Fair enough. Bottom line is no one is perfect. But there are ways to work on issues in our Constitutional, and yes capitalist, society to help others even as we help ourselves. Decent laws passed by decent legislators would be a start. It’s such a complicated situation. But certainly our easy, Western life, especially for the more afflue…
Fair enough. Bottom line is no one is perfect. But there are ways to work on issues in our Constitutional, and yes capitalist, society to help others even as we help ourselves. Decent laws passed by decent legislators would be a start. It’s such a complicated situation. But certainly our easy, Western life, especially for the more affluent, leaves us with lots of time on our hands and that, more often than not, gets us into mischief.
Fair enough. Bottom line is no one is perfect. But there are ways to work on issues in our Constitutional, and yes capitalist, society to help others even as we help ourselves. Decent laws passed by decent legislators would be a start. It’s such a complicated situation. But certainly our easy, Western life, especially for the more affluent, leaves us with lots of time on our hands and that, more often than not, gets us into mischief.