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So an infomercial doesn’t have to have info?

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The Kennedy Senator from Louisiana said it best...the DNC Convention was a "Blizzard of Baloney", a Hollywood scripted 4 days of nothing but hating Trump and little vision for how they would govern in the future, no accountability for what the sitting Vice President contributed to how fucked up our immigration system, foreign policy, what they did to inflate our economy and how many wars we are now involved in and hiding that our current President was too cognitively impaired to serve at MacDonalds (they share a resume point here) let alone run the country...they threw Biden under the bus and the Obama grifters tried their best and fucking last attempt at racial pandering. how disgusting they were, particularly Michelle, how has always hated our country despite how good their situation is...I heard an idiot on Fox News today say that the DNC had more American flags than the RNC convention...really, this Joyful shit show full of people that just had their patriotism scripted for them by Spielberg......Tim Walz...half assed lying solider, half assed teacher and quarter assed governor that cost the children of MN to score 10 points lower in reading and math over the last few years years since his Covid shutdowns....WTF kind of leader is that?...a complete joke...took 31 trips to China, many funded by China...fucking communist...I know how I am going to vote and I will be not be happy voting for Trump again...we had better candidates but I will do so and hope that the Democrats choke on the shit sandwich that they are trying to feed to our country...our country has a choice and our system delivered a couple of flawed has a record of doing good things for the country and saying stupid things...the other, is the current failed VP of our country that has no accomplishments that cannot speak without a director and a teleprompter. This is not a hard choice.

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At the very least it showed a disciplined Party that could focus on a couple of results: unifying very disparate wings of the party, demonstrating appeal across every segment of the population, being patriotic. and focused on the extremely important goal of rescuing America from Donald Trump. None of this is nothing.

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My mother and father were immensely important to me. Would they be proud of me if I used half of a speech at the convention to talk about them? I think not. They would say “that is family business. Concentrate on the job you are hoping to do.”

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a show about nothing was the most popular show of a generation - and Elaine Benes fittingly popped up here.

it wasn't nothing though. it was an embrace of joy and positivity and that's not nothing.

it is a contrast to the Republicans who have a crazy old psycho as their nominee and a bunch of angry fearful people trying to scare the public about god knows what.

yes it's a vibe. for me, the vibe is PLENTY. it is ENOUGH. it is WINNING.

if conservatives wanted to argue about substance and policy in this election, they should have nominated a serious person who cares about policy, with earnest conservative convictions, and then they could argue their policy differences against a liberal nominee from the other side.

but instead they nominated a lunatic who is so uniquely contemptible, finding someone who can just smile and be joyful as contrast is ENOUGH.

the media is all mad at Kamala for dodging policy and dodging interviews. Well, if the Rs had nominated Nikki Haley they might have a point. But they didn't. They have Trump & Sons. You reap what you sow.

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Lunatic? how much did you pay for gas, milk, and other groceries when Trump was President? How close were we to World War 3 while Trump as in charge? How did your candidate hold China to account for Covid? Why did your team open the US borders to a flood of illegal immigratns? How did your party hold Iran to account for worldwide terrorism? You suffer mightily from TDS, that is emotional, we have alot of things to fix and we need people that know and can demonstrate success at fixing those things....I don't care for Trump but I will vote for the candidate that has a track record of doing great things for America...the highly scripted, Joyful candidate that spoke in Chicago last night is not the one I will vote for

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Well said.

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Nothing?! It was a parade of beautiful people, millionaires, celebrities peddling fear and outrage, the main policy of the Democrats. Millionaires and billionaires are the only people who can preach to the middle class. I'm sure everyone would agree. Oh, and the Project 2025 comedy segment was very entertaining. Fear, fear and more fear. Be very, very afraid. Look over there! and distract yourself from the fact that Biden/Harris already took our rights away. Freedom of speech, women's rights, parental rights...and the list goes on. There is nothing glamorous and glitzy about taking our rights away.

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Harris said early on how she wanted to bring the country together. She then spent 20 minutes slamming Trump. Thats a good way to bring people together. Biden did the same thing early on.

Harris is pandering to the voter. She knows exactly how she wants to govern, but would never admit this because most of the electorate would never accept her socialist agenda. I watched much of the convention but realized I have nothing politically in common with these people. I really believe they would cheer and support a pet rock if it was the nominee against Trump. I guess the treatment for Trump Derangement Syndrome is either “shock therapy” or Kamala Harris. Pick your posion.

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yeah that's kind of what these things are.

i rather expected more from the malcontents outside but...

hey where was bernie?

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Like an “infomercial”? Do tell!

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As an esteemed colleague of mine once said, "When you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there." Dems "insist they won’t “turn back,” but no one says where we’re going...." They have no idea.

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The Free Press banned me from commenting on this platform for 30days on July 24. In their explanation for the ban, they highlighted a comment where I accused all Democrats of believing that they are better than others and I accused the Democratic Party of being a crude cult. I also inserted the letter “K” in place of all “hard-Cs” in the text because I have often referred to the Democratic Party as the party of the Ku Klux Klan. For this reason, the Free Press saw fit to suspend my commenting privileges for an entire month.

I have written to the Free Press multiple times to ask for more clarification and have received nothing but smug, dismissive, silence. Nothing in my remark constitutes an ad-hominem attack because Democrats are neither a race, nor a creed, nor an ethnic group – they are idealogues. I likewise did not use any profanity in that comment.

Bari Weiss and the editorial team at the Free Press do not promote freedom of speech. They disdain criticism, abhor anyone who questions their obvious and odious biases and make no effort to support their own readership with meaningful explanations for which content is permissible and which is not. There is NOTHING in my remark that violated their “community guidelines”. My remarks are innocuous rejections of their preening, liberal weltanschauung.

Furthermore, the readership of the Free Press is not a “community” at all. It is a large mass of people from many different lifestyles and beliefs who expect to be treated with a certain measure of fairness when they subscribe to the publication. Part of that fairness should include a proper explanation for why commenting privileges have been removed for a 30day period with the prospect of appeal. But there is NO avenue to appeal their censorious decision.

This publication is a thinly veiled effort at rehabilitating the Democratic Party by outing its worst, fringe actors and ideas, while gaslighting its readership into believing that the editors are a group of rationally minded truth seekers looking for some form of “common sense”. They are not. The Free Press is a clique of wealthy, overly credentialed wordsmiths who shadow-ban and silence their critics without recourse to any form of appeal or explanation. And their decisions to ban subscribers from commenting on their site reflects their own level of paranoia, bad-faith, caprice and malevolence.

I live and work in the People’s Republic of China. I have done so for nearly 30years. I know this culture and political system intimately and well. I know what banning innocuous commentary leads to, and I know what hard authoritarianism looks like. I do not have the credentials or capital resources of many who read the Free Press in exotic locales or from the decks of private boats or stunning vacation homes and I have never been invited to give a TED Talk like Bari Weiss. My attacks against the Democratic Party and its apologists promote nothing more than open hatred for their insidious beliefs and ideas. Hatred for an idea is allowable in a free society.

Through the arbitrary and politically motivated enforcement of their policies, The Free Press has silenced many voices on their site in the guise of enforcing civility. They are wrong. They are deliberately empowering the worst impulse imaginable in humanity – the power of the powerful to decide who can, and cannot be seen, or heard.

The Democratic Party Rehabilitation Project… DELENDA EST!

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Thank you for sharing this. It is much like electing someone on a certain platform or even an imagined platform and then figuring out it was all bs. Welcome to today’s world. Very discouraging.

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"It’s unclear what these people are peddling."

Of course it is unclear, it has to be or they lose.

Democrats are trying to make Americans believe that they are "for" and/or "against" any & all vague issues under the sun ... because they are pretending to be for and against all of them at the same time (to garner votes from all sides in oder to stay in power) --- Power, which is their only true motivation ... get re-elected to keep power - away from the citizens) especially the power of all the government players, agencies and bureaucrats.

In French there is an expression that really suits Democrats since Biden "Trying to appease both the hungry goat and the cauliflower the goat wants to eat".

If the Democrat leadership "stand" for democratic principles in the US and everywhere, truly want peace they will have to grow some courage and face off with Putin, China, Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis and the like.

If Democrats believe in Israel's right to defend itself, stop Iran from ever trying an Oct 7 again ... the pro Iran/Hamas folks will have a fit, burn flags and take over campuses again - lawlessness that will ALSO have to be faced and dealt with instead of pacifying.

If they truly stand "for" Palestinians (who elected and still fiercely support Hamas, dream of annihilating all Jews from the river to the sea) they will be standing with absolute evil very similar to those antisemites who took the world to WWII, totally destroying their own countries and people, killing millions at the same time.

If they stand for the "global warming activists", they risk serious backlash from all the players in the economy including free citizens being forced to comply & pay for it all without any choice.

If they stand for the acceptance of millions of illegal aliens in the country & continuing to flow in, citizens in the places being overrun will react, the costs will skyrocket for all taxpayers, Americans in need will not be helped.

If they stand for all the freebies and debt forgiveness, those who will have to pay for it will revolt or our economy will simply implode.

SO ... what can Democrats safely actually DARE say they truly believe or stand for at this convention?

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I think it's very clear what the Democratic convention is peddling. And it's lies. But, Savodnik hits it right there. I think he's too gentlemanly, especially considering what is on the line for Jews all over the world. But he's saying that what they say makes no sense.

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It's been feeling like September 10th, 2001 ever since Trump was shot. Man, I don't like this one bit...

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The most surreal aspect of this entire episode is that if you went back in time 8 weeks (!) and said the things about KH that we have been hearing for the last 3 days, any listener would have thought you were insane.

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The realization that so many of my fellow Americans take Harris seriously is extremely depressing. She is a lightweight of the first order, caught on film many times streaming incoherent verbage in response to any important question. Sadly the Democratic Party has evolved into an identity machine...and all these sheep see is a woman, a black person, etc. etc. At least abortion is an issue, whether one sees it as a women's rights issue or a defense of the unborn life. Everything else in Demland is theatre and hypocrisy and leftist nonsense.

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All this whining about “not knowing” the Harris policy positions. Do you honestly think she would give someone else at the convention the role of announcing her platform - before she hits the stage?

ps the last show “about nothing” was one of the most successful shows in history.

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