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Our Next Book Club: The West Failed the Moral Test
Illustration by Eitan Gutenmacher for The Free Press.

Our Next Book Club: Israel, October 7, and the Crisis of Civilization

Brendan O’Neill joins Michael Moynihan in New York to talk about his new book on how the West failed the moral test after Hamas’s attack.

How dare Israel defend itself, after terrorists breached its borders and brutally murdered its citizens? How dare the world’s only Jewish state fight a group that openly calls for the annihilation of Jews? How dare this “white settler colony” even continue to exist, on land it stole from oppressed people?

For the last year, Israel has been subjected to extreme—and extremely vicious—rhetoric from leftists across the West. “October 8, 2023, ought to have been a day of shining moral clarity for humankind,” writes Brendan O’Neill in his new book After the Pogrom: 7 October, Israel and the Crisis of Civilisation. Instead, what we saw was “ ‘victim-blaming’ par excellence.”

Since then, The Free Press has kept an eye on the campuses and corporations of America, reporting on antisemitism wherever we see it. Last week, on the anniversary of the pogrom, we published a list of all the stories we’ve brought you about a world turned upside down. And on October 30, you can join us in New York for a live conversation between Brendan and Michael Moynihan—our sometime host of both Honestly and The Free Press Live. Michael has done his fair share of outstanding work for us on the war in the Middle East—most recently in an interview with our nation’s premier war journalist, Dexter Filkins, about why Hezbollah has absolutely no intention of leaving Israel alone. 

As Brendan writes in his book: “Hezbollah has sworn itself to the forced, violent repatriation of Israel’s Jews on the basis that they are a cancerous presence in the Middle East—an explicitly racist, genocidal dream.” The American left, which is doing “Hezbollah’s bidding on the streets of our cities,” seems to have forgotten this.

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Brendan will join Michael at Maxwell Social in Tribeca, at 7 p.m. on October 30, for a live conversation followed by an audience discussion and drinks. For a chance to mingle with other Free Press readers—and to meet some of our team—reserve your ticket today by clicking here.

See you soon. And if you’re not already a subscriber to The Free Press, become one today:

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