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"When Asian Americans were discriminated against, did you see their cause as being essential to our own? When American doctors were censored for questioning the efficacy of lockdowns, were you as outraged about this as you were about people who refused to wear masks in March 2020? When, just across town, a statue of Teddy Roosevelt was removed from outside the American Museum of Natural History, did you protest?"

80%+ of the New Yorkers you addressed would answer NO. They were also fine with forcing the unclean to show papers in order to keep their jobs or enter restaurants. Will they ever change their minds or vote and act differently? We are running out of time before the red guards tear down what’s left of western civilization. Teddy's statue is one of many torn down over the past decade: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/founding-fathers-statues-monuments-removed

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Read this Bari!!

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This is a brilliant speech by Bari Weiss... much like her speech at the Federalist Society.

Both remind me of a great joke I heard once. It started like this:

"A group of leftists walked into the ruins of the bar that they just burned down to order a drink..."

Leftists have caused this. It is just that simple. Leftists are the problem. And nearly all leftists vote Democrat. The Democratic Party of the United States must be destroyed. Why is it, that the party of the Confederacy and the KKK can still survive in America? Why does anyone think this group can be "reformed"? Would those same people think it credible if someone said, "well, I know the Nazis were bad in the past but we're the NEW Nazi party... we don;t want to kill Jews anymore..." ? Nope. But with Democrats... no sense of history matters. None.

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So all the vast majority of American Jews who've been "leftists" have been morally wrong? Really? MLK was one of our greatest leftists, wasn't he? So were Rabbi Herschel and the Jews who died on Freedom Rides wrong to support him? He was not just fighting for racial justice for blacks, but for economic justice for all poor Americans, like any good leftist.

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And I forgot your original point: YES, American Jews who have been leftist have been morally wrong. This is a true statement. Leftist Jews who support (or supported) communism and socialism in other countries were morally wrong. ALL of them were morally wrong. YES.

All leftism of this sort is morally wrong. All of it. They build nothing. They make nothing. They add nothing to the world.

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Claiming MLK as a "leftist" is such a tired trope. MLK would be cancelled by today's leftists. Leftists don't fight for racial justice or anything of the sort. Leftists fight for destruction. They build NOTHING. And every nation that attempts to install leftist beliefs into their system eventually reverts to extreme poverty and repression.

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It's clear you know little about my fellow Atlantan King whatsoever. Read the superb new Jewish bio of King by Jonathan Big, who does an excellent job of re-emphasizing King's fight for the poor of all races. You seem to know little about Northern Europe as well, where "leftism" has made nations like Denmark perennially the happiest and most just on earth. "Leftism" is synonymous with the most successful, happiest, most just societies on earth in Northern Europe, even though conservatives naturally prefer to equate "leftism" with Venezuela. Don't confuse "leftism" with PC either. PC has been the Boomers' forty-year academic distraction from the age-old central focus of "leftism," which has always been economic fairness--NOT gender, race, and freedom to love whom you please, fine as those causes are too. King was every bit as much for LBJ's "War on Poverty" as for his civil rights laws. King would be in the streets with the "Cease fire now!" crowd now, just as he was with the antiwar marchers of his day. Israel is in a tragic situation. It fell into Hamas' fiendish trap and will never be able to reclaim the respect of the world unless it does a 180, like Germany after the Nazis, or the Boers after apartheid, and creates a just two-state solution. Since Israelis are now more determined than ever never to do this 180, Israel's international reputation is absolutely fated to sink like a stone. How are rich donors going to prevent the studying of the Gaza War and the history of the Palestinians since the rise of Zionism in all our best colleges? How are these donors going to prevent professors from assigning the great Columbia historian--one of the school's most internationally famous professors--Rashid Khalidi's magisterial history called The Hundred Years War Against the Palestinians? How are donors going to prevent their own children from reading such texts and becoming critical of Israel? Israel and rich donors don't care what the world thinks. But that doesn't stop the world from thinking. Tom Friedman, one of the wisest friends Israel has ever had, and a proud Jew, has done his best to save Israel from itself from Oct. 7 to now. To no avail. We can all see now that America's response to 9/11 was incredibly stupid and wasteful. One day, Israelis, sadly, will feel the same about their response to Oct. 7. My heart weeps for the rightful sadness, rage, and stark terror Jews evertywhere have felt since Oct. 7. The impulse to quell the fear with slaughter has been understandably, tragically irresistible--as it was here before. But the whole world is watching as totally predictable mass famine threatens the helpless Palestinians, and as hysterical, starving Palestinians are shot down by the IDF trying to feed their children. American politics is on the verge of a generational change as great as the takeover of the country by the overwhelmingly conservative and economically neollberal Boomers in 1992. Unless Trump establishes a dictatorship this year, the much, much more progressive millennials and Gen Zers are going to replace the Boomer supporters of Bibi at the polls. Soon thereafter, America will have leaders who no longer give knee-jerk support to an Israel radicalized to the right by Oct. 7. Israel at that point will literally not have a national "friend" in the world. An interesting Israeli history of Israel has the frightening title The Land of Blood and Honey. The tragedy seems always to only grow deeper. I feel profound sadness for all Jews everywhere, and for the Jews and Palestinians trapped in this endless death struggle in what the great American Jew, Aaron David Miller, one of my favorite public figures in America, has sadly dubbed, with wry Jewish humor, "the much too promised land."

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Funny that leftists like you would celebrate the success of nations like Denmark, which historically was among the least diverse countries.

I though you leftists believed in Diversity Uber Alles.

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Agree that Israel has made a strategic error by responding as they did to the intolerable provocation by Hamas, though to ask them to do otherwise may be too much of a stretch for human nature. Am curious what you think they ought to have done. Visit the same tortures on some random Palestinians? Probably your prediction that the more anti-Israel sentiment will be the outcome us a good one.

Read some reviews of the "Hundred Years War Against the Palestinians". No doubt a one-sided history, as are most books on either side of any controversy. The NYT reviewed it in 2020 and I am going to try and post a link. The associated comments to the review are at least as informative as the review itself.

I do feel as many do that the Palestinians have refused each offer of peace including the original partition plan. And have had the misfortune of Gaza being ruled by Hamas psychos who care zero about them and so were willing to provoke this war. Having Bibi and the hardline faction in Israeli government has been bad for that country as well.


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"Agree that Israel has made a strategic error by responding as they did to the intolerable provocation by Hamas, though to ask them to do otherwise may be too much of a stretch for human nature. Am curious what you think they ought to have done."

They should have gone in hard, fast, and without mercy. This would all be over by now.

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What a yawn...

Like all leftists, you presume that if it is something you believe then it must be true, must be moral, and must be "left"...

Your reply is so incredibly lazy, predictable and uninteresting.

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I was hoping she would address more fully the tyranny of mask mandates, vaccine passports, our soldiers and Seals being kicked out of service to their country, and I could go on and on - which it seems like so much of American Jewry supported. Where were they when we needed them to fight back with us against this insidious madness? I completely support Jews in their fight against Hamas - who needs to be eliminated from this earth - I just wish they had our back in 2020 and 2021

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The (D)ifference is that Bari feels antisemitism is more dangerous (bodily harm/violence) vs. loss of civil liberties (mask mandate, vaccine passports). I’m not saying it’s right, but that is likely the magnet beneath her moral compass.

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A beautiful, thoughtful, highly informed and inspirational speech, Bari, and I’m glad that you recognized censorship of doctors during Covid as a “turn against freedom”. But as Yuri suggests, there was a lot more than that. How could so many Jewish communities go along with NYC vaccine passes? This was the most blatant recent example where so many quietly decided that “disagreeing with neighbors wasn’t necessary” to maintain their own freedom. (And where were the Jewish communities in Australia when covid vax dissenters were thrown in “camps”?)

Like northeastern Jews after the Holocaust, who realized that Hitler’s techniques for demonizing Jews were modeled after our own Jim Crow laws,, the current Jewish Inteligentsia needs to recognize that all assaults on freedom are bad for America (and for the Jews, as you say, by implication.) How about speaking out against future Covid lockdowns, mask mandates and vax “passes“? This would go a long way to disassociating those good people who “answer to a higher authority” such as yourself, from the Rachel Maddows in this country.

I shudder to consider whether the entire Covid framework (including the strange compliance by Israel) wasn’t a troubling but convenient way to show the world that, once placed in the same position to “get along” (ie worship Baal as you note), so many Jews would do the same as central and eastern Europeans did in the 1930s, to “separate” themselves from the state-targeted “vermin” of that day (laying the groundwork for the rest.) . But it’s not too late, Bari. Please speak out against these infringements of our freedom and humanity, like you have so bravely fought censorship.

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"How about speaking out against future Covid lockdowns, mask mandates and vax “passes“?"

I think it really depends on fatality rates. With a 1% fatality rate COVID turned out not to be that big of a deal. But what if it was 10% like SARS, or God forbid 30% like MERS?

I think we've taken a lot of the wrong lessons from COVID.

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Losing far more than 1 million Americans was still rather bad.

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Except the count never was verified and in fact was proven over blown. Yes, like government fraud

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Well, no, estimates of cumulative excess USA deaths 2020-2023 are about 1.3 million. It doesn’t really matter whether they died of covid or with covid or without covid, they’re still dead. It’s probably not coincidence they died amid a pandemic. We can be righteously mad about the egregious assault on liberty without having to downplay the facts.

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Agreed. People downplay the seriousness of Covid. And as far as I can tell, masks had some efficacy in preventing the wearers from spreading it to other people. A common sense strategy and not terribly inconvenient.

And when people carry on about how the death rates were lower than predicted they seem to be ignoring the fact we took so many countermeasures just to keep that rate low, and they worked.

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First you downplay the facts and then say we shouldn't do so. If the facts say heart attacks are killing the people treating them with a vaccine for covid does no one any good. As we have now found out about Vietnam, civilians and military lied to then public during the whole debacle. During covid, the CDC and government lied to the people. No one was saved by the lies but more died becasue of them. the facts have been established by research after the pandemic. And the findings are not good for the lock them down, wear a mask and get vaccinated group.

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They knew by the fall of 2020 that the fatality rate was very low, and even that was contrived because of the killer Remdesevir and over use of ventilators in the hospitals (to “protect” the doctors and nurses, not to help the patients!). They only did the vax mandates in the summer of 2021, once the public realized that the shot didn’t prevent spread (per the outcome of the party in Martha’s Vineyard). These mandates were not intended to prevent disease. They even urged pregnant women and children to get these shots, when both had been excluded from the trials, and there were no tests that had been done concerning either benefits or harms. Dare to know! Watch this week’s 4 hour senate hearing convened by Ron Johnson.

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Masks still wouldn't work and the false sense of security you derive from them would increase your chances of death and disease.

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Depends on the mask. Cloth masks definitely not.

N95 probably provides some protection.

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Actually, no. Masks protect you from spit and blood, but even then, there were experiments done, way before Covid, showing that doctors wearing masks even in the operating room spread more germs than when they didn’t wear the masks.

Masks were a virtue signaling exercise, like posters of chairman Mao, BLM, or “thank God for Dr. Fauci“ signs. Shameful to force people to wear them.

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The Jews never quite get around to admitting that the Democrats they, predominantly, vote for have brought us to this disgraceful set of affairs.

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And Democrat leaders like Jerry Nadler and Chuck Schumer, both of whom are Jewish and support the censorship and totalitarian moves of the Biden Administration. Both of them support damaging “our democracy.” Can’t they see what they are doing?

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Can't you see what you are doing by supporting Bibi's Israel's "Messiah," Trump? If everyone, according to you, should be against Biden, implicitly they should all be for Trump, since he's the only other option now.

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Who else are the Jews to vote for? The greatest enemy of freedom, law, and decency American politics has ever seen, Trump? How Orwellian can you get?

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Unless you've got something really good to lay on us, that's about as stupid a comment as I can imagine. This sounds like an example of someone having been assigned an opinion and then being so emotionally controlled that they cannot be rational. Give us some hints of things Trump did in his first term that even look a bit like what you are worrying about. From what I've seen, the current gang are the true enemies of freedom.

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And up is down, and black is white, from your highly intelligent perspective.

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PS Google Timothy Snyder, a Yale professor and one of the greatest experts on fascism in the world--which may disqualify him from being "intelligent" in your book, since he sounds kind of "elite." When Trump arrived on the scene in 2016,, the parallels between him and his cult and past fascist leaders and their cults were so obvious that Snyder wrote a warning for America called On Fascism. He has continued to cover Trump's moves further and further in the direction of fascism ever since, with nothing but evidence and reasoned argument. His new book is On Freedom. But of course he'll seem pretty "stupid" to you, I'm sure.

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Bro. You’re your own worst enemy. You have some valid points you bring to the table now and again.

Then you jump the f'n shark calling Trump a dictator and your valid points disappear like a Snapchat message.

You’re a grown up. Communicate like one.

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Because dictators increase the rules like joe is doing. Trump cut the rules 3 for every one new one. Hard to become a dictator when you are freeing citizens from the bureaucratic state. Just one example.

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Ummm…I despise Trump, but really? I mean have you read any history?just go back 100 years…

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All the Jews in the U.S. Senate are Democrats.

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As Dennis Prager puts it, They are liberals 1st Jews 2nd

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They will never admit that they made a mistake by voting for Biden.

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or FDR

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