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How come you never include RFK, Jr. as a candidate in your articles. I love the FP but this is like a legacy media move.

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In my daily update email from the NY Times this morning, the writer states that Kamala's VP pick is important because he "will help her govern." I'm not sure I've ever heard that reason before about a presidential candidate choosing a running mate. Is that what they mean by "saying the quiet part out loud"?

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The Democrats have a lot of work to do, now that they are widely perceived as the party of the Elite and Elitists. They appeared to have not so much swapped places with the Republicans,as migrated over in an "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" movement. Democrats used to be the party of the working class and middle class, but no more. The Republicans aren't that party either, and have never been. Both sides are working for the elites. If you think otherwise, I believe you are only fooling yourself. Even Trump is loathe to challenge the predominance of the rich and powerful, in spite of his brash words.

The country needs to rebuild, to have a do-over, and start a new and better system that truly represents the interests of the 99%. Or, you could try voting for RFK Jr. who as an independent will have a better chance of steering clear of the moneyed interests than Trump, Harris or whoever her replacement might be at the convention.

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Does The Free Press pretend that it's non-partisan? This piece is heavily shaded against Harris.

The story about Harris and the Minnesota Freedom Fund is deeply misleading. The story about the guy who was released is misleading. And all she did is send out one tweet supporting the org.

Here are the facts, from real journalists:

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You ok with a Federal law

Against discrimination?

Wearing seatbelts

Protecting free speech

Just for starters.

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If her rally today is any indication, the calls for toning down the rhetoric over the last two weeks fell on deaf ears.

This was her statement after the assassination attempt: "Just as we must reject political violence, we must also embrace a robust discussion about what is at stake in this election."

From the rally the whole election for democrats is abortion. It is an ideal platform for democrats, who have to do absolutely nothing (already legal in most states), but is useful to scare voters.

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Kamala is a new Frankenstein

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Again. My posts are gone. Not for using the f word in a post, because I've done that. It's gone for using it at the Democrats.

The posts are gone. Removed by the censor formerly known as Lucy. The FP removed my assessments of the Democrats running for president and Kamala. The first to go was the 2nd post, focused on the horror that is Kamala. And once again I was banned for "being a jerk" in the eyes of Lucy.

Sorry Bari. You started well, but your wake-up after Oct 7th is looking more and more like an anomaly. Im sure Lucy is a nice girl. But she's a young fool, just like the young fools at the Nova festival. She's a nice Jewish girl among your 100% record of Jewish liberal journalist hires. But I cannot swear at her, nor at Bari. You are just fools.

Kamala, my dear Lucy, is a smiling, vicious, monster who supports the Palestinians, and promises to fight for Muslims -- militant Muslims. Kamala is pro-Palestinian. Kamala actively encouraged BLM-Antifa protests (that were riots) after people were killed and businesses, police, and neighbors set on fire.

So, here it is in miniature, the whole cycle. Here is the replication of the "nice Jews" of Nova Festival, supporting their enemy who wants them slaughtered. If you think it cannot happen here? It can. We are not so far. Just a cozy with slaughter-speak presidency away.

If there was a coat of arms for all these "good Jews" from Bari on down to Lucy's labored censorship, it would be:

Fools Hopeful on a Field of Gore

There are times, Lucy, when only the foulest of language suffices to encapsulate estimations of what is foul, hideous, and evil, as it sits laughing and smiling at you, spouting word salad.

You are young Lucy, and this makes you stupid and blind. Youth and inexperience together with your kind Jewish indoctrination and liberal tribal identity, makes you hope for fulfillment of fairness and not recognize the smiling mask of evil. Your DEI glasses, that Judaism in its idealistic wisdom played a role in creating, and that your generation wears as an armor of goodness, make you hallucinate Kamala, this smiling mask, into a person like the nice ladies from synagogue.

She is not. Kamala is not that. Believe her when she speaks her word salad that baffles you, and you give her benefit of not understanding. Believe her more when she speaks plainly and says she will fight for (militant) muslims. For you? It's coconuts all the way down.

Believe Kamala most when she acts, and supports rioters systematically bused into cities and towns across America, not just with words, but with legal funding l help when they are arrested.

You, Lucy, like Bari, are a nice Jewish girl. At The FP you are surrounded by Jewish liberal group think. So you hold to your hope in your bubble. You hold onto your disbelief that Kamala could be actually evil. I have but scratched the surface of the mud woman that is Kamala. Beneath the surface of the mud? Is more mud.

Wake up. You are digging your own grave.

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Agree with several points.

Hey Lucy, no problem putting your vote in for Kamala for the local PTA.

But president, a different story.

Wanting Kamala for president is a complete misjudgement and shows a lack of being able to discern character, or lack thereof.

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First of all, your comment is way off base. This is a platform for political discussion. If you do not agree, you can post your arguments based on information you have collected. Making blanket statements about the people who have brought us the FP is just in poor taste. Please keep it civil and use numbers and evidence to back your claims. I don't like Kamala either, but your random rants about the FP bundled into conspiracy thoughts isn't what the FP is about. Odd metaphors mixed in with tangential thoughts transforming into dooms day count down and name calling.... isn't exactly proactive. Don't think I didn't get the smug undertone in your fear mongering. You have the right to freedom of speech, but I think you clicked on the wrong message board.

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"You, Lucy, like Bari, are a nice Jewish girl" - Some of these nice Jewish girls will become new Rosalia Zemlyachka. It's typical for nice Jewish girls to think that the end justifies the means.

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It's typical of a woman who is confronted with hell and threat to her family. She will nuke the world if she can.

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I was talking about something completely different, about the fanaticism of women

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She will not be present in senate for Netanyahu's speech. Watch for appeasement of pro-Hamas-Squad wing of party to buy off organized protesters at Democratic convention.

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Can Kamala Harris Beat Donald Trump? 8 million more illegals are hoping she can.

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In the past 8 years, we've been treated to choices between Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, Joe Biden, and now, quite possibly, Kamala Harris. Our system is completely broken.

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Harris can win. Democrats and the media will make her the "savior" from Trump. The "first black female president" narrative will energize young voters vs Biden as the old white male (oppressor). Also, never underestimate Trumps gift for saying stupid things that could move crucial swing voters to view Harris as the lesser of two evils.

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I fear this to be the case. But hopefully people can se that DEI should be lower priority than running a country.

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I’m sure they can get her to 90 million votes.

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Kamala's best chance to win comes from the fact that the left controls the voting in major cities and will cheat as much as they have to in order to win.

I hope the Republicans are ready to refuse to accept the outcome of the election, even if it means a breakup of the country.

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Hillary. Unfortunately. Still a loser but the Dems are such whores they will go with the lowest common denominator. Even if Kamala is the nominee they will have selected Hillary, Joe and Kamelface consecutively...way to go!

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The short answer is "no." The party seems smitten with the idea that the objection of the American people to Biden was solely becauase of his obvious senility. If only. It's the policies stupid! The policies that are a hodge podge of warmed over socialism wrapped in a blanket of victimhood and identity politics with a fair helping of support for terrorists with a side of open borders and feckless prosecutors that don't believe in punishing crime. None of those things need be associated with the Democratic party, but they are and Harris will double down on all of that.

To make matters worse, Dem operatives seem to believe that Harris' ceiling can rise as America gets to know her. We already know her and she was rejected by her own party before the first votes were cast when she ran for President and to Republicans she is tied to San Francisco progressives and her own jumble of word salad on the regular. That image is not going to change and the more she speaks, the worse it will become. She has that most annoying of qualities; play acting at being serious and using a lot of big words in order to sound knowledgeable. That kind of Jedi mind trick only works on those who desperately want to believe it. To the rest of us, it is fingernails on a chalkboard.

Things have gotten so bad that the head of the teamsters spoke at the Republican convention and they held prayers for the American hostages held in Gaza. We are living in the upside down and while Trump does pose a threat to all things vulgar and holy, I strongly believe that America will look at Harris and take a strong pass.

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I'm afraid your opinion of Americans is too optimistic.

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Great comment Louis. Thx

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