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Mark Rustad22 min ago

Why is any of this a surprise? Kodak sold assets to Sino Promise which previously were responsible for 56% of Kodaks annual gross revenue. Sino Promise manufactured all the assets it purchased for a few dimes on a dollar--so it now has a direct link to the consumers of it's paper and chemistry business and a greater margin on those sales. A huge portion of the remaining 36% of Kodaks Photo revenues come from within the Chinese market. Just as importantly, the newly restructured Kodak is seeking to divest from the dependency upon the photo/camera/development market by moving into pharmaceutical manufacturing, sales and distribution. Guess where they source 95+% of all their base pharmaceutical raw inputs! Bet the whole load....CHINA! If the CCP Dog Brain says wag, Kodak's tail moves. Soon enough, unless Kodak seeks India's help (the world's second largest supplier of pharmaceuticals raws and finished pills/capsules), even those efforts will fail and Kodak will fall again into bankruptcy and China will buy the whole load for pennies on he dollar. Just look at GNC....slowly the dragons tail choked out GNC's USA pulse. https://www.insideimaging.com.au/2020/kodak-paper-and-chem-to-chinese-company/


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