I've run marketing programs for huge companies and small companies and stats are like most things - they can be used for good or used for bad. Marketing is the same. Nudge Theory can be used to help people lose weight, improve mental health, or become more productive by using our own cognitive biases towards a positive end, or Nudge Th…
I've run marketing programs for huge companies and small companies and stats are like most things - they can be used for good or used for bad. Marketing is the same. Nudge Theory can be used to help people lose weight, improve mental health, or become more productive by using our own cognitive biases towards a positive end, or Nudge Theory can be implemented through Twitter to make common people believe, by manipulating their media and "nudging them along," that there's a majority of people out there who actually believe men can get pregnant (it's less than 1% of the population - and they don't believe it either).
We are ALL left brained and right brained, we are all extroverted and introverted, and we are all both heart and mind. A strong mind and a tender heart by Martin Luther King Jr. is perhaps the greatest sermon ever given. It is the personification of the argument that we must both be moved by stories (tender hearted) and grounded in fact (strong minded). I'd like to pretend I get the mix right - I don't - but I do actively try. Admittedly, I probably fall too hard on the stats side and lack a certain degree of empathy that would serve me well. Luckily I married a woman that has enough empathy for both of us - and reminds me often, whether I want her to or not :)
I've run marketing programs for huge companies and small companies and stats are like most things - they can be used for good or used for bad. Marketing is the same. Nudge Theory can be used to help people lose weight, improve mental health, or become more productive by using our own cognitive biases towards a positive end, or Nudge Theory can be implemented through Twitter to make common people believe, by manipulating their media and "nudging them along," that there's a majority of people out there who actually believe men can get pregnant (it's less than 1% of the population - and they don't believe it either).
We are ALL left brained and right brained, we are all extroverted and introverted, and we are all both heart and mind. A strong mind and a tender heart by Martin Luther King Jr. is perhaps the greatest sermon ever given. It is the personification of the argument that we must both be moved by stories (tender hearted) and grounded in fact (strong minded). I'd like to pretend I get the mix right - I don't - but I do actively try. Admittedly, I probably fall too hard on the stats side and lack a certain degree of empathy that would serve me well. Luckily I married a woman that has enough empathy for both of us - and reminds me often, whether I want her to or not :)
If all the statistical data were set forth by ethical humans such as yourself the world would be a better place.