I don’t suffer from TDS and I don’t hate all his policies but the fact is he is not terribly bright and emotionally he is a child. This has always been true but he is now in a situation where these facts are catching up to him. The media is hideously biased, but the primary explanation for Trump’s electoral standing is his intelligence and maturity. Both are lacking.

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I agree with this, but I constantly am accused of having TDS. Is it deranged to believe he is not very bright and emotionally a child?

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I agree he is his own worst enemy. Like so many conservatives I would have preferred several of the other Republican candidates over Trump but we are left to choose between a mean-spirited narcissistic bully with no brain-mouth filter and cackling Marxist puppet controlled by <let me know when you figure it out> and who can't string 2 sentences together without the teleprompter. I'm clear-eyed about how the things Trumps says and tweets (if that's still a word) diminish the dignity of the POTUS. However, I'm also convinced the "Stop Trump at all cost crusade" by the establishment is doing more damage to our country than he has or would do. BTW - LBJ makes Trump look like a boy scout in terms of saying disgusting things and the left regards him as a "Hero". https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/jan/22/lyndon-johnson-anniversary-death-awful-man-my-political-hero

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In the past, Trump has been accused of "zero-sum game" thinking. However, it has been my impression that he thinks more in terms of fan ratings. He is more obsessed with the loyalty of his kiss-ass chorus than he is with persuading voters in the middle who are still available to him. The irony is this: while a TV show can be sustained by good but not top ratings--programming is not a zero sum game--the presidential election is a zero-sum game, and one Trump is headed to lose.

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Trump is an incompetent sociopath. He ONLY cares about himself. How can anyone not see that. How can ANYONE think he should be running the most powerful country on Earth. His own former cabinet members are saying don't reelect him, he's crazy and unstable. The reason this race is even close is that most of the people who support him are getting their news from shit sources that lies about everything in order to protect him. And they think MSM is "all lies". That's the real problem. The left gets their news from responsible sources, legacy media. MAGA gets their news from Breitbart, talk-radio, and Twitter memes. The result is that MAGA does not live the real world. They live in the dystopian fantasy world of doom and gloom. They imagine the are oppressed by the evil deep state while living in the freest, most prosperous nation on Earth. If the right in this country lived in the real world Harris would win every state. They would realize that Trump is completely unfit for high office. He's not capable of running a McDonald's franchise , much less the United States of America.

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He’s back. I would suggest Electro Shock therapy for TDS.

“ Mama always said: stupid is as stupid does” - Forrest Gump

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TDS is a disease of the mind that makes people think that Trump is a strong, competent man who is capable of being a great leader.

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34 mins ago·edited 30 mins ago

"The left gets their news from responsible sources, legacy media.”

That’s when I knew this post was parody.

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Try listening to talk radio. The 70 million Americans who get their news from Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Mark Levine, Dennis Prager, et al. are all brainwashed morons who swallow lies whole every single day. You can't listen to even a minute of their broadcasts without hearing at least one lie.

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Trump is just terrible.

He's not the orange Nazi of the ongoing leftist fever dream...but he's just terrible.

And, of all the harm he's done to the GOP and the nation, his most profound and destructive act may well be to give us a Kamala Harris Presidency.

Through his incompetence, he's turned what should have been sure victory into a coin toss.

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I think a better theme would be "A sane Republican candidate should be running away with this election. Why don't we have one?"

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Any Republican candidate would be vilified as a Nazi and a threat to Democracy.

It has been that way since Truman did it to Dewey - and won.

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Agreed--but Trump does more to help his opponents than any other Republican candidate would do.

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Do you think DeSantis wouldn't have been met with the same hysteria, and every questionable statement turned into some type of war crime?

You are naive to think otherwise.

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Consider e.g. Romney. They attacked him unfairly, but did not completely lose their minds over him. He didn't provoke the madness to the extent that Trump does--and the charges against him were less plausible.

If you think that Trump does nothing to make it all worse, then you simply aren't paying attention.

Trump's words and actions force even reasonable Republicans to think "I just can't vote for this guy."

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"Trump's words and actions force even reasonable Republicans to think "I just can't vote for this guy.””

There is no such thing as a reasonable Republican that would not vote for Trump when considering the alternative.

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I think the empirical evidence is strongly against you on this point.

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And which "sane Republican" would that be?

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Haley or Desantis.

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Haley is milquetoast, controlled opposition. DeSantis cannot excite common people like Trump can - and I say this as somebody who I would prefer Ron as a nominee over Vance in 2028.

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Let’s face it - Nikke Haley would be trouncing Harris if the republicans had been smart enough to nominate her. But that seems to be the biggest republican flaw - nominating candidates that blow up in their faces. I also wonder if Trump really wants it anymore. He seems to be going out of his way to lose this election.

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Nikki Haley is a weak, Milquetoast candidate. While she was good at the UN, she lacks the (proverbial, of course) cojones to withstand the combined Communist onslaught of the entire Democratic/Communist Party apparatus.

Trump also would do better among blacks and Latinos than any other candidate. Not anywhere near a majority - but 8-10% better among each would tip some states in his favor.

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My thoughts exactly. I will never understand how the R party decided he was the best choice when he was close to the worst.

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Spoken like someone who would never vote Republican.

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…and, sadly, like someone who will vote for Harris.

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Well done. Cannot believe mainstream media gives Harris a nonstop soft landing, when and if she happens to be submit to being asked an actual question.

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"Cannot believe mainstream media gives Harris a nonstop soft landing"

Where have you been? They have been doing that for Dems for DECADES!

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In other news, the Pelosis continue to flagrantly practice insider trading and law enforcement refuses to hold these criminals accountable.

Meanwhile, Pelosi gives more interviews full of lies, nonsense, and even more Botox and paint than last time. Everyone knows she's an inside trader and should be investigated, but she's above the law so instead she gets to give interviews about how nobody is above the law and everyone who oppose her is a racist.


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This is a surprise?

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This presidential campaign is all smoke and mirrors intended to do one thing: raise money. Every word uttered is carefully picked to ring the cash register. (To learn why I think so, click on my profile and the post “We need to Fight for the Truth”.)

The press treats this election as a sporting contest because they are paid by fund-raisers to be the color commentators on Social Media. The more fund-raisers raise, the more they spend on media - to reward the color commentators like Rachel Maddow ($30 million a year and Sean Hannity $45 million), certainly not because the network and newspaper audiences are increasing or return on advertising investment! These media companies would be struggling to survive if it weren’t for political fund-raising inflating the basis for ad pricing for future non-campaign years for all advertisers, contributing to inflated prices at retail.

Biden’s UN speech reviews the threats we face. How did his (and Kamala’s) policies contribute to or mitigate these threats? Why didn’t these threats act up during the Trump administration?

These questions won’t help to raise money so the press doesn’t ask them.

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What? Wait - why should Trump be running away with the election?

Because a bunch of stuff that used to be true isn't true any more?

Trump is, after all Trump - an impressively unworthy man for the office of President, and the really the title - man.

And Harris, whatever her strengths and weaknesses may be, is not a very elderly man with cognitive decline.

To the I don't love Trump but I love his policies crowd - at the beginning Trump had many grown-ups in the room, and what you liked was mostly them. Trump left to his own devices brings us steaks, fake universities, failed casinos and airlines, crypto, truth social and JD Vance (with his cat obsession). If Trump returns we'll get all that plus Project 2025 which looks to be the unitary executive theory on steroids. All with no grown-ups in the room.

Oh, and Trump is the only President not to endorse and abide by the peaceful transfer of power after losing an election. Oh, and Jan. 6, and the perfect phone call, and the constitution optional approach to government.

Even Dick Cheney is going to vote for Harris.

So yes Oliver, I think Trump is clearly well positioned to be the Unity candidate, and bring normality back to the White House.

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So what do the voters that like Trump’s policies and strongly dislike Harris’s policies do?

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We have two options. Vote for neither or vote Trump.

Harris is not an option. She is a hologram projected by Obama

BEING PRO CENSORSHIP is not something any American should vote for. The government has been the biggest spreader of deliberate lies .we must NOT trust them to decide what is true and what is not .

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The article is not wrong, but polling has become irrelevant. However, the non-stop reporting that this is a 50-50 race is good for turn out and it gives the pundits something to talk about.

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One of these years, polling will become irrelevant. It's still remarkably accurate, given that so many of us are impossible to reach or would never respond to a pollster.

I've looked at elections and polling for decades. I've never seen anything that projects to be this close. And that's with a Senate that looks like it has only one competitive race at this point (Ohio).

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Pollsters undercount Trump support for two reasons:

a) The pollsters are themselves leftist shills and deliberately do so to deflate Republicans.

b) People know they can be attacked, beaten, fired and cancelled for admitting support for Trump.

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Pollsters were wrong in 2016, wrong again in 2022. Perhaps they will be correct in this election but most voters would prefer to have articles analyzing policy not articles analyzing about who is ahead in the polling. Like I said, it is good for turnout but we get too much reporting on it.

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Trump is part of the problem no doubt. He says stupid things all the time. But the regime media is far more responsible. Engaged voters have long ago disregarded the regime media, but casual voters still get their information from those disgraced sources.

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He can't help himself because he is unfit for office. He has long suffered from constipation of the brain, diarrhea of the mouth. Blame the Republicans for letting him take over the party. Let him lose and the Republicans take a good, long look in the mirror and decide that the future should not involve women bleeding out in their cars outside of the hospital and focus on a higher calling such as protecting innocent people from terrorists. Until then, those of us in the center will keep screaming into pillows. As he would say, "Sad!"

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"He can't help himself because he is unfit for office."

Yeah, unfit as opposed to brain-dead Joe and pothead/alcoholic Kamala?

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What does fit for office even mean? Joe Biden was unfit for office four years ago. He still holds the office today, despite his inability to string together 10 minutes of coherent speech. Fit for office clearly means different things to different people.

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Trump is invited to Arlington and we get a week of hoax stories. Trump says or does anything it will always be negative reporting. You need to shake your view that it will ever be different. All reporting is about helping democrats win no matter what . Harris does a softball interview with Oprah and the most memorable line is she will shoot someone . Democrats lie about abortion and it’s taken at face value , including by Free Press. Do you really think forces that ran with it he Russia hoax will ever be honest ?

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