
If Americans really wanted to reduce their carbon footprints, they would stop driving SUVs and king cab trucks the size of my first apartment. Near as I can tell, most of those vehicles are owned by individuals or small families that have no practical need for such excess.

And, no, I'm not buying an E-powered SUV either.

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"Those confrontations had offered valuable lessons in advocacy, and helped turn these students into lifelong climate activists, she added. I agree that that’s useful..." I can't think of anything more useless.

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Why not divest from the war machine, companies like Lockheed and Raytheon?

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In California - crazy has taken over the asylum. God help us

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Does anyone know if the union members get a vote? It seems unfair that the State Senate can just vote on something that may affect the long term viability of pension plans for workers. It's easy to virtue signal with other people's retirement savings, and it sets a bad precedent. What's next, drop stocks for Amazon or Apple if your local politician disagrees with them?

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In california, as in Alberta, there are few wild fires.

There are however a lot of fires started by people, accidental and intentional. As well as california government policy meaning less maintenance of the electrical system.

California has always been drought and floods, without people starting fires there is nothing to talk about

Because there is nothing unusual happening

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“The real crime here is that there’s no place in the country that is experiencing the damaging consequences of climate change as much as California. Chronic wildfire, terrible flooding..” This statement cannot, in any true way, be supported by the actual science of climate change as it stands today. Statements like this are commonplace, but they reveal a deep ignorance about the actual state of climate science in 2023.

I am exhausted with how the press persists in this kind of ignorance. Do your research - REAL research, not just repeating what everyone else says.

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The other night, watching Skynews out of Britain they talked of how the arctic is the earths refrigerator (nope), how once (if) the ice does finally melt some summer in the future it will never return (nope, it will return every winter), and how it migh all be gone by 2030 “a decade earlier than predicted” (nope, the predicted it would be gone 1998, 2000, 2006, 2012, 16, 20, 23).

It’s all crap but if you are a typical mindless idiot watching the news you are already digging your hole to die in.

It’s endless

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It’s truly shocking to me, although it shouldn’t be, the level of disconnect from basic logic that people who believe in climate change exhibit. Even the author of this article seems to believe the climate change scam that has existed for over 50 years with literally none of the dire predictions transpiring in that time. Yet, here we are with another article discussing the bad strategy being used to counteract climate change, instead of being bold and logical and calling for the end to cult of climate change. It’s as if most of the believers aren’t worried about being wrong, it’s just a lunatic hedge position in case climate change can be proven to be real with actual, reputable science. It’s like an abusive relationship neither party can get out of

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I think it has come time to take the state of California at its word. Stop all shipments of oil into the state. Stop all fossil fuel products from entering the state...things like anything made of plastic, fertilizers, medicines, etc. This is what they want. I would further recommend that all transport companies band together to stop all truck carried deliveries at the state border (feel free to include Oregon and Washington). Only by letting Californians live with the consequences of their actions will things begin to change. Let their investment in vain posturing deliver a return that is exactly what they say they want. The rest of the country is tired of their nonsense...g.

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Except the coastal ports are there

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Dear are correct sir...however, how much raw petroleum flows through those ports?..i don't know the answer...also...I'm assuming the bulk is transported by wheeled vehicle at some the question inquiring minds might ask many Priuses (Priusi?) are needed to move 1M bbls of oil?...i don't know the answer to that either...regardless...I'm sure enough interested people can put a plan together that will crush their stupidity and return them to the sanity possessed by the majority of uncowed Americans...g.

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Oil is one commodity

I was referencing everything

Look what happened in the USA when the port of LA was backed up during Covid

Now if you first cut off trade with Asia then no problem.



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I would like all of these so called brilliant scientists and our idiot politicians to explain how we are going to replace literally everything on this planet that is made from fossil fuels. Explain it. How about we take baby steps and attempt to solve one small problem at a time. NONE OF IT will be simple.

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This is what happens when you ignore the free market. ESG and woke investing require artificial stimuli to make them work, or appear to work, or make you think you are making a difference. If the ideas and valuation could truly compete, they would.

If hiring people for their identity would improve profitability, it would be a no brainer to do so. If investing in corporations that met the demands of the ESG/woke crowd met fiduciary responsibility to obtain the best results, it would happen as a matter of course.

Instead, there’s an agenda that doesn’t seem to be able to compete. If people want to participate in the products of that agenda, let them. Just don’t complain about mediocre results, and insist on taxing those who chose differently.

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these are the same clowns that were screaming burn the witch stone the blasphemer back in the day total idiots on a mission from god? who knows they just know they are right and no other opinion matters even if the ¨science aint there , guess if a woman can have a pecker anything goes , just glad iḿ not long for this earth . You can have it

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Do you just keep this knucklehead around to write crappy pieces that make the other writers look good?

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The biggest difference between fossil fuels and South Africa is that the apartheid regime in SA was inarguably immoral. This is the same reason the divestment movement against Israel has so utterly and completely failed and that country has boomed and thrived like never before.

Using fossil fuels is not only moral, it is essential to keep the world from devolving into pre-modern poverty. Fossil fuel use can be reduced, especially for producing electricity if the environmentalist extremists stop their irrational opposition to nuclear energy, but fossil fuels will never be eliminated in as a source of fuel in the lifetime of anyone reading this. To think differently is naivety.

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All good points in the article except the core issue - “man made climate change “ is not proven and the approach to go to renewable energy is a joke at this point...

This is just an excuse for mismanagement, activist jobs and other BS...

At least oil companies do the most important job - improve clean production, utilize gases, etc...

I wish all these climate activists learn some basic economy and science before wasting government resources!

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I got a bunch of responses correcting my woeful lack of knowledge of California Indian tribes

Still, they don’t hold a candle to the Fakawi tribe inside the Beltway…

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