The DEIs want to have a school funded via private money and "DEI Lovers?"


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There’s a very good podcast between Dr Jordan Peterson and Gregg Hurwitz that discusses the psyops efforts being perpetrated by bad actors to tear down our democracy….and what efforts are now underway to reverse those efforts. Well worth your time.


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Integration has been the law of the land since the 60s but if he wants to ignore that surely some Whites, Asians, Indians, Muslims, etc. will too want their own segregated schools right? Melting pot was/is a horrible racist idea? A new "Reseg" movement is needed. Anything to avoid addressing the massive academic and critical-skills achievement gap between AAs and all other races.

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"... “a world where. . . all black students are taught by high-quality, same-race teachers ..."

MLK is turning over in his grave.

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What a shame ouija boards don't really work. I would love to see Martin Luther King Jr’s take on this.

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Ayn Rand describes such people as “the double parasite that lives off the sores of the poor and the blood of the rich”. - Atlas Shrugged

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This article lacks the detail and depth for me to draw any conclusions about the real reach and influence of El-Mekki. Has he been interviewed or challenged about his proposals? How about teachers using this curriculum? In what way and on what decisions has he advised Josh Shapiro. This reads like an initial pitch for a story.

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I would assume this makes Sharif El-Mekki, the BLM leaders who stole money, and the all the other grifters ineligible for Reparations since they have scammed stupid rich white fools out of money and are now pretty well rich? Asking for a friend.

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It’s incredible how much the rhetoric of these race essentialists on the left overlaps with the stuff the Klan has been promoting for decades: everything should be seen through the lens of race first; black and white Americans have irreconcilable differences and need to be separated from each other; there is no way to understand another person’s experience if they are from a different race, therefore we shouldn’t even try… It’s appalling.

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I have followed Mr. El-Mekki for quite some time. He advocates strongly for greater instructional competence among those who teach minority students, which is strongly needed in the U.S. (He seems to believe that non-black educators are inherently unprepared to teach black students.) But I haven’t seen any evidence that his own school has succeeded in that endeavor. Perhaps his activist focus on identity issues over proven instructional approaches has distracted his efforts. Or perhaps, actual academic achievement has not been his focus.

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It is understandable that older Americans will carry with them some combination of guilt and anger for economic inequalities they could not solve, especially if they buy the dubious claim that persistent racism explains these inequalities. But when these people ask our children to carry their grief and rage, while making few sacrifices of their own, they are practicing a form of human sacrifice that should be repugnant to us all.

My children are taught nonsense in school. Their classmates are pitted against each other through affinity groups that offer snacks to insiders and nothing to outsiders. They see schools telling them they are less valuable and then telling their parents to pay for it all. We teach them to see it all as absurd humor from confused, well-meaning people, but they see the anger and dishonest opportunism among those who hold excessive power over them and whom they should trust.

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Where are the adults in the room. What a shame!

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Let us stipulate that El-Mekki is correct that black students must be taught by black teachers. What does this say about those students' ability in the workplace to learn and gain professional skills in the event they encounter supervisors, and/or more senior managers who are not also black?

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Just astounding and disgraceful (among other descriptions I could offer) !!! This is almost unbelievable, but in today's America anything seems to be possible. I suppose this guy will demand reparations to help support this initiative in addition to the donations from the elites. Excuse me while I go puke.

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He doesn’t need reparations. He has gates, Nike, NBC, and bezos.

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Unbelievable. V.

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really ?? you have got to be kidding..so the gates foundation supports segregation ..this is crazy..especially after all the media about inclusion

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Interesting. Big business and world leaders are supporting segregation. Keeping everyone in their place. Wonder why?

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