
Gotta love religion. 😁

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You can’t be serious. It is Israeli law that Jewish citizens of Israel have superior rights to Muslim citizens. It is explicitly two tier. Jim Crowe except written into the national law. Moreover, Gaza is an open air prison camp, guarded by Israel on all 4 sides, including Jordan and Egypt. No one moves in or out of Gaza without an Israeli military shakedown. Re West Bank , the PLA is a Kapo institution funded by the US through the IDF. It executes IDF policy in the west bank though corrupted Palestinian officials. There is no authority in the PLA other than the US and IDF. Are you just pretending to not know this or are you actually that ignorant ?

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All religions are man made. They are run by men (and not enough women) and as such they are fallible. They are not the ultimate authorities. Catholicism is no different. The Catholic Church has been run by men and they make and uphold these rules. Oftentimes, if not frequently, they break the rules. The Catholic Church is no different than any other religion; it's man made and it is not Divine. Religion is a way in which we can talk to God. Only Spirituality is Divine.

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“The people here feel betrayed and abandoned by the Church, which they say has forsaken its own ideals in favor of modernity and liberalism.”Islam forsook modernity and liberalism and in many parts of the world live as they did in the second century. No thanks.

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Notwithstanding the gratuitous statement "probably don't believe Jews are Christ-killers," I thought this article presented a fair "woman on the street" report of interviews/quotes/speeches of the attendees, and reflects their views not the author's views regarding the conference and the schism between the Canceled Priests and the Catholic Church leadership under Pope Francis. It is certainly a lot more objective than most of the dross that passes for journalism these days. I think most commenters bring their own biases as practicing or lapsed Catholics, Atheists, Jews, R's and D's who don't want their worldviews defined by how the Canceled Priests label those groups, etc. to their editorial comments. I think Suzy did a good job leaving most of her biases (or what my biases cause me to stereotype her biases to be) at the door, which is the job of a reporter.

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Wait...”they SAY” they weren’t canceled for ‘that’? By ‘that’ I’m assuming you mean the rape and assault OF CHILDREN and a proven systemic coverup so profound, concentrated and dedicated that it absolutely beggars belief, that ‘that’? And you, a journalist, didn’t dig around and figure out if any or how many were rightfully run out of the society of any good and decent people for committing these unspeakable crimes? You just went with “they say”? Whatever J school you went to should be offering full refunds and then turn its classroom space over to the janitorial staff to make better use of it.

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Great investigating Susi. Where to begin to add some dimension, known as my person experiences lol. 1) I am a child-sexual abuse survivor and therefore extremely aware of how any, literally any thing of a sexual nature from adults can destroy trust in a person - irreparable damage in so many areas of their lives and of course as a survivor, I seem to notice it everywhere. 2) But in the early 2000’s when I am raising my two children in the church only to accept communion from a known Pedophile, made known as my family, young children in tow were ‘Papped’ outside the Church, hundreds of cameras in our face. 3) to learn the church just moved these predators around…unconscionable, evil. 4) SO YOU MEAN TO TELL ME THE PEDOPHILES DONT GET CANCELLED BUT THOUGHT CRIMES DO? Ffs 🤦🏻‍♀️. And here comes my main point: is it really any surprise when you only let unmarried men into your little order? No Women, No Married Men. As far as I am concerned, I know many gay priests. They tend to be the good ones because they are truly compassionate and not usually going after children (so I find some of the theology, especially against homosexuality and antisemitism) disturbing from this particular group. It’s basically written in the structure. I will have nothing to do with the Papacy, the hierarchy of the Catholic Church that I was steadfast raised in and raised my children. So now, we have our incredible faith and we don’t have to be a part of where the Catholic Church (not Catholics of course) the Papacy is more often than not, on the wrong side of history. It is always been run by Gay Men basically, so they keep it very secret and closed as if the answer isn’t staring them in the face. You want the Catholic Church to survive, offer Preistess -hood, Women are the key and Married Men. Give me a break. Until then, I worship personally and have some beautiful relationships with Preist including our local parish . The Monsignor has literally stepped up for me more times than I can count. He loves good dinners, company, my husband brand of cigars and plenty of wine.

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In any job if employees were bashing the appointed or elected ceo and advancing an agenda that ran counter to the one the organization wanted to bring forward under its leadership, they'd be let go or relegated to the back office. This isn't different. They're free to go get other jobs or to start their own churches.

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According to the Fee Press, at the NYP Suzy Weiss coved, "covered the internet, culture, dating, dieting, technology, and Gen Z." This is another, poorly written, and somewhat biased, article by Weiss. She apparently does not have the chops to be a serious journalist. Disclaimer: I'm not catholic.

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A cradle Catholic Back in the Day (Latin); I really wondered when "Vatican II" uglifed and dumbed down the whole experience; went away to college and lapsed fully. Came back to Christ but not the Church but I always thought of the Church as being the church with training wheels; that it at least had adult leadership. Not so much now...

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I'll defend Suzi's use of “probably.” She was correct to shade the absolute, because she can't know for certain that ALL these priests have abandoned the Church's pre-Vatican II notion that "the Jews killed Our Jesus." She has no way to know how many, if any, of this group secretly pine for the old days of Jewicide. Thus, "probably don't . . ." is legitimate.

Like most of us, I assume these priests and the Church have well and truly abandoned that murderous libel. But no writer can assert that as fact. “Probably” may not be the ideal word, but I didn't see it as Catholic-bashing. or even snark.

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This is what's known as blowing the anti-semitism dogwhistle while maintaining plausible deniability. Why does every TFP piece need to have something like this in it? No one actually thinks these conference attendees are antisemites. - A proud Orthodox Jew

"For many, that means returning to a time before the Second Vatican Council, which, among many changes, expressly disavowed any theological basis for antisemitism.

The conference attendees probably don’t believe the Jews are Christ-killers,"

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This seemed unnecessary to me also.

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Did anyone at this shallow selfish meeting talk about social justice, poverty, real mercy? Or is it just a MAGA-in-black-robes rump organization, fixated on themselves and their insular grievances?

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The latter.

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Great Conversation - Thank you for bringing it up! Everyone at the conference and on the chat board should read The Immortality Key by Muraresku about the formation and marketing of Catholicism. Fantastic stuff.

All should be discussed.

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“.....but they do crave a more authentic Church, one that hasn’t forgotten itself.” Good quote. I think you understand this movement.

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The self-righteous consign the Pope to the lower regions of Hell? I lay awake nights in fear of places and retributions that exist only in superstition and poorly written Bronze Age nonsense. Enough already.

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