Another blathering idiot, and convenient narcissist for the left. Reminds me of AOC, in that they both are truly vapid grifters, perpetually spewing nonsensical verbal diarrhea. The fact that any half conscious adult falls for it is mind numbing, and proof that critical thought is not a priority.

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It's a cult just like Sasha Stone has written about. The American Progressive Left has entered the phase of being a Cult. Not sure where it heads. Just like Elon said, it is a Woke Mind Virus, not a Woke Pinky Toe Virus and at least for now these are the people making decisions and rigging elections.

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At least we have The Free press to call this out. Other than The Free Press, I could not find any writing critical of Coates in a Google search.

Our society tolerates a black man who is bigoted, racist and anti-Semitic but g-d forbid when a white person criticizes or at least critically questions someone like Coates.

CBS management should be ashamed.

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Growing up, despite a conservative lean and belief that what Thatcher and Reagan were trying to implement was valid, I still managed a vague admiration for Leftist ideals, that there were genuine imbalances in our societies that might be addressed by better funded education and ensuring opportunities were open to all. Even after the tragicomedy of woke ideology, the tuck-friendly swim suits, the DEI shakedown, reparations demands driven by ambulance-chasing lawyers and the faux-hysteria over pronouns, I could still dismiss it all the ugly fat girls with owl shaped glasses, no make-up and severely pulled back hair as entertainment or the misguided exuberance of youthful immaturity that would be washed out by growing-up, or a recession, but the position since October 7th of the left, progressives, whatever they call themselves is too much to bare. The antisemitic bile of these people is utterly repugnant. That they voluntarily sided with barbarianism rather than with a people who have made such an enormous contribution to Western civilization is simply disgusting. I am suffering ‘same species shame’ when I hear them speak. I want to return to a time when you could feel sympathy towards someone down-on-their-luck without feeling that they are a pawn in the hands of unscrupulous leftists who gleefully prolong peoples misery because it suits their agenda. Profound sadness.

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The Greeks knew it long ago - you can't have "drama" without conflict. It's a sad commentary that a once-respected national broadcasting company - a trusted voice for decades has fallen prey to yellow journalism of the worst kind - ratings drive revenue drive eyeballs and ears, balance and truth be damned.

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More abominable than a mere vacuous and opportunistic quack - he's a morally devoid grifter happy to laud terrorists and encourage reckless ideology driven violence for personal gain. Coates is to soft jihad as the unscrupulous arms dealer is to hard jihad.

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For all of the alarm over Donald Trump and whatever it is that he represents and spews (some of it deserved), the unprovoked suicide of the legacy media is 10x the threat to "democracy" that Trump could ever dream of being.

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I cannot believe people still watch CBS news. The rest of us know traditional media is over, right? Their numbers barely scratch the surface of today’s YouTube podcasts. Traditional media outlets failed the Oct. 7 test and continue to fail it bc they are shills for the Democratic Party, which has rolled out the red carpet for antisemitism this year like it’s an Oscar party. Can you hear that knock-knocking? It’s the dude with a sickle because legacy media is dead. Bye bye

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They probably should be praising Tony Dokoupil for getting people to even discuss CBS again. It's been a minute since they've been relevant in any way. Stephanie Ruhle was just on Real Time suggesting that people shouldn't be asking Harris tough questions because Trump. Then, of course, she ended up interviewing Harris. People, maybe especially actual journalists, don't seem to understand what doing journalism actual entails.

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Ever since they reported on Hillary’s emails weeks before the 2016 election of Trump, they’ve felt a moral obligation to do activist penance instead of journalism. Nellie describes this so well in her book—she was happy to join the activist journalist club at the Times post 2016, until she realized it meant she wasn’t allowed to be an *actual* journalist. Who knew

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No one does; it's why they're reduced to booking race-hustling, bigoted geek shows like Ta-Nehisi Coates in a desperate bid to get someone--anyone--to watch.

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True. 😂

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Thank you for this story. Please be relentless in reporting like this.

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Wow! An interview in which I'm unsure of the proper pronunciation of both participants.

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Tony Dokoupil pretty much nailed it, but he still wanted to be polite. The truth is that “If I took your name out of it, took away the awards, and the acclaim, took the cover off the book, the publishing house goes away” all of Coates’ works are simply junk. There’s nothing there but a shallow reputation built on exploitation of white guilt, lies and self-serving victimization.

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Tony Dokoupil was correct. He did his job, but the woke mob with the checkered dishrags on their heads and masks on their pinched little faces can't have that, and CBS is scared of them.

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Here’s a fun exercise. Try to find the actual interview. When I Googled “CBS interview with Ta-Nehisi Coates,” 14 out of the first 15 results were variations on “CBS rebukes anchor over tense interview with Ta-Nehisi Coates.” I went to YouTube and found essentially the same thing.

I admire Jan Crawford for standing up for her colleague on the call. But what she should have said when the supervisor said she would address Crawford’s concerns one-on-one following the call is, “No, anything you have to say should be said right here in this meeting so that everyone has the benefit of understanding how Tony’s effort to provide balance in an interview with a partisan hack writing an ill-informed book about the Middle East violated CBS standards.”

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Kudos to Tony Dokoupil for courage and integrity. Legacy media sucks. Legacy media is a confederacy of woke sycophants.

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I actually believe that the latest book by Coates in an excellent step forward. When Coates makes “the case for reparations”, anybody with a trace of common sense knows he’s full of it, but few dare to say something, because, well… he’s black! Writing about the situation between Israelis and Palestinians without mentioning Palestinian terrorism is simply idiotic and crosses any boundary to the side of obvious bad faith. It’s called hubris; finally, the emperor shows himself naked to the crowds. Coates believes that since the rule for the entire mainstream media, laid out by the NYT, is to banish the use of the words “Palestinian terrorism”, he will never have to answer for his dirty propaganda piece. He should remember that at some point in time fascism also used to be fashionable and popular enough that its propagandists thought they will never have to pay for their lies.

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I saw him sputter his way through an interview about it. His response for his dishonest and clownishly biased take is that "the other side of the story" is out there in other places. He actually admitted he was only telling one side. He's an idiot whose entire career is based on white/woke guilt.

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Well said!

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We can not be silent. We need to organize in numbers as the pro-Palestinians protestors are doing in large numbers and start our own freedom riders and civil rights movement in this country. Jews are not being treated fairly, not on college campuses, not in the news media, not in the work place. I think this is all getting very scary. We can not back down. How did this story end?

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Hopefully with a Trump win, he’ll give Israel anything their heart desires. Winning tamps down the loser’s lying rhetoric Dems, Socialists, terrorists.

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