One thing we Americans have been largely spared from, unlike the European monarchies, North Korea, and the New York Times, is a procession of the idiot offspring of the Ruling Class inheriting positions of authority from their parents. I have seen and heard Ivanka Trump (Trump's daughter from the first and longest-lived of his many marri…
One thing we Americans have been largely spared from, unlike the European monarchies, North Korea, and the New York Times, is a procession of the idiot offspring of the Ruling Class inheriting positions of authority from their parents. I have seen and heard Ivanka Trump (Trump's daughter from the first and longest-lived of his many marriages) speak. Once at a live event and numerous times on the internet, usually in one of the many Gulf States, watching the oil sheikhs assembled ogle at her while contemplating selling half their little kingdom to buy her for their harem. Apart from Ivanka, who is more articulate, intelligent and personable than all of the members of Congress put together, and a lot better looking than either her stepmother or Four Star General Rachel Levine, our former Presidents have taken their wives' advice and not permitted their own offspring to follow in their political footsteps. I seriously doubt whether Melania will permit her son to join the D.C. Swamp anytime soon.
One thing we Americans have been largely spared from, unlike the European monarchies, North Korea, and the New York Times, is a procession of the idiot offspring of the Ruling Class inheriting positions of authority from their parents. I have seen and heard Ivanka Trump (Trump's daughter from the first and longest-lived of his many marriages) speak. Once at a live event and numerous times on the internet, usually in one of the many Gulf States, watching the oil sheikhs assembled ogle at her while contemplating selling half their little kingdom to buy her for their harem. Apart from Ivanka, who is more articulate, intelligent and personable than all of the members of Congress put together, and a lot better looking than either her stepmother or Four Star General Rachel Levine, our former Presidents have taken their wives' advice and not permitted their own offspring to follow in their political footsteps. I seriously doubt whether Melania will permit her son to join the D.C. Swamp anytime soon.
Does the name "Bush" ring any bells?