In which case, why would he have bothered to accumulate more wealth at all? We allow people to get wealthy because the rest of us benefit more from their industry than they do themselves.
If you feel comfortable pretending that totalitarian finance isn't pissing down your shirt collar and that it isn't allied with the CCP fine. Go back to sleep.
Thank goodness we live in a free country where people can keep the fruits of their labor. You arenтАЩt much different than the тАЬgangsтАЭ that Roger warns us about. Steve Jobs and many other тАЬplutocratsтАЭ created so much value for the world-why canтАЩt they keep some of it and give what they kept to whomever they wish? Communists are such pathetic people.
I'm anything but a communist, but I think the fairest taxes around are "death taxes". Let people earn what they want when they're alive, but after death, give the government who provided the platform for you to work a cut, say 50%.
Bow wow wow wow wow. America is a Constitutional Republic and we are citizens in it. The totalitarian bitch slap good cop/bad cop capitalist/communist grift is the reason American's live from crisis to manufactured psyop crisis every day of their lives. Nobody wants your $$$$$ or the theft of your labor more than the surveillance state bureaucracy now serving totalitarian criminal finance. (Davos is in session.) Trillions in missing and unaccounted for tax dollars, American city's in ruin's, mounting debt , inflation and chaos no solution's forthcoming. The DNC has Bill's on the House floor right now pushing for the criminalization of American free speech and thought. The only thing you've got is the Constitution and the Bill of Right's it contains. When that's gone so are you.
I think I get you. When I was a child I saw wealthy peopleтАЩs children тАЬpiss awayтАЭ pretty good fortunes with profligate lifestyles. But nowadays the fortunes are so vast and the levers of control so accessible to the irresponsible receivers of these fortunes, that they can eat away at the pillars of our society. The exes of two bazillonaires come immediately to mind. Billions of dollars being misspent can wreak existential havoc.
But I would have prevented him from bequeathing the majority of his fortune to his wife and progeny.
" his wife and progeny...."
But Patrizia, men work and takes risks precisely so they can take care of the wives and progeny. That is what motivate them.
You must single not to understand this.
In which case, why would he have bothered to accumulate more wealth at all? We allow people to get wealthy because the rest of us benefit more from their industry than they do themselves.
YouтАЭallow people to get wealthyтАЭ? Wow, thank you so much comrade.
How would you have prevented someone from doing with whatтАЩs rightly theirs. Sounds like you codify with the CCP. The world needs less fascism.
If you feel comfortable pretending that totalitarian finance isn't pissing down your shirt collar and that it isn't allied with the CCP fine. Go back to sleep.
Thank goodness we live in a free country where people can keep the fruits of their labor. You arenтАЩt much different than the тАЬgangsтАЭ that Roger warns us about. Steve Jobs and many other тАЬplutocratsтАЭ created so much value for the world-why canтАЩt they keep some of it and give what they kept to whomever they wish? Communists are such pathetic people.
I'm anything but a communist, but I think the fairest taxes around are "death taxes". Let people earn what they want when they're alive, but after death, give the government who provided the platform for you to work a cut, say 50%.
Government provided a platform? Seriously? This may be the most ignorant comment today.
Bow wow wow wow wow. America is a Constitutional Republic and we are citizens in it. The totalitarian bitch slap good cop/bad cop capitalist/communist grift is the reason American's live from crisis to manufactured psyop crisis every day of their lives. Nobody wants your $$$$$ or the theft of your labor more than the surveillance state bureaucracy now serving totalitarian criminal finance. (Davos is in session.) Trillions in missing and unaccounted for tax dollars, American city's in ruin's, mounting debt , inflation and chaos no solution's forthcoming. The DNC has Bill's on the House floor right now pushing for the criminalization of American free speech and thought. The only thing you've got is the Constitution and the Bill of Right's it contains. When that's gone so are you.
Whatevs, dude.
I think I get you. When I was a child I saw wealthy peopleтАЩs children тАЬpiss awayтАЭ pretty good fortunes with profligate lifestyles. But nowadays the fortunes are so vast and the levers of control so accessible to the irresponsible receivers of these fortunes, that they can eat away at the pillars of our society. The exes of two bazillonaires come immediately to mind. Billions of dollars being misspent can wreak existential havoc.
Fascist alert!