
Andrew Sullivan - Ditto. You and I are on the same page. Noise pollution. Let's add it to the list of seven deadly sins.

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Well Catslelove, just because it's rarely done, does not mean it's not worth doing!

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The BBC know less about journalism than Nellie does. Stop it. :-)

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I'm so glad to hear about positive stories, I've all but quit reading about all the crapola going on, it is too depressing.

However, this is the first Free Press email I've gotten in months and I am a subscriber. Do I need to go to the website or will I be getting emails? I fear for what I've missed.

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I love the Free Press but was really getting tired of hearing the same depressing stories over and over again. They clearly have their thumb on the pulse. Excited to hear more stories of people finding solutions rather than problems!

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From the carefully posed picture, it seems the classics kids love the Hamas rapists just as much as kids from the public schools.

It doesn't appear that anything can stop the indoctrination. I'm willing to bet they goosestep to the beat of RCP8.5 and the rest of that psuedoscientific nonsense, as well.

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The coming US election will determine whether it will continue to slip into the control of the Marxist influenced progressive element that currently is at the helm of the Democratic Party.

It is not Biden himself that poses the threat, it is the institution he represents.

It is the leftist progressives in that party that are the greatest danger to American democracy.

Trump is definitely not a Marxist progressive nor does he pose near the danger to the country that the leftist the anti-capitalist movement does.

An America under the control of Donald Trump and the Republican Party is far more likely to retain its freedom than if the Democratic Party is allowed to continue to erode it.

Trump may be unsavoury in many respects but he does not have the same appetite of social control as does the Marxist progressive element that currently holds such significant sway in both public and private decision making agencies.

A vote for Trump is a vote for the survival of personal freedom while a vote for Biden will pave the way to its eventual elimination by those using his candidacy to further their communistic agenda.

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Stewart Varney just interviewed her on Fox Business. She seems sincere. Again, I support her efforts to combat wokeness in schools and her support for biological women in sports. Her motives do not concern me.

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On the Andrew Sullivan story about public “music”, otherwise known as NOISE….I agree 💯 with his comments. Few things in public irritate me more than being forced to listen to other peoples crappy music or their entire phone conversation. People of all ages have no manners anymore or any respect for others.

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Picking neither is a vote for Trump, whether you’re abstaining or voting for a hopeless third-party candidate. I’ll grant you that Trump is merely a Disney Hitler, meaning a relatively bland, ludicrous as Bozo the Clown wrecker of our Constitution and power in the world through our alliances in service to his ventriloquist Putin. No Holocaust. Only stabbing heroic Ukraine in the back and domestic wars on feminists, civil rights activists and blacks, the LGBTQ+, illegal immigrants, and libs in general, plus using his SCOTUS and Justice Department to do exactly what he falsely claims is being done to him for his obvious, lifelong crimes.

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No, it’s not. Sod off with your “if you don’t vote how I want you’re really voting for the other guy” bullying crap.

Politicians have to earn my vote. They don’t just get it because you imagine some insane fever dream scenario if your guy doesn’t win.

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You forget, the Trump show as Hitler and Stalin and the devil and the evil incarnate and whatever else crude and idiotic appellation you ascribe to him has already had a four year run, none of which things you intimate he’ll do ever actually came about.

Unless low inflation, no wars, culling some federal regs, rising wages without government requirements, record black and Hispanic employment, slowing the border invasion and not encouraging same are all too horrible for a freaking flaming radical leftist to contemplate.

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Even Haley rightly criticized Trump for doing little to slow the border invasion. And Trump just blocked the best immigration bill in decades, so he could have the border to run on. Low inflation was a function of economic circumstances he was not responsible for. And black and Hispanic employment has been higher under Biden than Trump. So you freaking flaming radical fascists must have some other reasons in Idaho for adoring your idol. White supremacy and "Jews will not replace us" couldn't be relevant, could they? Do you actually think Trump won in '20, despite the total rejection of ALL his legal claims of being cheated by dozens of courts? Do you actually think Trump's various attempts to overthrow the election, for which he will be put in jail if his cases can ever come to trial, were justified? Are you. sincerely sorry the "patriots" for Trump didn't succeed in murdering Nancy and hanging Pence that day? That's your idea of standing tall for the Constitution? Somehow the Capitol police on duty that day would beg to. differ with you.

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Whatever dude. It’s always so sad to see people repeat leftist tropes as if they’re true.

As if the media never twisted words or made shit up to meet the prescribed narrative.


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Leftist tropes are repeated by those that have zero clue as to what is actually going on.

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Free Press, thank you for pursuing and publishing articles about people who are making a positive difference. Keep up the good work. This is a major reason why I subscribe to F.P.

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"But wait, there’s more!" Is this a nod to Jaw Tooth, of youtube train video fame?

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Thanks for the info about Jennifer Sey’s new company. Jonathan Isaac also launched a new clothing brand a few months ago https://weareunitus.com/ supporting many of the same values. Hope Jennifer’s company will have quality women’s jeans as well as sports gear.

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Constantly reminding me of the value this publication holds!

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Monica Lewinski was a mere awed youngster, wowed by being attended to by the President, when her behavior - BJs under the Lincoln Desk for Bubba; cigars in the woo woo for him to later sniff - was revealed, against her will. She has tried to "come back", with mixed results.

Christine Ballsy Ford vol-un-fucking-teered to expose her teenage behaviors (CHOOSING to hang at a party with teenage drunks). She thought her memory was important for America to hear. In service of Bork-ing a Republican SCOTUS nominee. Even if something happened, there were so many holes in her story as to make her testimony incredible. Who has not paid for her narcissistic indulgence? The Democrats who brought her to testify on camera. "Who turned her trauma into a political football", Kat? Democrats. A decent respect for civility and for, well, decency would have counseled to keep her away from the hearing. Her hippocampus is warped. She needs to go away.

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Anyone here started watching the 3Body problem on Netflix? All you need to know what is coming is just about few minutes from the beginning of episode 1. Crazed masses are conducting “struggle session” with an esteemed professor of physics denying all common sense and screaming nonsensical slogans. How do you brainwash masses? Slowly and steadily. We are witnessing the insanity. Everything we consider normal is abhorrent to them. The old mummy pretending to be a president who represents everything what’s wrong with this country is hailed as our savior. Unfortunately this is not a sci fi novel. It’s becoming our life. Unfolding live and I feel helpless. And btw. Growing up in a communist country I also took Latin

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