
Wow. Lots to unpack. I watched Bari last night on Bill Mahar. A very stimulating

Covid discussion. But one part seems left out and that is the stress on our health care system. Why are cancer and other treatments being delayed long past when they are needed. Because while this strain of a Covid is far less likely to result in a serious illness my understanding is if your vaccinated you are 90% less likely to be hospitalized. But what about the 10%. Seems to me if the vaccination rates were what they should be many of these issues would have resolved.

The point about restaurants and masks is right on point. It’s ridiculous that staff has to be masked . But I have no issue with being carded when going inside to a restaurant or venue. Is it perfect? No. But does it help? Hard to believe it doesn’t. People don’t really complain about being carded do order a drink. So what’s the issue . After the Tree Of Life massacre in Pittsburgh Bari wrote one of the most consequential and poignant columns I have ever read. I think this falls well short of that.

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Perhaps the single worst aspect of the pandemic is that the American people have been forced to completely reevaluate their healthcare thinking. I think a majority of Americans have decided to take it upon themselves individually to do their own medical research and come to their own decisions about their own and their family's health care and medical decisions. The medical community and federal medical agencies have proven to be incompetent or purposefully misleading for various political goals and trust in these people and institutions may be at a modern low.

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"Or when friends ask me to swab my nose so we can hang out, well, I’ll do it only because I try to be polite." This makes you part of the problem.

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**Sorry for my english**

We need to realize that authorities only have the power that we let them hold upon us. Last year when the Quebec script reading puppets were told to enforce a useless curfew, i did a pretty simple thing that i had to do because accepting such bullshit curfew is the same thing as begging for higher level of i went out for a walk at the same time the curfew entered in effect, even if i was risking a 2000$ minimum fine and expected the whole time to be the only one among the 175 000 Sherbrooke's citizens to defy that early step on this road to a dystopian nightmare. I know what's coming up in the next decades and i cant wait for that moment when people will end up realizing the unbelievable mistake they have done in allowing that shit to take place .....And i will keep rubbing in their faces how obvious the lies to their enslavement was.

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Is it possible to listen to this as a podcast or anything? I sadly missed it as I had a work obligation. Tks if anyone knows….

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Dear Bari, I do not understand how you can expect to have an open and honest panel discussion about Coivid and not include Dr. Peter McCullough or Dr. Vladimir Zelenko or Dr. Pierre Kory. All have been treating Covid patients since early (Jan or Feb) 2020.

Best wishes for 2022.

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Bari, all in who you vote for, if Desantis had lost to the closeted meth head Florida would not be on your congratulations list I can assure you.

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Yes!!!! I am done with Covid, too!

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Thanks Bari. I will still never get over the cognitive dissonance of hundreds of thousands of people pouring into the streets in May and all through the summer of 2020 while COVID was raging. Cloth masks, barely any masks, fluids flying. 100,000 people had died. Remember the video of the Derek Chauvin trial - it showed inside Cupp Foods. No one was wearing a mask. Inside, outside, didn't matter. The message wasn't coming through - not even a little bit - while those of us who were plugged in were wearing face shields and not going to the supermarket. Remember that? Then we all were supposed to pour into the streets. It was the largest protest in American history in all 50 states and all over the world. Now, if you're a virus, isn't that exactly what you would have wanted to happen? They justified it by saying "there were no spikes in the cities." Well, people came from other cities and then went back home to their communities. They didn't even contact trace the protesters because they said it was a violation of their Civil Rights. No one could tell them not to protest - that is actual Fascism - but my god, that the media said almost nothing - that no one even made the slightest effort to say anything about it for fear of being called a racist, was shocking then and remains so, looking back.

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Last nights webinar certainly framed COVID risk in "common sense" terms. Thank you. I'm hopeful that you might do a sequel (either webcast or Common Sense piece) and cover these un-asked questions.

1. Re: adverse events

What do we know about adverse events for all age groups? Could vaccine manufacturers, CDC and FDA be manipulating/minimizing adverse events data? IF so, how would we know? Beyond myocarditis, have any trends started to emerge for adverse events in children ?

2. Re: antibody testing

Why aren't we doing nation-wide anti-body testing?

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Is this conversation recorded? I was hoping to tune in but couldn't make it happen. I'd love to hear it though!

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Really enjoyed the webinar last night. It made me recall a moment that sticks out in my mind regarding my own individual role/responsibility. The first time I entered a grocery store after the mask mandate was lifted I wore a mask because I didn’t want to make others uncomfortable. But then I thought “I’m looking at this all wrong. I need to be a role model for others who want to go maskless in the grocery store but are uncomfortable doing so”. So the next time, and forever after, I adopted that sensibility. I always look for the signs — if it says mask required I comply. If merely recommended, I don’t. That’s how I felt about going out to eat — even before vaccines became available. I viewed it as my job to support these businesses. We never stopped dining out wherever it was allowed. Sometimes we were the only people in the restaurant. The shame in this whole pandemic is believing there is only one right way to carry on.

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Agree…our lives are not being controlled by the Pandemic Bari. All of this has been mapped out for decades and in earnest over the last 20 as it became clearer a reset could be put in place. And if war is too messy as a control mechanism then the second best two options are climate and a pandemic.

RFK Jr’s book is a good refresher on some of the players and for every week that goes by where a friend says “oh that would never happen in the US” I just forward the news of the latest country to fall. This week? Israel.

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Thank you for the Webinar!

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Not to put in a plug, but I wrote about this on m 'stack, Portland Dissent today. The two-year binge is crumbling and stumbling to its collapse...but what the hell comes next?

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