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You take our sports, we'll take your drag. Is it the one arena where women have a biological advantage? Matriarchy strikes back.

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isnt Lady Gaga a "drag queen"? as far as mid century and back in time goes....the point was to impersonate ...pass as women....see The Queens from the sixties. MY first experience of female impersonation....a performer lip synched to a pop song and that was that funny banter....and no exaggerated clown make up....they wanted the illusion of being women. then the sixties and seventies radical separatist lesbians said it was a form of black face meant to mock women. even as they wore primarily male styled clothes meant to purposely not appeal to heterosexual men and not girly skirts and blouses. no halters, no hot pants. that tune lasted a long while. now with the popularity of drag it has become a FTM drag queen appears on RuPaul America. And does very very well. And a trans women wins drag race. As for no glamour in women in only has to watch Dietrich in Morocco and Blonde Venus.

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Chappel Roan is an Autotuned TikTok creation with a very short shelf life

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I've listened to Chappell Roan on the radio for the last few months and she's a talented singer. I only found out lately that she's a queer AFAB drag queen and really don't care. I'm not into drag but like to hear good singing.

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A woman trying to be a drag queen strikes me as an absurdity. A woman parodying female behavior and affectations strikes me as plain, old narcissism. Nihil sub sole novum.

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I am sorry, but who cares? There are far more important issues that need to be dealt with. At least these are women who are still women, no surgical, hormonal or other augmentation required to be XX female. Just my opinion.

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Honestly the female drag queens who are demanding to be included/coddled within the drag community sound pretty insufferable, but gay men trying to claim an exclusive privilege to dress up as insulting caricatures of women while excluding actual women from doing so is probably even more insufferable. I don’t really buy that drag is some kind of subversive rejection of masculinity. It’s mostly just mocking and stereotyping women for laughs.

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If men can claim to be women why can't women claim to be drag queens?

Once you open the tap, thats what you get.

If Biden says he's a cabbage, who are we to disagree?

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The Free Press summarizes how it sees itself in the About section of the site as "A new media company built on the ideals that were once the bedrock of American journalism." The publishing by the Free Press of yet another piece of drivel by River Page belies that aspiration.

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OK! Now it's my turn. Big f-you to this article. Serving crap in a restaurant does not necessarily mean expanding the boundaries of culinary art.

PS. Oh, it turns out this is the same River Page who posted here a review of the Reagan movie " ‘Reagan’ Is a Terrible Movie. But Not Because It’s Conservative. "

Well, at least he's true to form.

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My fellow Americans - Ya can we stop fucking talking about drag queens like they are serious people? Sorry, it is fun, and I think it's fair to say they are artists, and I don't care enough to form an argument against that notion but, please, what's the percentage of Americans that give two fucks or do it themselves? Infinitesimal? Ya I think so. When you force yourself on a kid, not to mention a large group of kids to make a political statement. That is not art. That is obscene. Go ahead and complain about my comment. Zero fucks given, in advance.

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Women pretending to be men at drag shows. Meanwhile, men pretending to be women are causing an upheaval in sports. What is wrong with women today?

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I am so tired of drag queens, be they male or female, although the male ones are certainly the most offensive. High heels, lacquered on make-up, revealing clothes, a bitchy attitudes are all awful stereotypes of women. No other group that has been discriminated against and persecuted since the dawn of time would be expected to laugh along with this mockery.

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River Page: "...there’s nothing particularly glamorous or interesting about being a man."

Hey River, you're writing an actual article, not a flame-bait Twitter post.

Can you deliver more information and less nonsense going forward?

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This is really fucking stupid

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