
Super interesting interviews. Thank you for just letting them talk.

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Great interviews. So informative and each had fascinating individual insights. I most appreciated the honesty, thoughtfulness and spunkiness of the 52 year old woman who grew up in the projects. She is a gem. I totally agree with her on two counts-it’s about economics and schools that actually support student achievement. Teachers unions in large cities are shameful. Boards of education, likewise. Nearly Nothing to show for obscene amounts of money spent.

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I very much enjoyed hearing the voice of real people instead of the spin of reporters/politicians. Would love to hear more podcasts like this!

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It will be interesting to see how this shifts if Kamala Harris becomes the Democrats’ nominee.

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Fascinating! Some of the commenters carried the same themes and while all were black, they came from very different life experiences.

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Correct me if I'm wrong:

1st interview- Republican since 2007(didn't switch to R because of Trump)

2nd interview- "not for any party"

3rd interview-52 yr old Chicago resident(not to over simplify) but seems to be Rep because of her dissatisfaction with Dem-led Chicago, She seems to like Trump because of "what he did with Section 3", and is very focused on the economy and thinks it was better under Trump

4th interview-long time "Morally conservative" conservative, but very supportive of Trump(didn't switch because of Trump). The Democratic party has pushed blacks a way because it is too liberal...immigrants are getting more help than black people. THinks this will be better under Trump

5th interview-"Trump has had this ability to bring to light realities for the black community that have not be prev translated to a black audience" The system is corrupt and that's why I'm the way I am-garnered respect from black voters. REp are bad at reaching black vote because we need to go in there and tell them this is the promised land and they need to support us". Is trump doing that? There are pockets, but it hasn't caught on..."Dems have been dangling carrots but haven't terms of policy"

Does Trump have a solution..."The democrats don't"

My take from these interviews is that few are actually for Trump, they just feel overlooked by the Dems. As a white male, I also feel abandoned by the Dems. But Trump isn't the answer imo. I think "The Black Voters Going for Trump" is a misleading title

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Well, your summary is correct but I had a very different *opinion* of the piece.

My take away is if this were any Rep other than Trump these folks probably wouldn't vote Rep; prob wouldn't vote at all. They keyed in on the binary choice, and all focused on which party did more for them on the street, and that Trump is a disruptor - wasn't a pol, and speaks freeform.


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On that note, Biden just dropped his re-election bid

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Really? Well, I'll listen again. That was certainly not my initial take.

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Good luck finding a convenient place/location to vote. Lol!

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You must not know many center-right folks like me; we learn well in advance where the polling stations are. And have our ID.

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Good luck with your DEI polling location. ;)

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Thanks, will do! :)

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Outstanding segment. College graduates and ex-cons speaking reality. Trump's "What have you got to lose?" has apparently struck home in parts of tbe black community. It's a start. Per aspera ad astra.

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Just listened to this! Incredible actual reporting that never happens anymore. Appreciate getting to hear these perspectives!

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"Why do Biden and the Democratic Party seem to be losing their edge with black voters?"

I'd guess because they're losing their edge with all voters, some of which happen to be black. I considered myself a Dem for most of my life. 99% of my friends and family are Dems. I don't know anyone(except perhaps my boss) that wants Biden to represent them(not Kamala either). Anyone that plans on voting for him that I've spoken to is doing so to vote against Trump. This isn't new. Our options are horrendous. As a white male who has never voted Republican(and doesn't plan to anytime soon) I no longer refer to myself as Democrat. People now ask if I'm an independent, in which my response is, no, I'm JP. F*#% this clown show.

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Black voters fill their tanks with gas, buy groceries and have hopes of buying a home in a safe neighborhood. Apparently this is shocking to the Biden Admin & media.

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I think the current administration has taken things too far, has negatively impacted more of the tax base than they realize. Effects of inflation, crime, homelessness, fentanyl addiction, and the allowance of unfiltered immigration to such a great extent have been very hard on many of us. We can't absorb all the drama and the demands for a perfect world RIGHT NOW as we struggle for daily existence.

The emphasis on diversity has allowed black, brown, red, and yellow voices to increase in the public forum. Democrats and Republicans should listen to those voices.

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excellent episode. Interesting insights. I feel the same way as all of the interviewees. My personal position in life (economically) does not change much under either party. What I want to see are policies that raise everybody up - particularly the poor and disenfranchised. When you see the democrat party has not changed much for people in that demographic, you realize they are selling lies and (as the woman interviewed pointed out) dealing in emotions rather than logic. I do feel that black men will be the group that can really speak right now and over the next years. Lets see what they have to say.

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I find it quite sad. To think generations have lived in Chicago and in 2024, it's far worse to live there despite Democratic control for decades upon decades has to be so demoralizing. It is time for the GOP to really work at outreach. As Trump said 4 years ago, "Vote for me, what have you got to lose."

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Thanks for great interviews

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Can't get enough of Moynihan

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Very powerful testimonials.

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