The only thing "presidential" about him is that he might actually outweigh Taft and would be our fattest president. So self-discipline is a problem. Oh and did I mention his being a back stabbing sycophant.
But the worst aspect of Christie is how he sat imperiously on that Jersey beach, enjoying the …
The only thing "presidential" about him is that he might actually outweigh Taft and would be our fattest president. So self-discipline is a problem. Oh and did I mention his being a back stabbing sycophant.
But the worst aspect of Christie is how he sat imperiously on that Jersey beach, enjoying the sun and sea that he had denied to his "subjects." Disqualifying. Not to mention his little bridge caper, for which he let subordinates take the fall. Our political class is truly a clown car.
I'm about 14 hours late on this one, holiday weekend at all.
But seriously, Bruce, don't you think the wretched afternoon Christie spent on that beach that so disturbs you is matched by Trump's three hour sojourn he took while he watched the TV entertainment of his rabid supporters trash the Capitol on Jan 6 looking for his Vice President's head? (Of course what they would have done with it is anybody's guess - I don't think the average IQ in that crowd was on the high side).
And on the back stabbing - ask the hundred or so contractors Trump totally screwed in Jersey as he bankrupted his companies three times. Or the poor minions who enrolled in his fake university. (yeah, yeah - they got a small settlement) But that's ok, it's capitalism.
I guess that's the American way.
And sycophant? Oh boy. Let's see. Trump on bended knee to Putin in Helsinki doing service on him. Does that suffice?
Somebody better tear into that opportunistic charlatan - and if it's Christie - so be it..
A friend who has a similar unhinged hatred of Trump remarked to me before the election that "if he had the choice between voting for Trump or a pile of shit, he'd vote for the pile of shit."
Now after 2 1/2 years of Biden's misgovernance, racial division, corruption, and general senile imbecility, I pointed out to him that he got his wish.
Think about it for a second. Enjoying a vast expanse of sand and sea that you deny your subjects. That's the mindset of a Mideast Potentate or Nicolae Ceascescu or Kim Jong Un. Not an elected public "servant." 100% disqualifying.
Who we are is oft expressed in one act. But, with Christie, it wasn't just one act. Yet that one stunningly tone deaf and imperious gesture alone spoke volumes about his unfitness.
When I refer to your three examples I see the state murdering its citizens for imagined crimes. Not a day denied on a beach. No matter. Christie was probably tone deaf there, but hey, so was Trump when he boasted how he could do whatever he wanted with women because of his celebrity. But since be lowered taxes, that’s forgiven. Christie is owed the same, imo.
I didn't see Trump's comment so much as a boast (but who knows with him) as a comment on the type of women who prostrate themselves before rock stars, athletes and other celebrities. Or vote for people such as Gavin Newsome based solely on his looks.
It might have been a comment on how ‘women prostate themselves’ if it had been said generally (and of course, carefully - in today’s climate). But he injected himself in it and you knew it was only about him. As it always is..
Bruce, That's just unkind. I'm sure you're better than that. Christie was wrong to use that beach house while others were denied access to their local beaches. And the bridge fiasco was, indeed, vengeful. But Christie's been bullied enough about his weight. We all have our weaknesses, and Christie just does not have a svelte body type to begin with. Governor Murphy was wrong when he, at this inauguration party, posed with a life sized cut out of Christie at the beach, mocking his size. Is this what we want to teach our children? btw, Governor Christie was the first Governor in the United States to sign important Dyslexia legislation.
That was at the height of the 2012 election and was a kick in crotch of the Party nominee, Romney, because Christie was passed over from VP. A spiteful fool who stabs fellow Rs on both ends of the spectrum, first Romney and now Orange Man.
It didn't waste my time. Christie is as viable a candidate for president as anyone else running, and his polling numbers at this stage matched Trump in the first election. He's as deserving of an interview here as RFKj or any other declared candidate.
My only issue, which I laid out elsewhere, was that it's fine to read the Trump-bashing, I wanted a lot more questions about how Christie intends to govern if elected. Including, yes, "why were you such a dick on Bridgegate?"
This is a fluff piece that tells me nothing new. whenever I see Republicans attacking trump ( often for good reason) I cannot help but marvel how the dems never attack their own and in fact will avoid discussing ( of distorting) the facts when it comes to a failed policy ( inflation , the border etc) . No matter how ineffective or destructive the policy or the use of trumpian language to destroy the other side they circle the wagons and allow the MSM to run effective interference for them. Whether you like them or not , you have to respect their ability to focus on the prize which in politics is winning
@Michael I hear ya. I am a political independent who searches constantly for traditional Dem writers who criticize their own. Sadly I have no go-to writer. Dems need their own Lincoln Project (Roosevelt Project?). I once emailed Kevin D Williamson this Q. His reply? "Please let me know when you find one"
I listened to the entire Joe Rogan RFK Jr podcast and watched about 1/3 of it. I concluded if RFK Jr was Dem nominee vs Trump in yet another "lesser of two evils choice" general election, I would not be able to vote for either ... again. Fortunately for me the 2016 Libertarian ticket was the best ticket so I could cast a ballot without holding my nose.
Except, Michael, the MSM (propaganda arm of the WOKE Left) is crucifying RFK Jr., and they totally ignored Bernie!
The Left is appalled RFK Jr. is “daring to run against a sitting President of his own Democrat Party” and they say, “He is the greatest threat to Democracy” (Hello, isn’t that what you screeched about Trump?!)
Must mean the WOKE Left fears RFK Jr., mainly because he’s agreeing with Trump on the border, the economy & the war with Russia!
They WILL eat their own if they dare go against their narrative!
Please resend to me my "screech." about threats to democracy ( a phrase that is idiotic on its face and has yet to bd defined by those who toss it around with no conception of what they mean or object to).There are many reasons the media does not like and wants to silence Kennedy. Part is vaxx stuff and part is to silence anyone on the left who questions Biden and his failed policies etc. I try to be consistent in my posts here and elsewhere. I am of the view that Trump did a lot of good things but his personality is a big problem. You are free to defend him and his antics. And I am free to criticize same. As many have noted here and elsewhere, I am looking for someone who can win in 24. I do not believe that person is Trump. Again you may feel otherwise.
A thought on the coming election: The force driving both sides remains undefined. It exists outside human moral reason and conscience because it is able to ignore the adverse human consequence's of its own action's. It is pathological not political and exploits the ideological without belief in any specific ideology. It can rationalize any expediency but is able to escape the landscape of the reality it foster's. One can intuitively feel its' presence but can only glimpse it in the destruction it leaves behind. It is able to totally adapt and insinuate itself into any human reality without the human recognizing the intrusion. It is able to distort the human experience of time and truth while hiding in plain sight. It can weep on demand and speak of hope and virtue while planning the slaughter of the innocent. The present is always defined by its personal past and prologue to its control of the future. Its best intention's spring from nearsighted self-interest and poison all human discourse. It devour's the young, cast no reflection in the mirror, waste's all natural resource's and is willing to employ the firestorm to ensure the control of human destiny.-----------Knock knock--who's there?
Where does Christie stand on inflation, immigration, censorship, the pursuit of "equity" over competence? Bari did a good job challenging him on his hypocrisy around supporting Trump, but what about Trump's policies and Supreme Court picks?
It's clear Christie's an unprincipled opportunist desperately trying to stay in the spotlight. If anti-Trumper Republicans want a credible candidate, let them run Mitt Romney again. At least he seems sincere, not like this blowhard and bully.
I'm not sure Skinny,Lara and Gratful that allowing Bruce to decide for you whether Christie is worth listening to is a good idea. One hundred others agree with you, it seems.
. Yes, Bruce, is always an interesting and often amusing read BUT since we so often criticize the low information, ignorant, deplorables who put TRump into the WH, I wonder whether all of us who plan to vote for anyone, shouldn't spend the vew minutes it takes to go right to the source and decide for ourselves. After all, even Bruce has his biases and I am not sure that his would necessarily be mine.
As to our valuable time being wasted - Bari let's us listen rather than read so you can listen while you are eating breakfast or brushing your teeth.
Bruce, as much as I agree with you on many things, this is not one of them. Christie deserves his few minutes in the spotlight so that we can see his flaws and his strengths. Do I think he can win? No, of COURSE not! But saying that he doesn't, or shouldn't, be given a platform is just plain wrong.
Oh yeah, I forgot to say that I wouldn't vote for him anyway!
He 'deserves' nothing. Any attention he receives is down to who chooses to give it to him. Since TFP is a paid news platform, those of us who pay should be allowed to point out when we feel that Bari and Co's limited time is being used on subjects or people that we are not interested in.
There are far more interesting candidates with platforms that actually have a semblance of substance some of us would rather Bari spend time on.
No, Christie does not. He was great in 2009 and then tried to be Judas in 2016/7 and now again. He is being paid by the republican precisely to bitch about Trump, nothing more.
Waste our time? Seriously, Bruce? You're gonna engage in an ad hominem to undercut Christie? Hmmm. Lots of personal traits you can critique things one can say about all of them To say nothing of Biden, Newsome, and the gaggle of wannabes of the Democrat Party.
Christie showed his capacity for stupidity in that Jersey beach lounging photo. So also in hanging out and hugging Jerry Jones in the Cowboys stadium private box. The bridgegate thing was classic political power move and he got exposed.
But nothing is disqualifying if Donald Trump has ever been elected. Nothing. Oh, yeah, the pussy grabber in chief was elected in 2016 in a revolt of the masses against the corruption of the political class.
The only question that matters is whether a candidate is capable of leading. Clearly Trump is not, unless you want him to lead a breaking and entering parade at the US Capitol.
Many in the field lack the charisma to engage voters' interest (e.g., Pence is snooze time and his policies are straight out of Bible Belt America). When you shake the candidate trees on right and left, a lot of deadwood is gonna litter the yard. Who can lead? Better for Republicans to search for that person, no matter past stupidity.
Someone is going to be elected President. If Trump is the nominee, Biden walks in - maybe a landslide. House and Senate break for Dems.
Perhaps if you want a serious chance of ousting Biden and the Dem Senate you need to look past truly silly faux pax and find leadership. I suspect the Fat Man has more of that than the rest of the crowd. He certainly has balls.
"If Trump is the nominee, Biden walks in - maybe a landslide."
Lol. 2015 called and wants its punditry back.
I think you overestimate the number of xanax-addled NPR listeners. But perhaps the democrats can muster a 2024 summer race riot to get their base motivated...
Take two xanax and call your shrink in the morning, sweetie. Pussy is what makes the world go round. We all know that. I think you might have some "issues".
Christy is no better or worse than any of the other egocentric sociopaths, Dem or Rep running for President. However, I will vote for any Republican over any Democrat/Socialist, no matter how corrupt or loony he or she is.
The Republicans are just stupid. Democrats are evil.
We need a Rep president and congress to reverse the evil the Dems are forcing on us. We need someone to not discriminate against the alphabet gay community, just ignore them. Force our schools to stick to teaching the three Rs (that is figuratively). Ensure teachers leave their politics, ideas of social engineering, racial philosophies like CRT at the door and if they can't fire them. Have them teach that this country, warts and all is still the land of the free and the home of the brave. Democrats hate that concept and try to undermine it. It is as if they can't look around and see truly evil countries like Russia, China, Cuba, Islamic countries and North Korea and dozens more and then look at our country and think, thank God I was born here and not there.
We need to overhaul our political atmosphere and try and change the opposition party's hateful, destructive agenda like calling concerned parents terrorists. The way you do that is through aggressive, truthful advertising and change the minds of the voters to a more middle of the road thinking to destroy the radical left's vile, destructive philosophies.
The Republicans have the ammunition to do these things so why are they sitting on their hands? The radical left sure doesn't.
Make specific teaching unions illegal. I'm not against workers organising; I am against what has been glommed on by activists/collectivists/nihilists. Like the organisations representing the constabulary in the UK, such for teachers need specific rules to keep them non-partisan and non-ideological.
and you realize that there are large factions of the democratic party that would label you evil. I guess I'm the kid in the playground watching two irrational bullies fight and decide I really dont have to pick either side
The left labels anyone who disagrees with them as evil. The definition of a racist is anyone who wins an argument with a leftist. You can substitute xenophobe, homophobe, fascist for racist.
"The left" "them" "they". These broad brush stereotyping charecterizations dont help we Americans move the coversation forward. For sure it applies to some leftlies, I've for sure experienced it myself however I wouldn't use your language to describe all left leaners. To the credit of the article we get some research stats on your very ascertaion.
Good question. There does seem to be a deafening Republican silence. I actually left messages with our local organization offering to volunteer and they never returned my calls. Everything in the D.C. political seems to have a "cloaking device" that leaves "we the people" having to guess at what the reality actually is. And, then there is the DNC lie machine. Defeating the DNC will buy us time but until that happens?
I continue to believe the capitalism vs. communism diatribe is a trap. The DNC/Davos crowd is certainly past it. Their CCP based image of the 15 minute city/euthanasia on demand/ thought crime prosecution/ surveillance model has European's rioting in mass against the EU. (The destruction in France is mind boggling.) The world thinks swinging to the "right" will escape the inhuman sterility of the totalitarian "left" but, is international criminal finance not playing both ends against the middle?
The force destabilizing our Republic is the bad social/financial policy emanating from a Federal Government captured and controlled by rigged game financier's. Right now most of the psyop and assault on "we the people" and the Constitution is the battle over control of the electronic platform's that filter's the flow of idea's and the conversation that make's up our national dialogue. The financier's themselves, top heavy in wealth, don't invest in business and infrastructure. A look at the violence and decay in the heart's of our major cities pretty much confirm's that their action's destroy it. Big Tech ownership, probably out of the desire to survive, is making itself a complicit partner in the creation of a surveillance state. Shouldn't our real vision of the American future be the break-up of Big Tech and its reduction to a utility? Likewise, the heavy regulation and taxation of monopolistic monster's like Blackrock and Vangard who manipulate our supply chains and corrupt our elected political leadership. Our train wreck of the week, collapsing bridges and highways, shi't in the street downtown's say it's time for the money to flow the other way. This is neither capitalism or socialism. It's just the common sense solution that would allow America to begin a return to the "life, liberty and pursuit of happiness" it deserves.
The word "Capitalism" was a pejorative in origin and remains a pejorative. Corporatism and Socialism are the same thing; witness Ford and Fiat contributing to industrialisation in the Soviet Union and American "Capitalists" contributing to the Nazi indusrial economy. Take away the labels and just concentrate on describing Nazism, Fordism, Fascism, and Communism and you will find those descriptions converging. The same goes for our contemporary "isms". It is all the SAME nonsense on stilts.
If truth/fact based subscription journalism didn't have the tiny toe hold it does there would have been no Twitter Files. DNC behavior during the Taibbi/Shellenberger Congressional hearings made it clear that the lie felt the blow. I watched a German film on Hanna Arendt and her reporting on the Eichmann trials last evening. The abdication of individual moral responsibility by the German people led to their submission to the Reich and ultimately the destruction of Europe. The little fire we're trying to kindle here is important. America, and the world, has entered a new age. I already support more truth/fact based journalist's than I can keep up with. But, there are good people doing the work and they deserve the support. I'm trying to see with new eye's even though the story we're witnessing is as old as time. Besides, we all know, nobody get's out alive. Glad you're there. Keep on rockin'.
Anyone who has read the Trans Leviathan would agree with you that the "capitalism vs. communism diatribe is a trap" and that the "force destabilizing our Republic is the bad social/financial policy emanating from a Federal Government captured and controlled by rigged game financier's":
Also, euthanasia is big in Canada... which has no free speech - just like the state of MI which just passed a law criminalizing "misgendering". Who has name changes/new "identities" outside of cults? (And made up things like optional pronouns?). After the MI thing I especially appreciated Tucker Carlson's Episode 8:
This Biden / Trump WAR is destroying us & the divide is getting almost too wide to bridge!
That’s assuming they even want to bridge it.
I am beyond disgusted with the “Orange Man Bad” “Fu*k Joe Biden & Heels Up Harris” “Basket of Deplorable, MAGA Cult” blah, blah, blah “whataboutisms” rhetoric coming out of BOTH sides!
We desperately need a centrist, peace maker, but is there someone? Or is it too late bc the lines are drawn, and the War has spilled too much blood already?
It is NEVER too late for a peacemaker to appear, Honey. Somewhere there is someone who remembers that old bit of doggeral we used to sing long ago in my high school choir when we actually believed the words ., " Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me" Maybe that someone will remember them too and take them to heart.
Your "handle" reminds me of an old English proverb: You catch more flies with honey than vinegar. Flies represent your goals. Honey stands for agreeable things that you do to achieve your goals. You can win people to your side more easily by gentle persuation than by hostile confrontation.
Gentle persuasion is not much in favor these days. The frustration we all feel with a country seemingly going crazy seems to require hostile confronataion but that doesn't seem to be working too well. Time perhaps to try some honey.
Too short a CV and what there is is underwhelming and/or troublesome. Not a rocket I'd get onto. Maybe youse should stop running around in panic and terror glomming onto the most sub-optimal solutions in fear.
Oh I apologize. I didnt look at your name and thought you were the person who's been taunting me for asking if the Reps are ready for a minority woman. I wouldnt have been so reactive to your quick comment. Are you calling me or Hayley a RINO?
I respect your opinion, and she was an excellent messenger, I just think she lacks political creativity. I want to like her, and would vote for her over any Democrat, but believe there are better choices. Liking her as much as you do, you really should read her book.
Lastly, and this will sound sexist, but I think she'd make an fantastic VP running mate.
I cannot disagree with that estimation either. Imagine what she'd achieve compared to Kamala. I don-t think it's sexist because it's realistic. I think if she proved herself, she'd have a chance at the big job in later years. Perhaps she could shine some of her class on whoever she's VP to. This is really an idea I'd like to see gain some ground.
I love to see the breadcrumbs of society finally be able to string a few words into something reasonably coherent--well done Burner. It is too bad it is nothing but whataboutism and gaslighting. Not too late to get back on that train, man.
The only people who think Jerseyites are cool and make good candidates? Apparently Burners and other Jerseyites. Good luck!
The breadcrumbs of society?? really??? who do you think you are? Have you ever met any these people?… Why in the world would you call them the breadcrumbs of society? What makes you so different or more special from anyone else here?? your comment is incredibly ill mannered and rude
Go back to your desert 'city of fun', dude and smoke some more of whatever.
Christie is a paid member of the RNC, nothing more, and the RNC hates Trump because he actually did what republicans campaigned on - but did not do - since Ronaldus.
I need to ask what you've been smoking. Trump *owns* the RNC these days.
- Why has the RNC been paying Trump's legal bills?
- How else did Trump get the talented sycophant Ronna McDaniels installed as chair? (And how else did Trump get away with forcing McDaniels drop the "Romney" from her name?)
- Why else is the RNC insisting that all primary candidates must sign a pledge that they'll back the party candidate at Election Time -- or else they can't be in the debates. Such a pledge only helps Trump.
EVERY ONE knows Trump will sign that pledge, but NO ONE believes he'll abide by it himself. But it may keep some candidates out of the debates and it will certainly give Trump talking points against his primary foes.
Christie? You waste our time with this?
The only thing "presidential" about him is that he might actually outweigh Taft and would be our fattest president. So self-discipline is a problem. Oh and did I mention his being a back stabbing sycophant.
But the worst aspect of Christie is how he sat imperiously on that Jersey beach, enjoying the sun and sea that he had denied to his "subjects." Disqualifying. Not to mention his little bridge caper, for which he let subordinates take the fall. Our political class is truly a clown car.
I'm about 14 hours late on this one, holiday weekend at all.
But seriously, Bruce, don't you think the wretched afternoon Christie spent on that beach that so disturbs you is matched by Trump's three hour sojourn he took while he watched the TV entertainment of his rabid supporters trash the Capitol on Jan 6 looking for his Vice President's head? (Of course what they would have done with it is anybody's guess - I don't think the average IQ in that crowd was on the high side).
And on the back stabbing - ask the hundred or so contractors Trump totally screwed in Jersey as he bankrupted his companies three times. Or the poor minions who enrolled in his fake university. (yeah, yeah - they got a small settlement) But that's ok, it's capitalism.
I guess that's the American way.
And sycophant? Oh boy. Let's see. Trump on bended knee to Putin in Helsinki doing service on him. Does that suffice?
Somebody better tear into that opportunistic charlatan - and if it's Christie - so be it..
A friend who has a similar unhinged hatred of Trump remarked to me before the election that "if he had the choice between voting for Trump or a pile of shit, he'd vote for the pile of shit."
Now after 2 1/2 years of Biden's misgovernance, racial division, corruption, and general senile imbecility, I pointed out to him that he got his wish.
But the beach?
Your hatred of Christie is over that? That’s a lot of animosity over a pile of sand..
TDS Bruce!
There appears to be a lot of BDS on this site as well. So let’s call it a draw..
Think about it for a second. Enjoying a vast expanse of sand and sea that you deny your subjects. That's the mindset of a Mideast Potentate or Nicolae Ceascescu or Kim Jong Un. Not an elected public "servant." 100% disqualifying.
Who we are is oft expressed in one act. But, with Christie, it wasn't just one act. Yet that one stunningly tone deaf and imperious gesture alone spoke volumes about his unfitness.
When I refer to your three examples I see the state murdering its citizens for imagined crimes. Not a day denied on a beach. No matter. Christie was probably tone deaf there, but hey, so was Trump when he boasted how he could do whatever he wanted with women because of his celebrity. But since be lowered taxes, that’s forgiven. Christie is owed the same, imo.
I didn't see Trump's comment so much as a boast (but who knows with him) as a comment on the type of women who prostrate themselves before rock stars, athletes and other celebrities. Or vote for people such as Gavin Newsome based solely on his looks.
It might have been a comment on how ‘women prostate themselves’ if it had been said generally (and of course, carefully - in today’s climate). But he injected himself in it and you knew it was only about him. As it always is..
You forgot the gas tax.
Bruce, That's just unkind. I'm sure you're better than that. Christie was wrong to use that beach house while others were denied access to their local beaches. And the bridge fiasco was, indeed, vengeful. But Christie's been bullied enough about his weight. We all have our weaknesses, and Christie just does not have a svelte body type to begin with. Governor Murphy was wrong when he, at this inauguration party, posed with a life sized cut out of Christie at the beach, mocking his size. Is this what we want to teach our children? btw, Governor Christie was the first Governor in the United States to sign important Dyslexia legislation.
I remember Christie buddying up to President Obama, which was enough to disgust me.
It's too bad that you view Christie's visit with Obama through such a lens; Christie was trying to do the best for New Jerseyans.
That was at the height of the 2012 election and was a kick in crotch of the Party nominee, Romney, because Christie was passed over from VP. A spiteful fool who stabs fellow Rs on both ends of the spectrum, first Romney and now Orange Man.
Are you aware of why Christie was lauding Obama? It sounds like you cannot believe that a politician may actually exhibit gratitude.
Really, which politician is that?
It didn't waste my time. Christie is as viable a candidate for president as anyone else running, and his polling numbers at this stage matched Trump in the first election. He's as deserving of an interview here as RFKj or any other declared candidate.
My only issue, which I laid out elsewhere, was that it's fine to read the Trump-bashing, I wanted a lot more questions about how Christie intends to govern if elected. Including, yes, "why were you such a dick on Bridgegate?"
Christie is a known commodity and most Republicans will not vote for him, no less independents. He is a crass opportunist.
Yes, he is.
This is a fluff piece that tells me nothing new. whenever I see Republicans attacking trump ( often for good reason) I cannot help but marvel how the dems never attack their own and in fact will avoid discussing ( of distorting) the facts when it comes to a failed policy ( inflation , the border etc) . No matter how ineffective or destructive the policy or the use of trumpian language to destroy the other side they circle the wagons and allow the MSM to run effective interference for them. Whether you like them or not , you have to respect their ability to focus on the prize which in politics is winning
@Michael I hear ya. I am a political independent who searches constantly for traditional Dem writers who criticize their own. Sadly I have no go-to writer. Dems need their own Lincoln Project (Roosevelt Project?). I once emailed Kevin D Williamson this Q. His reply? "Please let me know when you find one"
Thanks for the chuckle. And where is Kevin these days?
Michael, listen to or watch interviews of RFK Jr. with Joe Rogan, Tucker , or a YouTube Town Hall hosted by a visibly hostile Elizabeth Vargas!
I listened to the entire Joe Rogan RFK Jr podcast and watched about 1/3 of it. I concluded if RFK Jr was Dem nominee vs Trump in yet another "lesser of two evils choice" general election, I would not be able to vote for either ... again. Fortunately for me the 2016 Libertarian ticket was the best ticket so I could cast a ballot without holding my nose.
Except, Michael, the MSM (propaganda arm of the WOKE Left) is crucifying RFK Jr., and they totally ignored Bernie!
The Left is appalled RFK Jr. is “daring to run against a sitting President of his own Democrat Party” and they say, “He is the greatest threat to Democracy” (Hello, isn’t that what you screeched about Trump?!)
Must mean the WOKE Left fears RFK Jr., mainly because he’s agreeing with Trump on the border, the economy & the war with Russia!
They WILL eat their own if they dare go against their narrative!
Please resend to me my "screech." about threats to democracy ( a phrase that is idiotic on its face and has yet to bd defined by those who toss it around with no conception of what they mean or object to).There are many reasons the media does not like and wants to silence Kennedy. Part is vaxx stuff and part is to silence anyone on the left who questions Biden and his failed policies etc. I try to be consistent in my posts here and elsewhere. I am of the view that Trump did a lot of good things but his personality is a big problem. You are free to defend him and his antics. And I am free to criticize same. As many have noted here and elsewhere, I am looking for someone who can win in 24. I do not believe that person is Trump. Again you may feel otherwise.
Also, totally agree w you on Trump in ‘24!
NO Michael - NOT your screech! Sry. should have been clearer … I was referring to MSM😐
A thought on the coming election: The force driving both sides remains undefined. It exists outside human moral reason and conscience because it is able to ignore the adverse human consequence's of its own action's. It is pathological not political and exploits the ideological without belief in any specific ideology. It can rationalize any expediency but is able to escape the landscape of the reality it foster's. One can intuitively feel its' presence but can only glimpse it in the destruction it leaves behind. It is able to totally adapt and insinuate itself into any human reality without the human recognizing the intrusion. It is able to distort the human experience of time and truth while hiding in plain sight. It can weep on demand and speak of hope and virtue while planning the slaughter of the innocent. The present is always defined by its personal past and prologue to its control of the future. Its best intention's spring from nearsighted self-interest and poison all human discourse. It devour's the young, cast no reflection in the mirror, waste's all natural resource's and is willing to employ the firestorm to ensure the control of human destiny.-----------Knock knock--who's there?
Where does Christie stand on inflation, immigration, censorship, the pursuit of "equity" over competence? Bari did a good job challenging him on his hypocrisy around supporting Trump, but what about Trump's policies and Supreme Court picks?
It's clear Christie's an unprincipled opportunist desperately trying to stay in the spotlight. If anti-Trumper Republicans want a credible candidate, let them run Mitt Romney again. At least he seems sincere, not like this blowhard and bully.
Thank you Bruce I don’t need to read this column. I went straight to the comments to check, yours was first so thank you again!
I'm not sure Skinny,Lara and Gratful that allowing Bruce to decide for you whether Christie is worth listening to is a good idea. One hundred others agree with you, it seems.
. Yes, Bruce, is always an interesting and often amusing read BUT since we so often criticize the low information, ignorant, deplorables who put TRump into the WH, I wonder whether all of us who plan to vote for anyone, shouldn't spend the vew minutes it takes to go right to the source and decide for ourselves. After all, even Bruce has his biases and I am not sure that his would necessarily be mine.
As to our valuable time being wasted - Bari let's us listen rather than read so you can listen while you are eating breakfast or brushing your teeth.
Same here
I did the same, Skinny -- so thank you, Skinny, and thank you, Bruce, for saving me time.
Bruce, as much as I agree with you on many things, this is not one of them. Christie deserves his few minutes in the spotlight so that we can see his flaws and his strengths. Do I think he can win? No, of COURSE not! But saying that he doesn't, or shouldn't, be given a platform is just plain wrong.
Oh yeah, I forgot to say that I wouldn't vote for him anyway!
He 'deserves' nothing. Any attention he receives is down to who chooses to give it to him. Since TFP is a paid news platform, those of us who pay should be allowed to point out when we feel that Bari and Co's limited time is being used on subjects or people that we are not interested in.
There are far more interesting candidates with platforms that actually have a semblance of substance some of us would rather Bari spend time on.
Time is a really precious commodity, why waste any of it on Christie.
No, Christie does not. He was great in 2009 and then tried to be Judas in 2016/7 and now again. He is being paid by the republican precisely to bitch about Trump, nothing more.
Waste our time? Seriously, Bruce? You're gonna engage in an ad hominem to undercut Christie? Hmmm. Lots of personal traits you can critique things one can say about all of them To say nothing of Biden, Newsome, and the gaggle of wannabes of the Democrat Party.
Christie showed his capacity for stupidity in that Jersey beach lounging photo. So also in hanging out and hugging Jerry Jones in the Cowboys stadium private box. The bridgegate thing was classic political power move and he got exposed.
But nothing is disqualifying if Donald Trump has ever been elected. Nothing. Oh, yeah, the pussy grabber in chief was elected in 2016 in a revolt of the masses against the corruption of the political class.
The only question that matters is whether a candidate is capable of leading. Clearly Trump is not, unless you want him to lead a breaking and entering parade at the US Capitol.
Many in the field lack the charisma to engage voters' interest (e.g., Pence is snooze time and his policies are straight out of Bible Belt America). When you shake the candidate trees on right and left, a lot of deadwood is gonna litter the yard. Who can lead? Better for Republicans to search for that person, no matter past stupidity.
Someone is going to be elected President. If Trump is the nominee, Biden walks in - maybe a landslide. House and Senate break for Dems.
Perhaps if you want a serious chance of ousting Biden and the Dem Senate you need to look past truly silly faux pax and find leadership. I suspect the Fat Man has more of that than the rest of the crowd. He certainly has balls.
"If Trump is the nominee, Biden walks in - maybe a landslide."
Lol. 2015 called and wants its punditry back.
I think you overestimate the number of xanax-addled NPR listeners. But perhaps the democrats can muster a 2024 summer race riot to get their base motivated...
Hmmm...I see that little bridge payback hit paydirt.
The world outside the Great Metropolis was delightfully amused at how much havoc a few traffic cones could cause.
You know, of course, that someone could have gotten out of their car and moved them.
Your use of the p word disgusts me. You’re done.
Take two xanax and call your shrink in the morning, sweetie. Pussy is what makes the world go round. We all know that. I think you might have some "issues".
Christy is no better or worse than any of the other egocentric sociopaths, Dem or Rep running for President. However, I will vote for any Republican over any Democrat/Socialist, no matter how corrupt or loony he or she is.
The Republicans are just stupid. Democrats are evil.
We need a Rep president and congress to reverse the evil the Dems are forcing on us. We need someone to not discriminate against the alphabet gay community, just ignore them. Force our schools to stick to teaching the three Rs (that is figuratively). Ensure teachers leave their politics, ideas of social engineering, racial philosophies like CRT at the door and if they can't fire them. Have them teach that this country, warts and all is still the land of the free and the home of the brave. Democrats hate that concept and try to undermine it. It is as if they can't look around and see truly evil countries like Russia, China, Cuba, Islamic countries and North Korea and dozens more and then look at our country and think, thank God I was born here and not there.
We need to overhaul our political atmosphere and try and change the opposition party's hateful, destructive agenda like calling concerned parents terrorists. The way you do that is through aggressive, truthful advertising and change the minds of the voters to a more middle of the road thinking to destroy the radical left's vile, destructive philosophies.
The Republicans have the ammunition to do these things so why are they sitting on their hands? The radical left sure doesn't.
Make specific teaching unions illegal. I'm not against workers organising; I am against what has been glommed on by activists/collectivists/nihilists. Like the organisations representing the constabulary in the UK, such for teachers need specific rules to keep them non-partisan and non-ideological.
and you realize that there are large factions of the democratic party that would label you evil. I guess I'm the kid in the playground watching two irrational bullies fight and decide I really dont have to pick either side
The left labels anyone who disagrees with them as evil. The definition of a racist is anyone who wins an argument with a leftist. You can substitute xenophobe, homophobe, fascist for racist.
"The left" "them" "they". These broad brush stereotyping charecterizations dont help we Americans move the coversation forward. For sure it applies to some leftlies, I've for sure experienced it myself however I wouldn't use your language to describe all left leaners. To the credit of the article we get some research stats on your very ascertaion.
I can document everything I post. Can you?
LP, you really nailed it! Your diagnosis is perfect, not sure the prescription is adequate, but what else can we do?
Good question. There does seem to be a deafening Republican silence. I actually left messages with our local organization offering to volunteer and they never returned my calls. Everything in the D.C. political seems to have a "cloaking device" that leaves "we the people" having to guess at what the reality actually is. And, then there is the DNC lie machine. Defeating the DNC will buy us time but until that happens?
I continue to believe the capitalism vs. communism diatribe is a trap. The DNC/Davos crowd is certainly past it. Their CCP based image of the 15 minute city/euthanasia on demand/ thought crime prosecution/ surveillance model has European's rioting in mass against the EU. (The destruction in France is mind boggling.) The world thinks swinging to the "right" will escape the inhuman sterility of the totalitarian "left" but, is international criminal finance not playing both ends against the middle?
The force destabilizing our Republic is the bad social/financial policy emanating from a Federal Government captured and controlled by rigged game financier's. Right now most of the psyop and assault on "we the people" and the Constitution is the battle over control of the electronic platform's that filter's the flow of idea's and the conversation that make's up our national dialogue. The financier's themselves, top heavy in wealth, don't invest in business and infrastructure. A look at the violence and decay in the heart's of our major cities pretty much confirm's that their action's destroy it. Big Tech ownership, probably out of the desire to survive, is making itself a complicit partner in the creation of a surveillance state. Shouldn't our real vision of the American future be the break-up of Big Tech and its reduction to a utility? Likewise, the heavy regulation and taxation of monopolistic monster's like Blackrock and Vangard who manipulate our supply chains and corrupt our elected political leadership. Our train wreck of the week, collapsing bridges and highways, shi't in the street downtown's say it's time for the money to flow the other way. This is neither capitalism or socialism. It's just the common sense solution that would allow America to begin a return to the "life, liberty and pursuit of happiness" it deserves.
The word "Capitalism" was a pejorative in origin and remains a pejorative. Corporatism and Socialism are the same thing; witness Ford and Fiat contributing to industrialisation in the Soviet Union and American "Capitalists" contributing to the Nazi indusrial economy. Take away the labels and just concentrate on describing Nazism, Fordism, Fascism, and Communism and you will find those descriptions converging. The same goes for our contemporary "isms". It is all the SAME nonsense on stilts.
If truth/fact based subscription journalism didn't have the tiny toe hold it does there would have been no Twitter Files. DNC behavior during the Taibbi/Shellenberger Congressional hearings made it clear that the lie felt the blow. I watched a German film on Hanna Arendt and her reporting on the Eichmann trials last evening. The abdication of individual moral responsibility by the German people led to their submission to the Reich and ultimately the destruction of Europe. The little fire we're trying to kindle here is important. America, and the world, has entered a new age. I already support more truth/fact based journalist's than I can keep up with. But, there are good people doing the work and they deserve the support. I'm trying to see with new eye's even though the story we're witnessing is as old as time. Besides, we all know, nobody get's out alive. Glad you're there. Keep on rockin'.
Interesting post, Mike.
Anyone who has read the Trans Leviathan would agree with you that the "capitalism vs. communism diatribe is a trap" and that the "force destabilizing our Republic is the bad social/financial policy emanating from a Federal Government captured and controlled by rigged game financier's":
See also:
Also, euthanasia is big in Canada... which has no free speech - just like the state of MI which just passed a law criminalizing "misgendering". Who has name changes/new "identities" outside of cults? (And made up things like optional pronouns?). After the MI thing I especially appreciated Tucker Carlson's Episode 8:
‘Fat Guy In A Costume’: Tucker Carlson Mocks Rachel ‘Rick’ Levine For Pushing Trans Ideology
Yes to everything you posted-I certainly couldn’t have said it better
Lonesome, I agree!
This Biden / Trump WAR is destroying us & the divide is getting almost too wide to bridge!
That’s assuming they even want to bridge it.
I am beyond disgusted with the “Orange Man Bad” “Fu*k Joe Biden & Heels Up Harris” “Basket of Deplorable, MAGA Cult” blah, blah, blah “whataboutisms” rhetoric coming out of BOTH sides!
We desperately need a centrist, peace maker, but is there someone? Or is it too late bc the lines are drawn, and the War has spilled too much blood already?
It is NEVER too late for a peacemaker to appear, Honey. Somewhere there is someone who remembers that old bit of doggeral we used to sing long ago in my high school choir when we actually believed the words ., " Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me" Maybe that someone will remember them too and take them to heart.
Your "handle" reminds me of an old English proverb: You catch more flies with honey than vinegar. Flies represent your goals. Honey stands for agreeable things that you do to achieve your goals. You can win people to your side more easily by gentle persuation than by hostile confrontation.
Gentle persuasion is not much in favor these days. The frustration we all feel with a country seemingly going crazy seems to require hostile confronataion but that doesn't seem to be working too well. Time perhaps to try some honey.
Tim Scott!!
Backs 6 week abortion ban, toxic nationally.
Nikki Haley is the answer to that one.
Too short a CV and what there is is underwhelming and/or troublesome. Not a rocket I'd get onto. Maybe youse should stop running around in panic and terror glomming onto the most sub-optimal solutions in fear.
Another RINO.
Apparently the name you use to post here isn't reflective of who you really are. Have a nice life.
Oh I apologize. I didnt look at your name and thought you were the person who's been taunting me for asking if the Reps are ready for a minority woman. I wouldnt have been so reactive to your quick comment. Are you calling me or Hayley a RINO?
Read her book. She doesn't have much to say, and when she does, she still doesn't have much to say.
Pretty much an empty suit.
You can't have been following much of her career to say that. If you'd watched her even a day in the UN you'd see what grit she's made of.
Sometimes less is more. Trump and Christie always have plenty to say. But dignity goes deeper.
I respect your opinion, and she was an excellent messenger, I just think she lacks political creativity. I want to like her, and would vote for her over any Democrat, but believe there are better choices. Liking her as much as you do, you really should read her book.
Lastly, and this will sound sexist, but I think she'd make an fantastic VP running mate.
I cannot disagree with that estimation either. Imagine what she'd achieve compared to Kamala. I don-t think it's sexist because it's realistic. I think if she proved herself, she'd have a chance at the big job in later years. Perhaps she could shine some of her class on whoever she's VP to. This is really an idea I'd like to see gain some ground.
Warmonger, unfortunately.
Huh? Ridiculous. What do you stand for? Sticking your head in the sand?
I love to see the breadcrumbs of society finally be able to string a few words into something reasonably coherent--well done Burner. It is too bad it is nothing but whataboutism and gaslighting. Not too late to get back on that train, man.
The only people who think Jerseyites are cool and make good candidates? Apparently Burners and other Jerseyites. Good luck!
The breadcrumbs of society?? really??? who do you think you are? Have you ever met any these people?… Why in the world would you call them the breadcrumbs of society? What makes you so different or more special from anyone else here?? your comment is incredibly ill mannered and rude
Still failing reading comprehension, little guy?
Behave Running Man.
Go back to your desert 'city of fun', dude and smoke some more of whatever.
Christie is a paid member of the RNC, nothing more, and the RNC hates Trump because he actually did what republicans campaigned on - but did not do - since Ronaldus.
"the RNC hates Trump"???
I need to ask what you've been smoking. Trump *owns* the RNC these days.
- Why has the RNC been paying Trump's legal bills?
- How else did Trump get the talented sycophant Ronna McDaniels installed as chair? (And how else did Trump get away with forcing McDaniels drop the "Romney" from her name?)
- Why else is the RNC insisting that all primary candidates must sign a pledge that they'll back the party candidate at Election Time -- or else they can't be in the debates. Such a pledge only helps Trump.
EVERY ONE knows Trump will sign that pledge, but NO ONE believes he'll abide by it himself. But it may keep some candidates out of the debates and it will certainly give Trump talking points against his primary foes.
You can look all this stuff up.