Satire? Sadly it’s probably not, but this guy probably gets paid by the word or he’s trying to get a laugh. Alternative views are good, but we all know nonsense when we see it (especially when we’re subscribers paying for it).
Character: you lack any empathy, decency & ethics. Your Candidate is being asked to resign by Sen Chuck Schumer as he’s perceived y his own Party as enfeebled. You are one sick scumbag which should be eradicated
“It’s been over 250 years since the American Revolution”? Did the Revolution start years before the 1775 Battles of Lexington and Concord??? That’s news to me….
Ok, we know far right supporters love to create bizarre myths, but this one is beyond anything I've seen. Presumably Marjorie Taylor Greene will be all over it. I wonder if the poor kid has any idea...
I get it. The "Free Press", like all other such publications, start off coming across as "middle of the road", but actually the start is left of center. Those to the right of center are so happy to finally read reasonable reporting and articles, they talk up the wonders of the Free Press. Slowly but surely, each publication is nudging us to the left. Then we go to upgrade and here comes an article like this one on Barron Trump. I almost clicked "upgrade".
One thing we Americans have been largely spared from, unlike the European monarchies, North Korea, and the New York Times, is a procession of the idiot offspring of the Ruling Class inheriting positions of authority from their parents. I have seen and heard Ivanka Trump (Trump's daughter from the first and longest-lived of his many marriages) speak. Once at a live event and numerous times on the internet, usually in one of the many Gulf States, watching the oil sheikhs assembled ogle at her while contemplating selling half their little kingdom to buy her for their harem. Apart from Ivanka, who is more articulate, intelligent and personable than all of the members of Congress put together, and a lot better looking than either her stepmother or Four Star General Rachel Levine, our former Presidents have taken their wives' advice and not permitted their own offspring to follow in their political footsteps. I seriously doubt whether Melania will permit her son to join the D.C. Swamp anytime soon.
A pathetic article..River Paige is a friggin idiot for writing an article like this...I might have missed it but did RP write an article about the nation saving qualities of Hunter Biden...what a waste of internet space reading this piece of shit!!
Just subscribed to The Free Press, this was the first article I read. Kinda pompous, but maybe the point was to illicit the comments I'm reading, which I'm enjoying much more than the article. I do think Barron should be off limits, his parents have kept him out of the spot light, so don't go shining it on him. The author has some odd ideas about white men seeking a savior figure. The article is more revealing about the author's perceptions than any reality. The idea that white-right men are weak, simple minded and threatened is a bit of a leftist wet dream. Still an interesting article.
Satire? Sadly it’s probably not, but this guy probably gets paid by the word or he’s trying to get a laugh. Alternative views are good, but we all know nonsense when we see it (especially when we’re subscribers paying for it).
Character: you lack any empathy, decency & ethics. Your Candidate is being asked to resign by Sen Chuck Schumer as he’s perceived y his own Party as enfeebled. You are one sick scumbag which should be eradicated
“It’s been over 250 years since the American Revolution”? Did the Revolution start years before the 1775 Battles of Lexington and Concord??? That’s news to me….
Did this dude just write 1,000 words on a meme?
Ok, we know far right supporters love to create bizarre myths, but this one is beyond anything I've seen. Presumably Marjorie Taylor Greene will be all over it. I wonder if the poor kid has any idea...
It takes a lot of Character & Courage to eviscerate an 18 year old kid. Wow, Democrats are sinking to a new low
His obviously prefers his privacy, why can't everyone just respect that and leave him alone. Plenty of Trumps out there who enjoy the attention.
Well.....this is the dumbest thing I've read today.
I've never heard of or read any of the nonsense or people you mention. This reads like the rant of a 20 year old Columbia student.
The only thing I'll say about the child of a President is that young Trump lives completely rent free in the writer's head.
We should leave Barron out of this until he inserts himself. He's only 18. Leave the kid alone.
I read quite a bit and I've never seen a single reference to this until I scanned this waste of space post.
I get it. The "Free Press", like all other such publications, start off coming across as "middle of the road", but actually the start is left of center. Those to the right of center are so happy to finally read reasonable reporting and articles, they talk up the wonders of the Free Press. Slowly but surely, each publication is nudging us to the left. Then we go to upgrade and here comes an article like this one on Barron Trump. I almost clicked "upgrade".
One thing we Americans have been largely spared from, unlike the European monarchies, North Korea, and the New York Times, is a procession of the idiot offspring of the Ruling Class inheriting positions of authority from their parents. I have seen and heard Ivanka Trump (Trump's daughter from the first and longest-lived of his many marriages) speak. Once at a live event and numerous times on the internet, usually in one of the many Gulf States, watching the oil sheikhs assembled ogle at her while contemplating selling half their little kingdom to buy her for their harem. Apart from Ivanka, who is more articulate, intelligent and personable than all of the members of Congress put together, and a lot better looking than either her stepmother or Four Star General Rachel Levine, our former Presidents have taken their wives' advice and not permitted their own offspring to follow in their political footsteps. I seriously doubt whether Melania will permit her son to join the D.C. Swamp anytime soon.
Does the name "Bush" ring any bells?
A pathetic article..River Paige is a friggin idiot for writing an article like this...I might have missed it but did RP write an article about the nation saving qualities of Hunter Biden...what a waste of internet space reading this piece of shit!!
The Left needs talking points, and is desperate for them right now.
Just subscribed to The Free Press, this was the first article I read. Kinda pompous, but maybe the point was to illicit the comments I'm reading, which I'm enjoying much more than the article. I do think Barron should be off limits, his parents have kept him out of the spot light, so don't go shining it on him. The author has some odd ideas about white men seeking a savior figure. The article is more revealing about the author's perceptions than any reality. The idea that white-right men are weak, simple minded and threatened is a bit of a leftist wet dream. Still an interesting article.
River Page missed a big one. William Manchester's great book about Gen. Douglas MacArthur was called, "American Caesar." This is called irony, folks.
This article is not up to The FP's usual standards.