
Fighting the Canadian government's upcoming appeals is going to take a lot of money, which the truckers might not have, thanks to what Trudeau did to them. I think a lot of Americans were appalled at what Trudeau did to the truckers; if the truckers were to set up a GoFundMe account to finance their legal fees, it would surely draw significant contributions.

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"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." - Lord Acton

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This case may be headed to the Supreme Court, but let us not forget how Trudeau tried to influence the justice system in the SNC-Lavalin case.

Trudeau is a man without any ethics, he will do anything to remain in power, and feels fully entitled to give himself the extraordinary powers that he invoked during the truckers protest.

I fully expect him to try to influence the outcome if this case does go to the Supreme Court, and he will deny to his last day in office that has ever done anything wrong or questionable.

The sooner he is out of office, the better for Canada!

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Jan 25Edited

They may have had their day in court but the damage by the crackdown is already done. Are they now going to be put back on the roads where they last were so they can resume their protests? No. Will they all be financially compensated with punitive damages also paid? No. Will their demands now be met? No.

The poke in the face of the government - spare me! "They" have gotten away with "this" and "they" know it.

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Justin Trudeau should be removed from office for treason. His supporters are some of the most spineless people on the planet.

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How do we help these people to move forward increasing the accountability of the government and the Prime Minister?

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One dictator slapped down by the courts. We shall see where it all ends up.

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Good luck, what happened in Canada and New Zealand is the elites playbook.

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Trudeau is a creep, no wonder his wife left him.

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Please, the progressives think Trudeau did the right thing, because they are holders of the truth, and the truckers were depraved and ignorant. Their hero Trudeau, was obliged to play rough and stretch the law as he was combating evil. They learn nothing. This is a religion.

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its a cult

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What Rupa has unfortunately overlooked is the fact that the judge in this case actually said, "At the outset of these proceedings while I had not reached a decision on any of the four applications, I was leaning to the view that the decision to invoke the Emergencies Act was reasonable. I consider the events that occurred in Ottawa and other locations in January and February 2022 went beyond legitimate protest and reflected an unacceptable breakdown of the public order. I had, and continue to have, considerable sympathy for those in government who were confronted with this situation. Had I been at their tables at that time, I may have agreed that it was necessary to invoke the Act. And I acknowledge that in conducting judicial review of that decision, I am revisiting that time with the benefit of hindsight and a more extensive record of the facts and law than that which was before the GIC." So there you go, he indicated that based on the info available in January/February 2022, the use of the Emergencies Act was probably justified. In hindsight, in the 2 years since and based upon new information unavailable at the time of the protest,, he came to his current conclusion.

I have every expectation that this ruling will be overturned in the supreme court.

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What the judge basically said, at the time, based on what the government and the news media told him, he might have agreed with the decision to invoke the act. Now, based off of facts not given to the public by the news media and the government, there was no need.

So basically the government and the news media lied.

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All interpretations from the courts come from hindsight. That is why we now have the rights read to the arrested and not before. I expect the ruling will not be over turned but guidelines set for the next time. That's the good part about hindsight, it helps determine the guidelines for the next time.

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heres the liberal^^^

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Would one’s being a Liberal have any influence upon the above stated facts?

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What restitutions to the truckers who were in essence persecuted by their own government?

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It is nice to see a judge in this country who understands his role is be a check against government overreach. Im

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Thank you Rupa for fighting tyranny in the truth north strong and free. Will this ruling help the Coutts Four, who continue to be persecuted? Trudeau and Freeland need to be voted out, but are Canadians too demoralized to take action?

Autonomous Truckers has detailed reporting on the Coutts Four:

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The Coutts 4 are being held by Trudeau’s government without being formally charged. Going on 2 years now. To make it happen, Trudeau’s Canadian Network Media whipped up fear of a terrorist conspiracy among these ‘Deplorable’ men with no proof - just words that these men were being aided & controlled by some “outside force” that still hasn’t been identified/ years on. This is in part how Trudeau justified invoking the Emergencies Act and freezing bank accounts of Truckers who descended (peacefully on Ottawa). Trudeau is now referred to as ‘Mr. Freeze’ as a result of this thoroughly vindictive and authoritative act, all enable based on LIES leveled against Coutts 4. If they were not lies, Coutts 4 would have been formally charged, long ago. This brave judge’s ruling is Act 1 of beginning to unravel these Lies.

Here’s Trudeau talking about how the Trucker Protesters were vandals, thieves of food from homeless, racist and all together wrong. In other clips he also stated foreign money was aiding the Truckers. This kid is one sick f*ck:

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It blew my mind when Trudeau declared martial law to crack down on a protest that was mild by BLM standards. I hope everyone affected sues the Canadian government back to the stone age. I want to see some multi millionaire truckers.

Covid exposed how many western democracies are in fact rather fragile.

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Remember when ‘Mr. Freeze’ called the Freedom Convoy Truckers racist? It was part of pretext to invoke Emergencies Act:

What a small little man he is

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Lawsuits only mean more taxpayer funds for legal costs and eventual payouts. Wasting money is something the Trudeau government has already perfected.

This is by far the most insidious, pernicious and wasteful government in the history of Canada. What a terrible time in history to be saddled with such incompetence at the top.

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It would be nice if Trudeau etc. could be personally sued.

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