Or, as Kurtz so memorably puts it in Heart of Darkness, "Exterminate all the brutes," right? Those women, kids, and old people are all just animals anyway.
Hamas has made this a battle to the death - by their own words. If it is not the death of Hamas, it will be a second Holocaust of us Jews.
Hamas must be wiped out at all costs. The Gazans elected them, just as the Germans elected the Nazis into office. They pay the price. Leftists and Jihadists must pay the price for their foolish voting, just as we conservatives are told we have to.
Wasn't it Obama who said that elections have consequences?
It is a valid question. I guess I'd respond with who is more like the Nazi's? We know the Mufti, during WW2, sided with the Nazi's in the initiation of the conflict with the Jews and today this conflict would not be taking place if Hamas had not attacked. Did Hamas just wake up one day and decided to murder all those people. No, it seems clear by the continual rocket fire over the years and the tunnels and war rooms built under hospitals and schools that their mindset is on warfare. They could have focused on making homes and a life for their people since 2005 when Israel left Gaza, but their choice was to prepare for continuing war and violence. Choices have consequences.
Bonhoeffer took part in an assassination attempt on Hitler and for that he was arrested and killed. That there may shed light on what side he would be on as he was willing to take up arms in what might be called a just war.
You know as well as I that Bibi has been backing Hamas for years in order to tell the world Israel "has no partner for peace," in order to make an end-run around the possibility of a "two-state solution," because Bibi and his friends on the Israeli right plan to keep the Palestinians subjugated and miserable for the rest of time. A decade ago, the excellent Israeli documentary called The Gatekeepers brought together six former heads of Shin Bet itself. They were all bitterly experienced and old enough to recall 1967 and 1973 and all the rest. They were not "self-hating Jews." They were simply as tough-minded a group of bitterly experienced Israeli wise men as you could find anywhere. And their unanimous position was the same as Ehud Olmert's as he left office for jail: Israel either finds a way to create a just state for the Palestinians, or Israel is doomed. Full stop. The idea that Israel is "destroying" Hamas is preposterous. It is simply lighting fires of hatred it will have to contend with for as long as the Palestinians do not have a state of their own. As everyone knows, most Gazans are young. Many will be willing to literally do anything--anything--to avenge the tens of thousands Israel has killed in this war. Among the wildest cheers on earth for Hamas' actions on Oct. 7 were those in Pakistan, a nation with as many nukes right now as Israel and the nation which taught Iran how to make its own. The real nuclear "existential threat" to Israel comes from Pakistan, not Iran, though it may well come through Iran, and Hezbollah or Hamas. How can Israel forever protect Tel Aviv from a dirty bomb at a minimum when far more than a billion Muslims are on Hamas' side? Hamas sprang a terrible, viciously brilliant trap on Israel on Oct. 7. Hamas designed its atrocities to be so bad that Israel could not resist the trap. Now kids at all America's best colleges will be pouring over Rashid Kahlidi's account of The Hundred Years War on Palestine [by Zionists]. All the rich Jewish donors in the country cannot stop this, or stop the kids from signing up for courses on "Palestine and Israel" taught by PC professors. The kids will have seen the footage of Oct. 7, and footage of the IDF killing desperate Gazans trying to get food for their children, as well as footage of the famine--and plagues--about to descend on Gaza. How can anyone think this will be good for American-Israeli relations? Soon Gen Zers and the largest, most progressive generation in American history, before the Gen Zers, the millennials, will be running America with their tech and AI money and their votes, just as the Boomers have for the past thirty years. When the Boomers thought of "Israel," their next thought was "the Holocaust." When younger Americans think of it, the next thought for many will be Gaza. Just as Hamas planned.
"Hamas designed its atrocities to be so bad that Israel could not resist the trap. " Nonsense.
Hamas is merely following the example of their esteemed prophet, and their religious teachers to urge them to "kill the Jews wherever you find them" in ways calculated provoke paralyzing terror. Right now, Muslims are doing the same to Christians in Africa.
What Hamas didn't expect was that (1) Israel would dump the Konceptzia and go for a deep cleaning of Gaza, and (2) their Arab allies would stand aside and secretly cheer for the Jews.
Interesting how diametrically opposed your views are to those of Tom Friedman in terms of how good this war is for Israel. He thinks Hamas sucked Israel into a trap which is going to make it a pariah state. Maybe he's a "self-hating Jew." But I'm putting my money on his decades of intimate knowledge with the region, its leaders, and the world at large. You seem strangely at odds with Israel's most famous writer, David Grossman, who wrote a piece in the Times recently called "Israel is Falling Into an Abyss." Time will tell whether these guys are right, or you.
NY Times? Give me an f'ing break! The paper that covered up the Holocaust? Covered up the Great Purge? The Holodomor? The Great Leap Forward (greatest genocide in history)?
They are morally depraved monsters, with the blood of more than 100 million victims of Nazism and Communism on their hands.
Would Bonhoeffer be on the side of the IDF in Gaza today shooting at desperate, starving Gazans trying to get food other than grass?
Those same Gazans that supported Hamas and celebrated the 10/7 massacre?
Those Nazis (and they are not ashamed of it) deserve no more support than the German Nazis we bombed in Dresden, Hamburg and Schweinfurt.
Or, as Kurtz so memorably puts it in Heart of Darkness, "Exterminate all the brutes," right? Those women, kids, and old people are all just animals anyway.
Hamas has made this a battle to the death - by their own words. If it is not the death of Hamas, it will be a second Holocaust of us Jews.
Hamas must be wiped out at all costs. The Gazans elected them, just as the Germans elected the Nazis into office. They pay the price. Leftists and Jihadists must pay the price for their foolish voting, just as we conservatives are told we have to.
Wasn't it Obama who said that elections have consequences?
It is a valid question. I guess I'd respond with who is more like the Nazi's? We know the Mufti, during WW2, sided with the Nazi's in the initiation of the conflict with the Jews and today this conflict would not be taking place if Hamas had not attacked. Did Hamas just wake up one day and decided to murder all those people. No, it seems clear by the continual rocket fire over the years and the tunnels and war rooms built under hospitals and schools that their mindset is on warfare. They could have focused on making homes and a life for their people since 2005 when Israel left Gaza, but their choice was to prepare for continuing war and violence. Choices have consequences.
Bonhoeffer took part in an assassination attempt on Hitler and for that he was arrested and killed. That there may shed light on what side he would be on as he was willing to take up arms in what might be called a just war.
You know as well as I that Bibi has been backing Hamas for years in order to tell the world Israel "has no partner for peace," in order to make an end-run around the possibility of a "two-state solution," because Bibi and his friends on the Israeli right plan to keep the Palestinians subjugated and miserable for the rest of time. A decade ago, the excellent Israeli documentary called The Gatekeepers brought together six former heads of Shin Bet itself. They were all bitterly experienced and old enough to recall 1967 and 1973 and all the rest. They were not "self-hating Jews." They were simply as tough-minded a group of bitterly experienced Israeli wise men as you could find anywhere. And their unanimous position was the same as Ehud Olmert's as he left office for jail: Israel either finds a way to create a just state for the Palestinians, or Israel is doomed. Full stop. The idea that Israel is "destroying" Hamas is preposterous. It is simply lighting fires of hatred it will have to contend with for as long as the Palestinians do not have a state of their own. As everyone knows, most Gazans are young. Many will be willing to literally do anything--anything--to avenge the tens of thousands Israel has killed in this war. Among the wildest cheers on earth for Hamas' actions on Oct. 7 were those in Pakistan, a nation with as many nukes right now as Israel and the nation which taught Iran how to make its own. The real nuclear "existential threat" to Israel comes from Pakistan, not Iran, though it may well come through Iran, and Hezbollah or Hamas. How can Israel forever protect Tel Aviv from a dirty bomb at a minimum when far more than a billion Muslims are on Hamas' side? Hamas sprang a terrible, viciously brilliant trap on Israel on Oct. 7. Hamas designed its atrocities to be so bad that Israel could not resist the trap. Now kids at all America's best colleges will be pouring over Rashid Kahlidi's account of The Hundred Years War on Palestine [by Zionists]. All the rich Jewish donors in the country cannot stop this, or stop the kids from signing up for courses on "Palestine and Israel" taught by PC professors. The kids will have seen the footage of Oct. 7, and footage of the IDF killing desperate Gazans trying to get food for their children, as well as footage of the famine--and plagues--about to descend on Gaza. How can anyone think this will be good for American-Israeli relations? Soon Gen Zers and the largest, most progressive generation in American history, before the Gen Zers, the millennials, will be running America with their tech and AI money and their votes, just as the Boomers have for the past thirty years. When the Boomers thought of "Israel," their next thought was "the Holocaust." When younger Americans think of it, the next thought for many will be Gaza. Just as Hamas planned.
"Hamas designed its atrocities to be so bad that Israel could not resist the trap. " Nonsense.
Hamas is merely following the example of their esteemed prophet, and their religious teachers to urge them to "kill the Jews wherever you find them" in ways calculated provoke paralyzing terror. Right now, Muslims are doing the same to Christians in Africa.
What Hamas didn't expect was that (1) Israel would dump the Konceptzia and go for a deep cleaning of Gaza, and (2) their Arab allies would stand aside and secretly cheer for the Jews.
Interesting how diametrically opposed your views are to those of Tom Friedman in terms of how good this war is for Israel. He thinks Hamas sucked Israel into a trap which is going to make it a pariah state. Maybe he's a "self-hating Jew." But I'm putting my money on his decades of intimate knowledge with the region, its leaders, and the world at large. You seem strangely at odds with Israel's most famous writer, David Grossman, who wrote a piece in the Times recently called "Israel is Falling Into an Abyss." Time will tell whether these guys are right, or you.
NY Times? Give me an f'ing break! The paper that covered up the Holocaust? Covered up the Great Purge? The Holodomor? The Great Leap Forward (greatest genocide in history)?
They are morally depraved monsters, with the blood of more than 100 million victims of Nazism and Communism on their hands.
Wishful thinking. The inevitability you imagine is unsupported by surveys of the American public. "You know as well as I" that Bibi is on his way out.