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Wow--these phony guardians of journalistic integrity--scolding their own employee when he displays such integrity--couldn't even respond in the meeting to Jan Crawford's brave rejoinder. They insisted on responding in private. This is the very definition of weak leadership.

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Re: Wendy McMahon & Adrienne Roark, the tale, of how CBS News got from men like Murrow & Cronkite to these two women, mirrors and clarifies the historical tragedy that is "Postwar America in Decline."

McMahon & Roark are corporate functionaries, not hardcore newspeople. They speak in jargon, psycho-babble; they are manipulative; the verbal honey that drips from their fangs is poison-laced, duplicitous. They are passionate for the "look of things," rather than for "the truth." Imagine working for such a twosome!

Also imagine the flood of employee messages that flooded into their email, self-righteous in tone, ideologically-driven, the sentiments of ignoramuses who think what the Palestinians did last October 7th was both deserved and justified.

We are obliged to ask: What kind of news organization puts two media careerists like McMahon & Roark in charge of what was formerly America's #1 Nightly News source for millions? Gives you a sick feeling, doesn't it?

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Tony Dokoupil is far too good a journalist for CBS. I hope he tells them to f themselves and join The Free Press.

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I completely agree. Bari, there must be a spot somewhere for him within The Free Press, right? It seems like all the moral and honest journalists are finding their way to The Free Press, and away from the cesspool that is the MSM.

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These so-called news organizations have been in decline ever since their bosses made them into profit centers. After they lost the monopoly of broadcasting to cable, internet, and social media, they just circle the drain faster.

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Thanks, especially, for running Jan Crawford's comments in audio. It's a shame that it takes courage simply to state what I was taught 60 years ago that we journalists were supposed to do.

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Is anyone even paying attention anymore? Will this even effect the viewership of CBS, or has our tik tok sized attention span enabled the society we are taking the first steps into? Does anyone else have the wish that we could unplug our society from the internet for a couple of years? If we lifted our eyes would we see our salvation?

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The way to defeat these race grifting lunatics is to air their recordings so people can hear for themselves just how broken the media is..

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If Roark's comments and assertions were actually true, Walter Cronkite would NOT be rolling over in his grave for Roark taking his name in vain. I would not be at all surprised if CBS leaked this recording intentionally in an attempt to regain some of its lost credibility.

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See BS has buried its journalistic integrity and reputation.. it is Pravda/Izvestia..

“it should not take courage in an American newsroom to state what is obviously true.”

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I don't know who Adrienne Roark's managers are, but she is either not very smart or complete clown puppet.

"We will still hold people accountable. But we will do so objectively, which means checking our biases and opinions at the door.”

It is farcical to think that a journalist interviewing somebody who has such obvious biases and erroneous opinions should be unchecked. That is literally the purpose of journalism.

But not in the legacy media anymore

Further I would like to thank the Free Press for covering these types of stories because I no longer listen to legacy media. So if you don't report it, I won't hear it.

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They no longer speak truth to power. They now speak power to truth.

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I have an analogy that I would like to try out that might help to understand the the situation that the legacy media (LM) finds itself...

I'm in my 70' I aged the view in the mirror every day was of a young vibrant man...I was thankful that I wasn't "aging" as fast as others in my age group...and then...I attended my 40th college I was looking through the pictures the scales fell from my eyes!!!...I WAS AN OLD MAN!!! fact, there were several others that were aging more slowly...damn!

The LM finds itself in a similar situation...they have told themselves for so long that they are the arbiters of "truth" while slowly, day-by-day, bias began to take root, ultimately replacing the pursuit of truth...hopefully, all of this exposure of their decline will wake them up...if it doesn't, they need to fail and go away...g.

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I like that analogy. It helps explain in a psychological why they still see themselves as the truth tellers when their actions have slowly been eroding truth.

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For many, many years I was a devout viewer of the CBS Sunday Morning Show. I never missed a Sunday. I haven’t watched it since the first Sunday after Oct. 7th. Their coverage was just not okay. So, this story doesn’t surprise me. Good for Tony for asking obvious questions. Knowing that he pushes back against the useful idiots, it really makes me wonder how he manages with his wife, Katy Tur. Her coverage was some of the absolute worst after 10/7. I’ve stopped watching her show because of the clear bias months and months ago as well.

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Great ending. The true thought leaders with POWER do come from the ivory towers, and we’re in a true struggle for the survival of the West.

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Does anyone even watch this show? After Charlie Rose left it kinda felt like a children’s program. And not a good one!

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