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Jun 20·edited Jun 20

When you consider that most pharmacy customers are in the 50-plus age demographic, I don't think the "these are my pronouns what are yours?" intro is going to be a smashing success.

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Jun 19Liked by Madeleine Rowley

When people ask me why I'm voting for Trump (aside from the fact that I do like some of his policies) I always point towards things like this and many others. If nothing else, he's my battering ram.

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As a Jewish white woman with multiple recurrences of Lymphoma since 2018, I have at least 20 prescriptions that are filled every other week by my local pharmacy and sometimes by specialty pharmacies as well as the pharmacy at the cancer hospital.

Where is the white privilege for me? I stand in line just like everyone else . Many of us are in wheelchairs with no hair , sallow skin and eyes that are dark and shadowed. We can barely stay awake, or we are nauseous, cold and hurting from neuropathy . Nobody is focusing on people’s ethnic or sexual differences. The pharmacist is a lifeline for every patient. It’s life and death, not pronouns and sexual identity.

If anything needs to be taught or needs more clarity is working with patients who come from dozens of countries and struggle with communication. Usually I see the daughter or son translating for the patient, but sometimes the patient is alone and barely understands instructions in English.

This is the real issue, besides pharmacists making sure the latest medications are available for people like me.

The state is clearly misguided in their efforts to force pharmacists to be programmed on issues that pull them away from the more pressing issues.

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Dana, I sympathize with you as I just watched my mother go through radiation for a second time. I wish you a full and speedy recovery. Refuah shlemah!

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Thank you!!!!

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More importantly, hang in there Dana. Though I am a physician, I still cannot imagine your struggle. On top of the recurrent lymphoma is the incredible hassle and exhaustion navigating our medical system. All the best.

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Thank you so much. Yes, I have had many grueling treatments, none of which has given me long lasting remission. I still consider myself lucky. I live close to City of Hope, a world class hospital and I speak English. We can afford our insurance, albeit with expensive premiums.

I have witnessed many families who struggle with language and navigating the hospital with its many corridors and outbuildings.

For this reason I started an endowment at City of Hope to help those who need gas money, rent paid, groceries, child care, anything to support struggling families.

I don’t need indoctrination from the state to tell me what type of people deserve financial assistance.

We all suffer the same way when we are sick with cancer and forced to live in hospital for long term treatments.

If I could not afford my medications and needed financial assistance , would pharmacists pass over me and work harder to find ways to support patients of color or a specific sexual preference?

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It is important to bear in mind that (1) there is very limited time for mandatory annual training, and as there is almost nothing new in pharmacology, CA is simply trying to use this moment to get folks up to speed on key social developments; (2) the Trans community gets very little attention in America today, having been marginalized by the culture and the press (silenced), so the health care community must be trained/sensitized to their needs; (3) the deplorable resistance to Trans needs reflected in comments here shows that more, not less, mandatory training may be necessary; (4) even tho the Trans community is a tiny sliver of the population, it is the neediest, as it involves core identity and gender factors, so medical aid and understanding must be directed to them first; and (5) it is not true that a cabal of education and medical officials actively cultivate Trans/gender-fluid beliefs among youth and encourage them to doubt their gender and believe it can be changed, in the process helping to subvert families, undermine parental authority (such as it is), and make youth feel anxious and uncertain. We should be deeply grateful for State initiatives like this. There will be no questions.

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I can’t quite tell if this is a parodical comment or not.

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The comment imitates life. Sometimes I can't tell myself if I live in a parody of life or in life itself.

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deletedJun 20
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Thank you for your civility. My comment was tongue in cheek. I agree w you.

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deletedJun 20
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He got me too. His last sentence should have been a giveaway, I feel dumb.

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deletedJun 20
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Ain't that the truth. It's like the Babylon Bee all day every day.

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Males of all races are more likely to die of overdose deaths than their female counterparts and across racial groups. Black, American-Indian/Alaska Native, and white males are more likely to die of overdose than any group. See this piece below.


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Just when I thought the Golden state had past point of no return they managed to dig a little deeper. To think I ounce thought stupidity had a limit, now I'm not so sure.

I doubt they'll have enough U Hauls to keep up with the demand.

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Isn't that the definition of "point of no return"? You might have meant "the bottom". In the case of CA, both have been reached at the same time.

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Filling birth control prescriptions for men has to require some sort of advanced degree in cognitive dissonance. Thank you, California, for stepping up here.

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WTF is this “Dr. Tam Pham” beaking off about? If a patient is on testosterone or estrogen, you manage their drug-drug interactions accordingly. Pronouns have nothing to do with it….mostly cuz drug interactions don’t GAF about pronouns. Ffs.

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That's wrongthink right here. You should reconsider your incorrect world view. The baffled baboon and his fedzilla goons don't appreciate your type of commentary. There may be reprisals.

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From grade school through high school, college, grad school and continuing professional training, the goal is no longer education but indoctrination. I have given up on even visiting California. The last thing I want is for a pharmacist to tell me his or her pronouns and ask for mine.

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I just read Niall Ferguson's "We’re All Soviets Now" here. Seems he nailed it pretty good..

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Jun 18Liked by Madeleine Rowley

“Racism creates race: otherness and whiteness.”

And you know what else creates race, otherness, and whiteness?


For example, I spent the first 30 years of my life never having to think about whether Jews are white, white passing, or people of color. I just knew that discriminating over ethnicity, national origin, or religion is wrong.

Then suddenly during the last two years, I had to realize that for a significant percentage of people it matters whether Jews are white or not. It matters because, allegedly, white people have been the baddies throughout history, therefore they don't deserve protection. I guess they have never heard of, for example, the Ottoman occupation of Europe that lasted hundreds of years, or the Mongolian invasions of Eastern Europe which was a real genocide.

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18

I would never raise a child in one of these states that have been captured by Leftists. I feel bad for parents with children in these systems.

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18

Beyond the obvious problem of ideological poisoning of yet another profession, the primum non nocere - first do no harm - ethic goes out the window here and even endangers the broader population.

It's a true atrocity for a child to be sacrificed to the progressive agenda and have their life destroyed via 'gender affirming care' (there are exceptions) but at least the physical damage is limited to a single individual. In the case at hand, all patients of these pharmacies are potentially put in harms way as a consequence of the malprogramming of pharmacists.

Of course many supporters of this corrosive, unscientific programming are undoubtedly luxury believers - wealthy SoCal liberals with high end doctors, and thus have no exposure to the dangers.

The casualties of DEI and the progressive agenda are piling up and getting worse. After losing the humanities, psychology and other soft sciences, now hard science and medicine are slipping away.

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Jun 18Liked by Madeleine Rowley

Seems like the only ones benefiting from the creation and implementation of these training courses are the army of DEI administrators hired to enforce it all.

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The California legislature is out of control. We need sane people to run for office, but who wants to work with the people in place? I mean, really, do you want to spend your time arguing with Scott Wiener about gender affirmation? Whether 12 year olds should be able to consent to medical treatment without their parents’ knowledge or consent? You might as well spend your days talking to the crazy people pushing around carts in San Francisco.

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The sane people in CA are making oodles of money in software or biotech, or are hanging out on the beaches smoking weed. The crazies go into politics.

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I think you would have a more intelligent conversation with the street people.

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I think he was talking about street people in that "people pushing around carts" . I'm thinking "people pushing around carts" are more interesting (and smarter) then most in the California legislature , LOL ?

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William F. Buckley observed: "I would rather be governed by the first 1,000 people listed in the phone book than by the faculty members from an Ivy League University." The people of California would be better off being governed by a random selection of people than by the idiots they have elected.

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They're idiots themselves. You have the government you allow and deserve.

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Maybe the street people should run for office, too.

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Maxine Waters. Sheila Jackson. Yeah.

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Or maybe they have already been elected ?

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Ha, true.

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Jun 18Liked by Madeleine Rowley

Tolerance has morphed into "praise and admire with enthusiasm... or else"

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