Matt Walsh’s movie was grating. It would have been awesome if he’d just shut up and let these women talk. Give them enough rope to hang themselves. Instead, Walsh stepped all over the potential of this movie by inserting himself and his not very funny sense of humor. It was all about Matt.

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Hollywierd in trouble……tsk….tsk.

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About the ladies in the Hamptons and their first world problems.

Is The Free Press trolling us? Is the article clickbait for a core TFP demographic? A reflection of the author's own internal agita? Or something else?

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1 hr ago·edited 51 mins ago

"Megalomaniac... makes a man recognizable by just one name. Napoleon. Hitler. Mao" You forgot Chang (aka Kevin)

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If you like this sort of thing, you can find a hell of a lot better over on Sasha Stone's substack "Hollywood Woketopia." I started off with her scathing/hilarious piece on Robert DeNiro, his "Travis Bickle" character in "Taxi Driver," and how DeNiro and the character compares with the Butler shooter. If that doesn't grab you, nothing will. (Careful with that word "grab," there, Mikie).

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Well thank you NYT movie review. Meanwhile the Mistress went to a safe area of the border to give a Baghdad Bob impression. The Middle East is getting worse and the economy still sucks. But go spend 80 bucks for two on fantasy and add in Kamala Joy while you are there.

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Am I a Racist is a flawed film you have to be kidding. It was brilliant Matt Walsh let the DEI liars destroy themselves with their own words and it’s was funny as hell. Calling it flawed shows just how insecure the folks in the Free Press are almost like they know they are grifters too getting rich pretending to be be real journalists when in fact they are nothing but a bunch of unrepentant New York Time liberals who still listen to NPR every morning.

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So yeah ummmm….women do not need to fear aging at all. We can be silver foxes too! I am 47 and get more male attention now than when I was in my 20s. Only Hollywood thinks women are too old to live life once they hit 40.

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Actually your 40s are freaking awesome. You’re bathed in perimenopausal estrogen and sexy as f*ck. But then you turn about 55 and that all fades and you step into a new chapter of your life. It’s all what you make of it and how you’ve seen yourself for the previous 50 years! I find it odd that we still see the same ol’ story line out of Hollywood, and this Demi Moore movie is no different. Our value does not disappear with our age!

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As a guy, you are absolutely correct.

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I saw “Am I Racist” with my sister who is a self proclaimed DEI supporter. In all fairness she does have a medical degree in a woman’s field. While I was laughing at the outrageous behavior of some of the want-to-be un racist people in the film, she was getting angry at Matt’s “tricks and deception”. I don’t think we’ll ever agree on the facts, but after 3 days I’m still contemplating them while she’s just angry. Angry at what I ask, no reply.

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The answer to "Am I is Racist?" is yes. For any movie reviewer or critic who refused to watch the movie.

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Spouse and I planned to go see it in Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn, where it was playing. We took a walk on the beach instead. It might've been fun watching anti-racist types fall into traps, but eh.

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Beach walking is always better. Glad to know it is showing in Brooklyn and that the "Brooklyn Ladies" didn't shut it down. 😀

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From the Intros, I see that I can skip this "news and opinion" website today, but maybe come back later and make fun with the commenters.

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What time is kickoff for the Georgia/Bama game again?

If you're in the Washington DC area tomorrow, please try to attend the 'Rescue The Republic' event. Its free of charge and has a fantastic lineup of speakers and participants. I'll be curious if TFP covers it at all or ignores it like the MSM. Guess we'll see next week.

Just as an FYI, The Rescue The Republic movement is founded on 8 pillars:

-War is always the last resort

-Sanctify/recodify informed consent

-Banish state media control, surveillance and propaganda

-Enact a rational border policy

-End Lawfare and abuse of the judicial system

-Secure monetary freedom

-Restore family sovereignty

-Return to truth-seeking and open dialogue


Finally......and I'm sorry to ruin your weekend, but I saw this, so now you have to. https://x.com/mazemoore/status/1839819043366211684

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"If you're in the Washington DC area tomorrow, please try to attend the 'Rescue The Republic' event. Its free of charge and has a fantastic lineup of speakers and participants. I'll be curious if TFP covers it at all or ignores it like the MSM. Guess we'll see next week."

Hopping it is 1. on Youtube/Rumble, 2. live streamed.

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Word to your mother E Dub.

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(See what I mean)?

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