
Actually, the Biden Administration may have created a problem for itself that it never anticipated. Specifically, every college girl that is confronted in her dorm, gym, bathroom, etc by a transgender man can allege that he has assaulted her and the man will be without any of the protections of due process that Biden has removed. I hope it causes the progressive mind to explode.

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This just another reason for young men to avoid college. Learn a trade , buy a truck , a home then fill it with a loving wife and children. Avoid the indoctrination centers that hate men and live happily ever after!

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Remember the old story about the frog in the pot?

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During the Obama/Biden years, I remember that groups of males would graduate and actually say "Thank God. We made it without trials, expulsions..."

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So, let me get this straight....young men have lost due process on college campuses via Title IX yet on the flip side Title IX now allows young men to access women's spaces by claiming they are women. This is some serious bipolar legislation. No wonder more men are turning conservative these days.

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Almost makes one think people need to wear a police camera 24/7 but again - with no right to defend oneself why would it matter. You can change this with your votes.

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Actually much worse now that you’ve put it so succinctly. “Makes sense”

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biden is giving the perfect example of how you can take over our government without a shot being fired. And they worry about Trump. He's a piker compared to joe when it comes to being a dictator.

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This is the worst decision Biden could have made, and I ain't no conservative. This was a huge Obama mistake originally and now Biden has gone back to it. It denies due process, pure and simple. It is basically against the law. It smacks to me as an election year reach out to a largely disaffected student youth vote due to his policy in defending Israel. Cancelling student debt is another.

This is a bad error in judgement.

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Title IV can be reversed by the next President. I hope the next President is Trump or at least not weak minded Biden.

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One way to address the single investigator, prosecutor, judge issue is to make them and high level university administrators personally liable for damages awarded by the courts for trampling the rights of the accused. No qualified immunity.

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I'm beginning to think someone in the Biden administration/campaign staff is actually a plant for Trump. It's like Biden is begging for us to vote against him.

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No begging needed.

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Not mentioned in this piece is the fact that the left has dumbed down the meaning of sexual assault, among many other words. It is now considered sexual assault if a woman consents to sex with a man but regrets it in the morning.

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I remember one time I went to bed with a 10 and woke up with a 2...

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The zeal with which this administration panders to tiny slices of lunatics amazes me. No way this doesn't anger far more people than it pleases. It's just stupid. No one wins with this.

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The Progressive movement do seem intent on dismantling free market capitalism, even Western democracy, in their fanatical desire to implement some kind of collectivist, statist utopia. Whatever flaws capitalism and democracy have, they are better than the alternatives that recent history has experimented with. Genuine reform would have been better than this nihilistic orgy of destruction.

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I just remember there being a flurry of stories when the DeVos rules came out saying how it was overall a good thing because so many young men, especially foreign students, had clumsy sexual encounters with young women who later regretted it. The young men were then expelled with little ability to defend themselves and ended up losing their visas and having to return to their home country. All because they didn’t have the language/cultural skills to navigate what is often the most confusing and fraught domain of human interaction - dating and sex.

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