
Nothing better than pissing off DC. Excellent effort!

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Butker was canceld!!! Silenced!!! Kicked out of the NFL!!!

Life ruined!! Uninvited from the White House!!!

He is now free to write the 701st book re: "Silencing Conservatives."

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I didn’t create this: DEI stands for Didn’t Earn Ir.

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Thank you Heidi … nevertheless soldier on and enjoy your day today.

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Women who speak out against Islam and The Iranian Republic are discredited as CRAZY. Women who raise a family in a loving home are CRAZY. Men who praise their wives publicly are CRAZY! But prestigious Universities caving to the demands of Keffiyah wearing vandals are thoughtful and wise. I see.

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I feel seen and heard.

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Name names:

George Clooney and Lebanese Muslim wife lawyer Amal Clooney Are Muslim enemy combatants invading America.

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WTF is United Against Nuclear Iran?

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I just want to say to TFP - today was a good day for you. You managed to endear and outrage about the same percentage of people it seems. I would call that good journalism. Keep up the good work!!

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I took up BJJ two years ago. Best decision I ever made. If you’re thinking about trying it, DO IT.

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RE: Harrison Butker speech ( Once again the libs are losing their minds because only THEY are entitled to free speech and their beliefs. Everyone else is bad and wrong and must be punished, of course. I personally loved how Butker presented traditional Catholic views and in doing so called the Church out on how far they've strayed and why. It seemed highly appropriate for the audience and beyond. Kudos to you, Mr. Butker!

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To be triggered by such a true statement: "We fear speaking truth, because now, unfortunately, truth is in the minority. Congress just passed a bill where stating something as basic as the biblical teaching of who killed Jesus could land you in jail." is to me, stunning. This is a statement of simply reciting a historical event and the bill could make this illegal. It is not an expression of antisemitism but a condemnation on a very bad law.

The bill is unconstitutional as hell and I am ashamed it passed with beyond a super-majority.

Then to write: "he suggested the women were probably looking forward more to marriage and children than to high-powered careers." is evidence Kat didn't even listen to the speech (or did so with only extreme hatred)

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I must have missed the New Testament statements. Of course, I only watched clips of what I was supposed to be mad about, and I'm sorry to say, I couldn't get mad. As a homemaker who chose this life and has been treated like less than roadkill for it BY OTHER WOMEN, I was one of many who were happy to be recognized as important.

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Stay at home moms is the most important job in the world. Some women don't have that luxury but if they love their children, they do the best they can.

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“The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world!”

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I love this! I'm putting it in my quote book.

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As an avid practitioner of BJJ ( as well at Muay Thai) I also recommend it highly. I believe it would be useful for a lot of the stunning and brave keyboard warriors who spew negativity and who try to cancel and censor folk, to face the music of the real world in a ( relatively) safe environment.

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I, too, find the uproar over Harrison Butker's commencement speech to be hilarious!

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Just remember the last time the left and the Islamists collaborated was Iran 1979. And look what happened. The Islamists will eat the leftists alive here in the US. P

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FWIW worth, about 11-ish EDT, I was refused commenting ability by Substack. Seriously. No reason, just I'd been banned for 24 hours or a day from now".

I've never seen this before. It seems I am back on the right side of whatever, but we shall see,

If any can enlighten me I'd appreciate it!

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Happened to me to. I’ve sent an email to the FP powers that be to ask why was I banned? For what comment was I banned? Why was I reinstated? What’s the explanation for either or both? Why no response from the only address I could find at the time which was thefront page@?

We shall see.

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Burn a woman?

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Put down the scissors?

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Slow down?

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