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As a former proofreader, I enjoy coming across the odd typo, while still paying attention to the message in the text, of course. "Quiff" is a promiscuous woman. "Quaff" has to do with gulping a drink. "Coif" refers to a hairdo, which is the one the author wanted, I think, in describing Trump. Good essay, though.

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Will Betteridge's Law of Headlines finally be refuted?

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In a nutshell, Democrats are making the point for voting for Trump. The Progressive values of Woke ideology, embraced by all but a few old fashioned Liberals, have invalidated the very foundations on which our country was founded. America First is as apple pie as putting your family first. Many thanks to entities like TFP and The Bee for championing my right to state this publicly.

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I could care less whether Trump could turn the Bronx around...the miserable aaaahols voted in AOC and they can live with the moron they is all the deserve....

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I think you mean you COULDN'T care less, don't you, Ken?

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Even so. AOC will cruise to a massive re-election

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We will see, the DSA that has been supporting her seems to having some issues with her to the extent that they might be walking away from her. She not only has exposed herself to be a empty shell of a "representative" for her constituents BUT also has exposed that she only takes the standards of the DSA seriously when election time comes along and afterwards she disappears on them. Also the counter rally she tried to muster against Trump wasn't only a failure (not only by the number of people who showed up but also seemed like the majority in that counter rally wasn't even from the Bronx) Ms. AOC wasn't even there. It would be amazing that without the support of the DSA she ends up loosing, on top of her fellow Squad member Jamaal Bowman loosing his sit and Trump winning.

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May 27Edited

I would bet you are wrong. My immigrant parents were from Queens, and Brooklyn. I love their common sense and patriotism. They still have it and I heard that same sentiment of love, spoken in their unfakable regional accents, in the people interviewed live at the Trump rally. The idea that they really like the woke nonsense of the democrat party line is false. Most will rebel and vote Trump.

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Love seeing the love for nuclear families by those there in the Bronx. Biden and his minions are so far out of touch from what the majority of Americans want, it's insane. Can't wait to see him gone.

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Voted for Trump twice and will do so again. I don’t think he’s a nice person, I think he can be unbelievably petty (as in, I truly am dumbfounded by how petty he can be), and I think he’s a terrible politician. He has only himself and his Twitter account to blame for losing the last election.

That said, his actual policies were excellent. “Remain In Place” was a huge success that Biden is now hurriedly trying to put back in place for political posturing reasons rather than ‘you can’t have a country without borders’ logic. The world in general, and the Middle East in particular, were calmer with him in office. I don’t care that the foreign powers/enemies were concerned that he would do something impetuous - they stayed in line, and as compared with today, it’s quite the difference. For those who knowingly and falsely claim he’s a racist, he dedicated more funds to HBCUs than any president in history, including our prior black president. He also created the structure for opportunity zones, where critics claimed investors only put money there to make a profit. To which I say, focus on the end results and don’t try for your version of perfection. Rich people are generally rich for a reason and trying to keep them from staying rich or getting richer is usually a fool’s game. He also stood up to China, put a bright spotlight on media bias, made NATO countries under Russia’s guns actually start paying a bit more for their own defense, brought hundreds of billions of repatriated profits back to our shores, and lowered unemployment for minorities to the lowest levels in history at that time.

He did this with a hostile media and constant DOJ attacks and investigations. How is Trump being tried for his documents when Biden gets a pass for being senile? How was Hillary able to fund Russian Collusion and not get tried for it and how does “the Big Guy” influence peddle with China and the media and DOJ just look the other way? The list is too long and this post is too long already (apologies), but Trump was a good president despite being an arrogant and poor politician. I know I can’t stand to see the Biden & Kamala show for another 4 years. The nonstop physical and verbal stumbles, the constant lies (Inflation Reduction Act, anyone?), the clear mental deficiencies, and the craziest far left policies that even the normal and lefter-leaning liberals are now wanting scaled back. No, thank you. I’m the opposite side of the Never Trump coin. Only Trump, despite not liking him personally.

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Well said. I am saving your comment to show friends of mine who are conservative, but say they won't vote for Trump.

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Essentially they’re voting then for a continuation of misinformation, incompetence, and an erosion of the things that support any functioning society.

Biden’s lies are now even being called out by NYT and WaPo. Kamala stating “the border is secure” while minutes later live news cuts to a migrant getting off a Texas-provided bus as he quotes “No, the border is not secure. Everyone knows it. That’s why we’re all coming.” And KJP’s performances are simply embarrassing. I get her job is to support the President but at what price do you trade your dignity? Is any job worth that, and so publicly?

Incompetence. So much ammunition. The Afghanistan pullout would have been a fireable offense in the private sector. It bordered on criminal, literally criminally incompetent. The “Inflation Reduction Act” that the NYT cravenly waited to pass before saying it was anything but. The aforementioned border situation. How he declared war on American fossil fuel only to have to buy it from abroad and now trying to inject more from the reserves since it’s an election year. So pathetically transparent and incompetent. Pushing America to ‘cleaner’ automobiles without any understanding of the problems with mining for and disposing of electric car batteries, not to mention the infrastructure and costs impacts on said Americans. Lastly, Bidenomics as a whole and how the lower earners - even with his Govt-dependency-inducing programs and handouts - are doing worse, not better.

And as for our eroding foundations, the far left seem immune to nuance. To remove bad policeman (who are a far fewer number than progressives seem to believe) they want to eliminate law enforcement entirely in lieu of ‘community counselors’. At least Biden, even in his diminished state, realizes the folly of this thinking. Far left grooming in education leads to the ‘you can’t make this up’ situation of “Queers for Hamas”, for God’s sake. It’s created an entire generation of people who believe socialism “hasn’t been done right previously” and is a viable solution to all the “evils of capitalism”.

Without borders, law and order, and a strong tax base the United States will slide inexorably down from our current day perch. Our education system already has and the results are evident to anyone who is paying attention. Stop the slide. Grimace if you must but click the box for Trump in November. If you don’t, you deserve to get what you vote for.

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I have serious reservations about the reporting in this article. It’s not just that it contains questionable content, but this writer seriously lacks journalism training. Was this article even “blessed” by an editor before going online?

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What are you reservations exactly? I am from New York City and I have to say even if the majority of people that showed up at that rally to support Trump weren't from New York City, the fact that there was not a massive counter rally that some Democrats in the borough tried to organize, including AOC (who was a no show) that says more. And it is not farfetched that the Bronx could turn Red, especially when this year the Republican's picked up a sit in city council when the North Bronx decided to vote for the first female Republican within that borough.

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Events like this give me hope for this country. As the Dems scream: Who you gonna believe, me or your own lying eyes?

Last week, I was flying home through Baltimore. Sitting in an airport bar, there was a sudden commotion in the terminal. A group of about 50 very old veterans was passing through in matching t-shirts and about half of them were in wheelchairs. Someone started clapping and within seconds, everyone in the terminal, probably a thousand or so were on their feet applauding as these old veterans passed by. Many, including me, were moved to tears. It was a great testament to ordinary Americans. Screw all the naysayers, we the people still love this country, all it stands for and those who defend it with their lives.

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Wow wish I was at the airport to see that and yes you are right we DO LOVE AMERICA, the problem is the Democrats hate America you only had to listen to Biden’s speech at Morehouse College to realize how much they hate America that’s just one example I’m giving you there are plenty of others - you want change then vote for Republicans this fall!

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YES! As I've heard it said, wish I could remember who, this divide isn't between the Left and The Right, it's between the Elite and the Normies. As Tucker says, between the Those that Intentionally Lie and Those that Try to Speak The Truth.

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@olivia_reingold I think you missed a large part of the reporting here. In November 2023 the Bronx elected its first local Republican in decades. CM Kristy Marmorato now represents CD13. There is a thread you didn’t pull into the story that unwinds the changing realities in the Boro.

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I did not vote for Trump in 2016 or 2020. But I simply cannot vote for Biden this year. I don’t know if I am morally capable of voting for Trump.

It’s hard to figure out what to do.

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I’ll figure it out for you “Vote Trump” you won’t be sorry🇺🇸

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Grow up, Ralphie, and quit being Nero while Rome burns.

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Kennedy or someone. A protest vote. B'sides, we'll never get a third option if we keep voting for the same useless parties.

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I used to think like this. They don't care about your protest vote. It is, to them, the same as if you didn't vote. They don't look and say "hey, we need to get that vote". They say "We can ignore that guy, because he doesn't really vote". Protest votes only work if it takes power away from them. But if you vote elsewhere and they maintain power, as far as they are concerned, you may as well have voted for them.

Only principled people who actually want to represent the people care about that...and most of these idiots are NOT that kind of person. Ultimately vote for who you want to be elected. But be aware of the ramifications.

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You're not selecting a prom date! Look at how Trump will handle the issues you care most about. Decide accordingly. Good luck to you if you think Obiden has "built back better."

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The issue I care most about is democracy and respecting the results of democratically held elections. That's why I can't vote for Trump.

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What about the republic? Given the acrimonious conditions we currently endure If we have democracy leftists will be rounded up into camps or conversely correctists.

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Trump is not any danger to democracy. The 2020 vote count and the whole voting procedure was rigged and distorted by using the pandemic as an excuse for illegal changes in procedure. It was a travesty.

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My God, you’re still drinking that Kool Aid? Judge after judge, including those appointed by Trump, ruled it definitely wasn’t rigged—100%.

But I’m sure you have a conspiracy theory at the ready to explain that too


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I don’t give a dam what some bullshit democrat judge has to say. He will sing a different tune when Trump gets his balls in a vice. Revenge at ten fold will be the order of the day You have been warned, My sincere advice is to get the hell out of America. You will not enjoy trumps second term. High thee back to the godless perverted shithole country you come from .

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Trump, while not perfect by any means, is not as bad as the media has portrayed him these last 8 years.

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Yeah, but it's funny how they mention Biden shat his pants but not Trump.

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Did Biden shit his pants? Do you claim it’s a lie? Yet the whole 4 years of false impeachments and collusion propaganda is permissible. No guy from Queens is putting up with that sort of BS.

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Yes, as a matter of fact I do claim it’s a lie.

That said, I’m not 100% certain Trump shat his either, what with deepfakes et al.

(Your whataboutism is just silly.)

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I admit I haven’t even read the article yet; I have been absorbed by this photo. Strength, beauty, love. My America, that I am grateful to share with this father and son.

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It’s the system that Biden and silent buddies have just dismantled and dumped on the country. As soon as you get to grips with it they will mangle it again and blame Republicans.

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I appreciate TFP for first hand, on the ground reporting like this piece from Olivia Reingold. She reports on real people she talked with, both pro-Trump and anti-Trumpers. This is what I respect as real journalism.

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F-bombs and middle fingers. Lotta class there, protesters. You just demonstrated why never-Trumpers like me are actually considering voting for the man.

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They're not "protesters." They're flat-out nihilists.

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You never noticed the F-bombs and middle fingers at Trump rallies? There are classless people on both sides.

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<remembering all the misogynist t-shirts from the Trump I era>

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And yet Governor Hochul of the party of "tolerance and acceptance as long as you vote for us "derided those attending the rally as idiots. The lack of logic of Torres and AOC speaks volumes to their intelligence and integrity. Had a Republican acted as these three, the mainstream press would have had a field day.These people have a different set of rules for themselves.

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You forgot to add "and science" after "tolerance and acceptance".

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Since Covid, they haven't been beating the science drum so much. A combo of being wrong about that specific science and having severe issues with basic biological reality has made them retreat from it for now.

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