
As a non-Trump supporter, I have to say, this was an impressive interview. And kudos to The Orange Man for forcefully injecting these issues back into the body politic, or at least, allowing people like Lighthizer, Navarro, and Ross (the first two Democrats) to alter the political discourse and open new avenues of policy. Like Pompeo and Jared Kushner with the Abraham Accords and the new assertion of antimonopoly action against Big Tech by William Barr, this was an out-of-script break with dogmatically held but nonetheless failed or discredited ideas and policies. Watch the media flounder and lie about it.

My largest reservation about Trump's approach, and Pompeo must be aware of it, is that Trumps treated long-time allies the same rough way he treated China. Trump himself was in awe of Xi and largely tone-deaf to the collective geopolitical aspects. He looks at it too narrowly, from his America First p.o.v., and excludes valuable allies who could be marshalled and reassembled into a functional alliance against China. That still hasn't happened yet. Trump clearly needed it, yet was at the same time blind to what it would take.

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A great interview. See the comment below; it shows how the legacy media try to shift the blame from their own failure to investigate. It’s childish. “Trump made me do it”. Typical of progressive thinking. They really miss having Trump around to blame for their chronic sense of grievance.

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Thanks Bari. This is the interview I wish I could have seen 2 years ago. You will no doubt be labeled as a right wing nut by the likes of self-loathing Jews like Katie Halper but I am more confident than ever that many balanced left leaning types are paying attention to you. Paying attention and reflecting. I'm not confident they will share their evolution publicly as they are not very brave. The Secretary was clear and cautious in responding (he did a good job not taking the bait..Ha). The secretary was spot on but the heartbreaking reality is that his former boss just kept getting in the way and giving the gift that just kept on giving to the media propaganda machine. I did and still do trust his assessment of threats. Where I may disagree slightly with him is that I'm confident that many forces in the media (including social media) did everything they could to suppress the truth. Maybe he's just too savoy to know that one statement out of context will feed the rage machine. In the short term we need you and others working through substack to be relentless in doing what you're doing. I hope you will stay firm in conducting more of these and not cave to the Maoists . I agree with you that just how many substack subscriptions can one afford to just understand the truth? That's not sustainable. I hope (and believe) you and others are working to build a reliable free press that is accessible to all. That kind of coordinated effort in developing in this environment without billions seems daunting at best. My hope is that those of us that can MUST contribute $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ to reliable journalism and organizations like FAIR. For Americans of Jewish decent, you must fight back. Those that are drawing the moral equivalence between Hamas and Israel are not your friends. Those that just sit there and say nothing are cowards. Just reading Bari's substack is in important step in building your understanding of the world but if you don't keep your altruism on steroids' in check you will be useful idiot for the Chinese who will leverage your denial.

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Well, well, well. The "experts" and the mainstream media are all changing their tune about the lab leak hypothesis now. Better late than never, or too little and too late?

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Thanks for great interview, great Devil's Advocate questions.

When Democrat Mainstream media refuses to tell the truth, truth-seekers will seek the truth elsewhere.

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Hey, remember when suggesting that the virus came from a lab meant you were a crazy bigot? Yea. Ok.

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A Lie, with good style, is preferable to the Truth, from a commoner.

This is the NYT snob elite response to Trump and Trump supporters and even most GOP non-Trump supporters (of which there are many).

Made in a lab seems most likely - now at 80% true in my estimation. Still possible for some other explanation, but the lousy examinations so far are totally unconvincing. Pompeo is much better.

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It's clear Pompeo want to un in 2024, unclear if Trump will let him. If Trump gets out of the way, some interesting candidates Republican's could put up in 2024.

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This is a serious work of journalism and why I subscribe to this newsletter and do not subscribe to the Washington Post or New York Times. Once upon a time, challenging the status quo was part and parcel of great reporting. Now, to the legacy press, it is verboten. And, I like the term legacy press because, sadly, there is nothing mainstream about the New York Times and Washington Post where ideological purity trumps (excuse the pun) unbiased reporting.

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Is it so inconceivable that it came from a lab? Viruses are studied all the time. Someone screwed up and it got loose. Shit happens.

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Ask yourself how the so-called fact checking industry thrives attached to a profession that by definition is supposed to fact check before it publishes. The media industry has completely abrogated its responsibility to publish what is knows to be true and has defaulted to publish what it hopes to be true, begrudgingly correcting after the damage has been done.

Partisans play to win and don’t care about the public’s erosion of trust in our institutions. They care about the outcome of an election. The long term cost is the merely the fracturing of our social fabric, a cost not born within the electoral horizon of our policy makers.

Furthermore, social medium platforms which selectively publish third party media have accelerated this fracturing yet who owns this debacle?

Of course, we can always adopt the Chinese media model….

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Bari - the NY Times was not "hamstrung" was "willfully blind". Bad word choice conveys the wrong meaning here.

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you have any proof of that?

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Fascinating interview. I learned a lot. Had never really listened to a long form interview with Pompeo and I was pleasantly surprised. Thanks for asking the questions that you did. As usual, your work is really timely and important. You are a rock star, Bari Weiss!

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The truth is really starting to bleed out in a torrent. Listen to this brand new 11 minute podcast about Donald G. McNeil Jr. a former NYT science journalist who admits he and the rest of the media covered up the lab leak hypothesis. And here's the written source article published on Medium two days ago, "How I learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Lab Leak Hypothesis." This is all so new, I haven't even read it yet.

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Thanks for these links.

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Here's another link you might find interesting. A you tube interview from five days ago with Nicholas Wade about his article on the Lab Leak Hypothesis. I'm listening to it now.

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The TRUTH sets us free. As with most anything in this world I think this topic is nuanced and should be presented in a way that people should decide for themselves. My instinct, which I will say has been wrong, is that it was from a lab after I learned about GOF and the people involved with it including Bill Gates, Jeffrey Epstein, Harvard's now closed Program for Evolutionary Dynamics, Fauci, EcoHealth Alliance president Peter Daszak, et al. My gut said, "follow the money."

Then a professor at Cornell sent this to me and I think Mr. Wade does a fair job of laying it out for people to decide for themselves.

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Nicholas Wade published the very same article in both Medium on 5/2/21 and then a few days later on 5/5/21 in The Bulletin. I provided a link to this article two weeks ago in another thread of Bari's substack (Believe Science. Get Vaccinated. Then Relax). The case Wade presents to a careful reader is that covid most likely leaked from a lab in Wuhan. Of course, people who have been following this story from the beginning have known about Gain of Function studies and the lab leak hypothesis for over a year.

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I wish I never knew what GOF was but once I learned about it spring 2020 and started to connect the dots (actually must have had some kind of 'manic' episode bc I spent 2 days straight in June with large pieces of butcher paper taped to my walls with all the actors and their organizations and relationships, then started drawing arrows connecting them - and I was frightened). I'm just a curious and concerned layperson who researched it with rigor (and it's all there if you take the time to look). I've been hanging onto "the truth sets us free" with bandaids and paperclips. Well, it seems that the spotlight is getting brighter. Hubris is the Achilles heel and history shows us that people with hubris don't always have a good ending (Nero, Hilter).

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Tori, it's amazing that you researched it with such rigor.

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I think it's vitally important that we are encouraged to and be allowed to make up our own minds. The crumbs are mostly all there and they add up to a banquet, perhaps a bacchanal. Anything & EVERYTHING to do with C19 from its origin to its antidote (down to, and most importantly, our individual sovereignty) should be DILIGENTLY researched. I am married to a (ret) combat veteran and if I learned anything as my time as an Army wife, it is this - nothing is as it seems. If your instinct is speaking to you, listen to it. Unfortunately science is no longer in this postmodern world primarily a search for truth but a tool for power, political or monetary. That does not mean that science does not do good, it does, but one cannot just “believe it” or “trust it” without critically thinking about it. I have hope in the American people being much wiser than the elites. I encourage all people and those with children not to have blind faith on any of this. The TRUTH sets us free.

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