, a conversation with Dr. Casey Means, a Stanford trained physician who left the traditional medical system behind to solve the one problem that she says is going to ruin us all: bad food.
FWIW, here is what I've learned from experience. At one time, I balloned to 40 lbs over my upper threshold BMI. I wasn't a victim, I just lacked willpower. In the process of getting it under control (well within my BMI range I might add) I discovered the most addictive substance on planet earth is sugar. Food companies know it too and have no qualms about making sure you get a nice fix. During my first experience at weight loss and several other times when I wanted to lose 5 lbs or so, I realized I needed to go through a sugar detox. That process ususally required about two weeks and afterward my food cravings vanished. From then on, the weight fell off easily. In the gand scheme of addictive substances (opiates, tobacco, liquor) and their effects on socieatl health, I would rank sugar #1.
You see very few fat people in France. A Frenchman once told me - "if you ask a Frenchman if they are hungry they will respond 'What time is it?'"