Vrbo and Destiny are wrong on so many things. They literally avoid truth. So Brianna, you lower the impact of your efforts by associating your positions with them

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I really don't like when commenters nitpick on something a guest says in passing but I just cannot let this one slide (like you did, Bari.) Brianna said "Like, think about it from my point of view, you're adopted, so you have one set of parents that throw you away like trash." EXCUSE ME.....but giving a CHILD up for adoption has to be one of the most selfless acts a woman can do. You know what her alternative was. Your mother chose not to take that route but instead carried you to term and gave you to an intact family with the hopes you would be loved, nurtured and cared for in a way she could not do at the time.

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the way my jaw DROPPED when I saw Brianna was (finally) coming on! Truly unmatched moral clarity since October 7th, no ifs or buts or relativism. I have even more respect for her now after hearing her life story.

PLEASE RUN FOR CONGRESS AGAIN, we need people like you!

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Appreciate the mention of policy at the end, but I think it speaks to how this conclusion was reached.

There are policies, many of them good, that were implemented to do things like protect women, religious minorities, LGBT, etc.

But we’re just not gonna look at those, much less adhere to them because they were created by people with issues.

So, instead of making products people want, we’re going to make things that keep the protestors at bay.

No, whatever wrongs you or your affinity group, have faced, it’s never okay to misbehave.

I know it’s passe, but I believe government exists to protect life,liberty, and property.

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Wow! 2 sets of parents throwing away most extraordinary person I’d never of. Key referral to WOMENS March about which vast majority stayed silent re fact greatest hoax ever perpetrated w pathetically few listening to voices like Ayaan Hirsi Ali. Challenges can never be solved w/o addressing agenda of Muslim Brotherhood which has been shut down..America founded on Judeo Christian values now being upended revealing a society clearly moving away from liberalism and refusal to get at the core of what is filling the void.

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Great episode! Love Brianna Wu! I identify with her description of feeling betrayed by the left. Her views on trans issues are also refreshing, and I am in full agreement with them. The reason acceptance has declined is because of the crazy lunatic activists she describes.

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Brianna is afraid to go to FL for fear a doctor won't be able to fill an HRT prescription? Please, Brianna is not 12.

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Wu describes my own evolution as well and my disillusionment with progressivism. I want peace for both Palestinians and Israelis. No peace with Iranian proxies.

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Wu is a man. I’m tired of this genuflecting to a man whose opinions only matter because he pretends to be a woman. If you were truly courageous, because there is literally nothing the least bit courageous or uncomfortable about platforming a man pretending to be a woman these days, you would have interviewed Genevieve Gluck of Reduxx ages ago. You know, the woman whose work is cited in the bombshell Alabama brief before the Supreme Court? Or any of the Democratic women now estranged from their party as it seeks to destroy females as a sex-based class. But why seek out a woman when there’s a man pretending to be one handy?

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You sound like an anti-free speech leftist complaining about platforming. Only a portion of the episode is about Brianna being trans.

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Do you believe Brianna would be as prominent if he were not a trans-identified male? What, to you, does he offer that is unique and insightful enough to be independent of his trans identity? Note—the whole promo push around this interview is NOT any professional accomplishments. It’s his identity.

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Very interesting listen- Wu's evolution has been fascinating to see.

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