Boffo stuff. This article had everything: Trump, a house worth lots of money, Marines, George Floyd and smiling. And the photos are curated nicely. You might win a Pulitzer if you can be there when a "mostly peaceful protest" erupts... right at the time when and election is upon use. Think about it, Olivia! If you can sway more people against (the guy who you mentioned in passing without mentioning for purpose) then you could be hailed as the gal who saved America from him! Grrrl power!

Tell Bari I says. "Hi!" and if you get a chance, ask her why she didn't put her sister on the abortion beat! Only two and half weeks to go!

The Democratic Party Rehabilitation Project... DELENDA EST!

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Fantastic coverage, Olivia. This tragedy is the result of Progressive "criminal justice reform". Good samaritans are punished for protecting the public from violent menaces who should not be on the street.

DA Alvin Bragg must be named throughout coverage of this case. He has disgraced his office by making it politicized and racialized. Justice is no longer blind in NYC and deep blue cities. Illegal immigrants can beat up cops in broad daylight in Times Square and get released on no bail. If you are in a protected class, you get a slap on the wrist. If you are Daniel Penny, you get the book thrown at you.

The jury pool of this trial is the same that convicted Trump on an even flimsier case. If they find Penny guilty, they will condemn themselves and all women to open season for criminals. AOC and Salazar will always have taxpayer-funded security and SUVs to protect them from the subway. Everyone else will be subjected to anarcho-tyranny.

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