Now THIS is a terrific deep dive into a horrid story. Thank you, Rupa, for the reporting.

Congress should ban debanking under all circumstances. It's too important to our culture to allow. The canard that debanking is needed to find terrorist cells is stupid; if banks find a suspect one, they can turn the info over to the FBI and let them investigate. Debanking needs to die.

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Dr. Joseph Mercola got debanked for being skeptical of the vaccines and promoting his health supplements which he had been doing for decades. But going against the narrative of safe and effective caused a major to drop him without warning. Meanwhile he has been proven right.

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We were not de-banked but run a charity with about $500K in assets for Franciscan efforts mostly in Asia and really struggled to find a bank.

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Great work! But a small complaint...Why say Melania "alleges" she was debanked? We can't take her word for it on TFP? WTcrap?

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The Patriot Act was the most the most catastrophic government program in my lifetime. It is also why the Cheney's support Harris.

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We live in a totalitarian state. To end it, vote for Trump.

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When this was happening to those on the right, you people thought they deserved it. Now that it's happening to a couple on the left, you are concerned.

This is only the beginning.

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Disagree. We are equally concerned about who gets debanked, and as I recall, TFP led the way on reporting the debanking of truckers in Canada for daring to stand up to Trudeau. I think your complaint is not warranted.

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This is a textbook tactic of a fascist government. Government agencies coordinate and dictate suppression and oppression of citizens in order to gain comprehensive control. It doesn't matter if you are politically aligned with the administration, if you openly disagree with any action of the government, or are not completely subservient, you will be targeted.

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“Debanking” isn’t really a thing. Colin Jost clearly made this point on Saturday Night Live when mocking Trump for using the word.

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Debanking is an excellent mechanism for punishing people who engage in or threaten and promote violence against others like, for example, the racist anti-Semites (students, faculty, administrators, and outside provocateurs) at Columbia and on other campuses.

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Debanking is bullying and should be banned. We have criminal law to "punish" people; banks are not government and should not be in that line of business.

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Stripe is one of the biggest offenders of this.

Joshua Moon - the webmaster of KiwiFarms (who has been debanked and deplatformed for years) wrote an article three years ago about the issues with debanking.


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This my point that the US government is purely a politicized entity so that whoever is in power can stay in power. Nothing more, nothing less.

They care nothing about the US citizens.

They only care about how to further their hold on government and thus all of us. What a decrepit failing country we live in that no one can do anything about.

Have you ever tried to email your state senator?

Don't bother as if you get a response it is a bot email and useless.

The presidential election coming up is a joke and only good for laughs.

You have one who is a narcissistic lunatic and another who is an ignorant figurehead who is run by Obama and the powers that be.

These are our choices and the world is coming apart as I write this.

I just heard that Sinwar the lead terrorist of Hamas is dead (good riddance) and that some UN and UNRWA officials were injured or killed in the war in Lebanon against Hezbollah. They were told to leave beforehand and chose not to. Well if you want to hide with Hezbollah then you may become a casualty.

It has been clarified that UNRWA people were part of October 7 and are directly connected to the terrorists.

Does anyone in the western world care?


Anyhow the US is a player in the world affairs but as any player it depends on the pieces you hold.

Israel is the only stabalizing force in the middle east and the US waffles about how they should conduct their war.

Like who told us not to bombs all over Europe and hundreds of thousands were killed.

Who told the US not to drop the atomic bombs?

Civilians dies in war especially when the enemy uses their own people to shield them and holds back food and resells it to their own people at a high price.

They don't care and the civilians are taught hatred and bias and WE (US) is on their list.

Why don't we have extreme sanctions on Iran so they cannot give their proxies money to build and equip underground tunnels.

You can't have it both ways.

Obama thought the Iran nuclear pact was a good thing and it will go down as the worst decision of the world's foreign policies.

I don't like Trump but he may put all the sanctions back on Iran and give the Israelis the okay to protect their country.

As far as debanking people etc. if the organization is funding terrorism then they should be stopped.

Why does Congress have a 10% approval rating?

Because they do nothing worthwhile except talk and look into issues and get paid with our dollars to do it.

Have a good day.

Israel is defending it's country and it's citizens and Hezbollah are terrorists funded by Iran and both need to be eliminated.

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As someone who works in financial crime compliance for a major bank, banks are put in an the position to implement somewhat vague rules and regulations around preventing money laundering and terrorist and sometimes it just becomes easier and more cost effective to “de-risk” (the banks term for this) a customer or customer type, rather than try to have al the controls you need in place or deal with the potential fines and consequences from regulators, not to mention reputational risk, of being part of something illicit. See the latest fine ($3 billion for TD Bank) for a lack of proper AML controls. There is a bit of a disconnect between policy makers and actual examiners in terms of what is expected from banks in this space. They may say all the right things about charities/non profits as a policy matter, but when an examiner comes in and sees you banking a Muslim charity that does business in Syria etc., even though that charity may be doing actually very good in the world, it just becomes too risky for a bank to make sure and be able to check up on alll of that.

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Articles like this one represent journalism at its best. Ms Subramanya not only informs us of something current that many are unaware of, but does so with details and cited examples and sources. She then goes the extra mile to point out aspects of both sides of the case for and against the issue in question. Excellent work Rupa!!

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Well done TFP. Let me see if I’ve got this right: post 9/11, greater power was granted US Government to surveil foreign actors; post January 6, US Government turned those powers on US citizens deemed a domestic threat to the political party in power. Jamie Dimon’s reply sounded a bit like Kamala Harris, “Can’t think of anything I’d do differently.” Yuk. P.S. I may or not be a Chase Bank customer.

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The day I found out my national bank (Bank of America) had gone all woke. I closed my accounts and made the lady at my Local credit union very happy. As for banking services, I still can’t believe the number of people I know who have substantial brokerage accounts and still do not avail themselves of the banking services offered by their brokerage firm. Believe me folks; your broker is far more interested in keeping you happy than your banker.

As to donating to Mid Eastern terror organizations; hell, everybody knows the easiest way to do that is through the UN and possibly OXFAM.

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