I admit I was expecting a lot of snark and condescension from Ben, so I was pleasantly surprised at the tone of this. There are a lot of misconceptions about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, so it's nice to see the faith portrayed in a charitable light, although I think the young man in the curious tan suit/tie didn't acq…
I admit I was expecting a lot of snark and condescension from Ben, so I was pleasantly surprised at the tone of this. There are a lot of misconceptions about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, so it's nice to see the faith portrayed in a charitable light, although I think the young man in the curious tan suit/tie didn't acquit himself as well as he would have liked.
Bottom line, the LDS faith is focused on helping individuals draw nearer to God through faith in Jesus Christ, living a Christlike life through obedience to the commandments, and serving others. In my experience, that tends to create very well-adjusted and likeable people who are very kind and always willing to help when called on. Contrast that to what we see at many of our top universities these days...
Agreed. This was a welcome departure from what I’ve perceived as Ben Kawaller’s blend of snark, defensiveness, and condescension. The Mormons came across well in his showing. I’ve always admired their emphases on traditional family values, good deeds, patriotism, and devotion to their faith. They weren’t always as interested in portraying themselves as wholly Christian, having gone intentionally outside the Bible for their teachings, but they’ve been edging closer. I think the fundamentalist evangelicals should cut them some slack.
Anyway, good on Ben Kawaller for changing his mind to view them more “charitably” - his word.
I admit I was expecting a lot of snark and condescension from Ben, so I was pleasantly surprised at the tone of this. There are a lot of misconceptions about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, so it's nice to see the faith portrayed in a charitable light, although I think the young man in the curious tan suit/tie didn't acquit himself as well as he would have liked.
Bottom line, the LDS faith is focused on helping individuals draw nearer to God through faith in Jesus Christ, living a Christlike life through obedience to the commandments, and serving others. In my experience, that tends to create very well-adjusted and likeable people who are very kind and always willing to help when called on. Contrast that to what we see at many of our top universities these days...
Agreed. This was a welcome departure from what I’ve perceived as Ben Kawaller’s blend of snark, defensiveness, and condescension. The Mormons came across well in his showing. I’ve always admired their emphases on traditional family values, good deeds, patriotism, and devotion to their faith. They weren’t always as interested in portraying themselves as wholly Christian, having gone intentionally outside the Bible for their teachings, but they’ve been edging closer. I think the fundamentalist evangelicals should cut them some slack.
Anyway, good on Ben Kawaller for changing his mind to view them more “charitably” - his word.