
I know I'm late to the party.

The Golden Globes is a pandering pat on the back by foreign press "journalists" seen by nobody with an IQ above 10.

Our presumptive candidates for President of what once was the greatest country on the planet are a senescent intellectually impaired corrupt liar whose inability to understand economics is mind blowing, and a artificially tanned comb-over boor whose presidency was noted for prosperity. Great choices!

Fergie Chambers is a demented fool. If you take the opposite side of every one of his arguments, you will be 100% correct. However, like the Golden Globes, no one with an IQ if over 10 will pay any attention to him.

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I honestly don't think this election will matter one whit. The Dems will replace Biden at the last minute, with I greatly fear Michelle Obama. Women will go berserk, and line up to vote for the First Woman President. IF by some miracle anyone other than Nikki Haley (and maybe even her) takes the Republican nomination, they have assured by hook or crook that the Dem will win. America is entering its own Dark Ages.

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"if he loses in November, that’s all [Biden] will be remembered as: the man who failed to vanquish Trump." -- What will he be remembered as if RFK Jr wins?

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Everyday I have to see the failing of Biden and his immigration polies in real time as only thing he cares about is Trump . My daytime job is going to different offices all over Chicago. I see more and more migrants. With girls walking the streets , young men going in and out of alleys . Biden Minions- Johnson and Pritzker wont admit the migrants are adding to the crime figure it would not be wise to go against your boss . This been going on since middle of the summer . But now it is hitting the burbs and you cant keep it silent

January 9, 2024 7:10 PM Tim Hecke Citywide CWB Chicago

"Sex trafficking ring forced migrant women to work as prostitutes in Chicago, suburbs: prosecutors

CHICAGO — A Venezuelan man in the United States illegally was part of a human trafficking operation that forced migrant women to work as prostitutes in Chicago and the suburbs, prosecutors said Tuesday. Chicago police officers freed two women from the trafficking operation after one of their captors took them to a West Side hospital for medical treatment over the weekend, according to officials.

The victims, Venezuelan women ages 20 and 22, and a third woman told investigators that they came to the United States in October with the help of a man named Victor. He forced them to work as prostitutes to pay back their “debt” to him, and he kept all of the money their clients paid.

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I do not understand why those who support terrorists openly and financially are not prosecuted as is dictated by law. Chambers should certainly be jailed and citizenship revoked. These who openly support Hamas should likewise have citizenship revoked, bank accounts frozen and placed on “the No-Fly” list, at the least.

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Biden’s fight for ‘the soul of America’ is reminiscent of Mephistopheles’ promise to Faust of everlasting life in exchange for his soul.

Biden’s quid pro quo: cradle to grave security for your vote.

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Occam’s Razor???? Whoa. Haven't heard that mentioned in awhile. The Democrats better stay far, far, far away from that concept, even if it's just to explain Lloyd Austin’s hospitalization. Think about what Occam's Razor would have to say about trans athletes, the roots of the DEI movement, why black students lag behind others in school, the roots of police violence, why there are so many homeless people, etc. Occam's razor literally cuts right through all our wishful explanations and leaves a gaping wound in modern liberalism. "The most simple and most obvious answer is usually the right answer". Wow. That's concept is not flying these days at all.

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Brandon could best do us all a favor by defending democracy and dropping out to prevent his coming loss to Trump.

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I don't think Donald Trump "animates" Joe Biden's quest for a second term. That simply Biden's calculated pitch to get reelected. He doesn't have much else at this point. Joe Biden has wanted to be president since he was elected to the Senate. It's been his overriding ambition for 50 years. He has no political philosophy. No fixed principles. No vision. No passion, other than naked ambition. Let's call it what it is, and not what Biden would have us believe.

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The actual brownshirts are the FBI, CIA DOJ as they go after people who have committed no crimes but are being convicted on fake charges. This country is being torn apart on purpose by the Swamp dwellers in DC. Only way to stop this is to starve them of the only thing they care about our tax dollars.

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Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin is in the chain of command for the entire U.S. military. He deserves to be fired for being AWOL from his job.

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The three most important, indeed critical members of any President's cabinet are Sec. of State, Attorney General & Sec. of Defense. Biden's administration is dysfunctional but it is incredulous that Biden & others in his administration were ignorant of the fact that the Sec. of Defense was critically ill which is the term/diagnosis one would make about a patient in an ICU. In addition the Assistant Sec. of Defense was on vacation & out of the country. Common sense tells me that either Biden's administration is grossly & dangerously incompetent or Biden is nothing more than a figurehead a Presidential automaton. Which begs the question, who is actually running the country? Biden go tell the country that Trump is Hitler, that MAGAs are Nazis, that Republicans are racist deplorables. Biden thus goes forth & does just that. Biden is unfit & I'm not advocating Trump as his successor. Of course the usual suspects are making excuses for this latest Biden debacle.

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How is it possible that only Jill Biden could look her husband in the eye and tell him to drop out of the race? Are there literally no other voices of reason surrounding Biden that can tell him he isn’t the best candidate to win? Is his ego too important?

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Oh, Biden won't make it all about Trump. He and the democrats will come up with some very attractive vote buying program that Biden will initiate with an Executive Order. Probably debt relief to some voting bloc like he did in 2022 with student loans. And he and his supporters will play the same ridiculous cards to sell it: It is good for the economy. It will create a million jobs. Those who receive the benefits will be poor suffering middle class people who just need a little help from Uncle Joe. The only reason that those poor suffering people live like that is the greedy rich people and the GOP.

And don't forget about abortion rights. That will be played up starting about September. It worked well in 2022, and the democrats will try to get back on that horse again. Same as before. First the GOP takes your "right" to an abortion, then they will take away the rest of your rights!

Joe will probably skip the ridiculous voting laws nonsense like Jim Crow 2.0. But he will no doubt push for voting by waving your hands to vote as the democrats drive by and count hands.

He'll probably skip Bidenomics, and Inflation Reduction Act too. No one believes that any of the bills passed with Biden's signature are good for anyone except the green folks who think EVs are the answer to everything regardless of how the electricity is generated. And anyone who shops knows that inflation is far higher than the Govt reports.

He'll skip the national debt and deficit spending too. Nothing to be proud of there.

And I suspect he'll minimize the DEI and LGBTQ+ narratives. Those have been pretty well played out and a lot of people are starting to wonder if all of that are contributors to the mess in D.C. and the mess in the Biden Administration where foolish things are done on a daily basis. Claudine Gay is now seen as the face of DEI, and she got fired for incompetence. And very few people want to see grown men taking female hormones competing against girls.

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my extended family would be considered religious right and they loathe Orange Man. most of them will vote for Nikki Haley. My pick is DeSantis

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I hope the Democrats lose, but given their control of the news media, education, BigTech and just about every other institution in America, they can easily cheat their way forever to victory and get away with it.

We are now a banana republic, not a democratic one.

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