I just listened to Tucker Carlson's excellent interview of Xi Van Fleet, who lived through the Cultural Revolution, and one point she made was that the murder began at the Chinese equivalents of Harvard and Yale.
It's also a matter of historical fact that the German National Socialist Worker's Party had many of its most important and enthusiastic followers at the best German universities. All the kids who are Antifa now would UNQUESTIONABLY have been Hitler Youth and early volunteers for the SS back then.
To the extent a high degree of IQ intelligence makes it unnecessary to do practical, directly useful work, it also prevents all the feedback and learning and practical humility that come easily and naturally to people who do real jobs, like electrical work, drywall, plumbing and farming.
Respectfully, he appears to have taught you something with his recent interview. Of course, it might not have been what he intended to teach you - if he intended anything. Hopefully, you agree that he was free to conduct the interview. And that the rest of us are free to review, interpret, assess, debate and draw our own conclusions about its lessons.
I have not concluded that Carlson or Putin should be our moral teacher now. I also value multiple teachers over a lone one. And I do not consider the lessons taught by any of them to be the final word on any subject.
Well, as you would know if you read, well, any credible news source, Navalny was not murdered, was he?
And am I personally condoning your decision to be arrogant and ignorant by interacting with you? I don't think so. I think you should stop.
Tucker did not endorse Putin. What he did is provide a needed corrective to the relentless war mongering and anti-Putin/anti-Russian propaganda we can assume is funded by, because it most directly benefits, the War Industry.
Do you support the stupid murder of hundreds of thousands of people? Obviously you must, because that is the first little thought that came into my little head, and feeling is truth. Right?
Pondering this a tad more--and I tend to use these sorts of things as prompts for my own ruminations--I am going to suggest a key problem MAY be that college students in non-scientific fields PAY NO PRICE FOR BEING WRONG. As Thomas Sowell wrote long ago, those are the precise people you don't want in charge of anything that matters.
The stupidest polices don't affect them, the stupidest ideas have no real world consequences they can't deny and lie about; and if you add to this ARROGANCE of the sort that being a member of an elite school makes likely, then you have a perfect storm of ignorance and presumption that has no natural feedback loop. You can be wrong across a career and a lifetime. You can damage the people you claim to value, and if you lack integrity you simply blame everyone else. And since you run the system--since you are an aristocrat in a world of serfs--your finances and your life are both quite good.
So it would sense that the blindness is most pronounced at the most selective schools.
I'm not, actually. It's only today's sad reminder that anybody who believes education alone leads necessarily to enlightenment really hasn't spent much time around universities. I say this as a university faculty member.
The people of Germany were among the most "educated" of their day in the years before WWII, especially in the natural sciences. Non-Jews in the best German universities went along with the Nazis in expelling Jewish professors and students whom they knew personally. Now the most "educated" in American universities, including the presidents and deans, stand by and let students, staff and faculty forcibly prevent speakers who support the State of Israel or who even just want there to be a discussion of what is happening in Gaza.
I struggle to find a credible source to support that claim. Can you cite your evidence source(s)? Apologies in advance if you feel that I'm 'over-exercising' my freedom.
Don't be a drama queen. I would never criticize you for expressing your opinion. I'm not a Democrat and I am not Woke.
Forty years ago I was listening to AFRTS, Armed Force Radio and Television. Its AM radio was mainly news and commentary. I believe it was Cokie Roberts had a weekly one hour commentary and she mention the 90% figure. I can't remember to pick up bread at the store but I do remember trivia like what Roberts said. The statistic she gave stunned me and I have remembered it ever sinse.
My father was an engineer who worked on the Manhattan project with a number of Germans who fled the nazis He told me years later he was stunned by how far advanced the Germans were in physics and science. Education , morality, and empathy have no common ties.
If Hitler has listened to his Generals on the Eastern Front the Germans would undoubtedly have won that war. Churchill quipped at one point that the best General the British had was Adolph Hitler.
And given that they DID develop jets at the end of the war, had already developed ballistic missiles and cruise missiles, and would have developed atomic weapons in relatively short order, we are very lucky we are not speaking German.
But to reverse an old saw, I would rather be smart than lucky. But Americans are not smart. Not, at least, the graduates of most of our universities.
Yes, this question was asked after 1945 as well. All of the anecdotal evidence was that the most educated were the least courageous in resisting the Nazis or escaping in time.
Or, as Kurtz so memorably puts it in Heart of Darkness, "Exterminate all the brutes," right? Those women, kids, and old people are all just animals anyway.
Hamas has made this a battle to the death - by their own words. If it is not the death of Hamas, it will be a second Holocaust of us Jews.
Hamas must be wiped out at all costs. The Gazans elected them, just as the Germans elected the Nazis into office. They pay the price. Leftists and Jihadists must pay the price for their foolish voting, just as we conservatives are told we have to.
Wasn't it Obama who said that elections have consequences?
It is a valid question. I guess I'd respond with who is more like the Nazi's? We know the Mufti, during WW2, sided with the Nazi's in the initiation of the conflict with the Jews and today this conflict would not be taking place if Hamas had not attacked. Did Hamas just wake up one day and decided to murder all those people. No, it seems clear by the continual rocket fire over the years and the tunnels and war rooms built under hospitals and schools that their mindset is on warfare. They could have focused on making homes and a life for their people since 2005 when Israel left Gaza, but their choice was to prepare for continuing war and violence. Choices have consequences.
Bonhoeffer took part in an assassination attempt on Hitler and for that he was arrested and killed. That there may shed light on what side he would be on as he was willing to take up arms in what might be called a just war.
You know as well as I that Bibi has been backing Hamas for years in order to tell the world Israel "has no partner for peace," in order to make an end-run around the possibility of a "two-state solution," because Bibi and his friends on the Israeli right plan to keep the Palestinians subjugated and miserable for the rest of time. A decade ago, the excellent Israeli documentary called The Gatekeepers brought together six former heads of Shin Bet itself. They were all bitterly experienced and old enough to recall 1967 and 1973 and all the rest. They were not "self-hating Jews." They were simply as tough-minded a group of bitterly experienced Israeli wise men as you could find anywhere. And their unanimous position was the same as Ehud Olmert's as he left office for jail: Israel either finds a way to create a just state for the Palestinians, or Israel is doomed. Full stop. The idea that Israel is "destroying" Hamas is preposterous. It is simply lighting fires of hatred it will have to contend with for as long as the Palestinians do not have a state of their own. As everyone knows, most Gazans are young. Many will be willing to literally do anything--anything--to avenge the tens of thousands Israel has killed in this war. Among the wildest cheers on earth for Hamas' actions on Oct. 7 were those in Pakistan, a nation with as many nukes right now as Israel and the nation which taught Iran how to make its own. The real nuclear "existential threat" to Israel comes from Pakistan, not Iran, though it may well come through Iran, and Hezbollah or Hamas. How can Israel forever protect Tel Aviv from a dirty bomb at a minimum when far more than a billion Muslims are on Hamas' side? Hamas sprang a terrible, viciously brilliant trap on Israel on Oct. 7. Hamas designed its atrocities to be so bad that Israel could not resist the trap. Now kids at all America's best colleges will be pouring over Rashid Kahlidi's account of The Hundred Years War on Palestine [by Zionists]. All the rich Jewish donors in the country cannot stop this, or stop the kids from signing up for courses on "Palestine and Israel" taught by PC professors. The kids will have seen the footage of Oct. 7, and footage of the IDF killing desperate Gazans trying to get food for their children, as well as footage of the famine--and plagues--about to descend on Gaza. How can anyone think this will be good for American-Israeli relations? Soon Gen Zers and the largest, most progressive generation in American history, before the Gen Zers, the millennials, will be running America with their tech and AI money and their votes, just as the Boomers have for the past thirty years. When the Boomers thought of "Israel," their next thought was "the Holocaust." When younger Americans think of it, the next thought for many will be Gaza. Just as Hamas planned.
"Hamas designed its atrocities to be so bad that Israel could not resist the trap. " Nonsense.
Hamas is merely following the example of their esteemed prophet, and their religious teachers to urge them to "kill the Jews wherever you find them" in ways calculated provoke paralyzing terror. Right now, Muslims are doing the same to Christians in Africa.
What Hamas didn't expect was that (1) Israel would dump the Konceptzia and go for a deep cleaning of Gaza, and (2) their Arab allies would stand aside and secretly cheer for the Jews.
Yes, this was the Jewish communityтАЩs opportunity to support freedom by being the modern equivalent of тАЬvirtuous gentilesтАЭ commemorated at yad vashem. Instead, per BariтАЩs talk, we are reminded of those Jews who didnтАЩt even follow Moses into the desertтАУ тАУ they stayed in slavery with the pharaoh, or at best worshiped Baal. At least there were many Jewish scientists and journalists, such as Alex Berenson, who spoke out for freedom and informed consent. (More in Europe) . But NYC should not have accepted those mandates.
"The civil rights movement was about expanding freedom for those who have been deprived of it. It had an expansive view of equality. It argued that because our rights were God-given and because we were all created equal, that equality under the law must follow." -- These days, that defines "Christian nationalism".
Yes! So tired of being told we are Nazis or fascist because we love our country and we love and trust God and we fully understand that all our rights and freedoms are given only by God.
Surprised to see hate originating from educated people??
The mistake is confusing educated and enlightened with the manipulation and indoctrination that passes for higher education today.
The Roman historian Sallust said, "Most seek not freedom, only a fair master.". Those in the Wilderness seek a fair master, the sooner the better.
Bari, great talk. It is not only the Jewish People who are in the Wilderness. It is all of us.
I just listened to Tucker Carlson's excellent interview of Xi Van Fleet, who lived through the Cultural Revolution, and one point she made was that the murder began at the Chinese equivalents of Harvard and Yale.
It's also a matter of historical fact that the German National Socialist Worker's Party had many of its most important and enthusiastic followers at the best German universities. All the kids who are Antifa now would UNQUESTIONABLY have been Hitler Youth and early volunteers for the SS back then.
To the extent a high degree of IQ intelligence makes it unnecessary to do practical, directly useful work, it also prevents all the feedback and learning and practical humility that come easily and naturally to people who do real jobs, like electrical work, drywall, plumbing and farming.
Is Tucker Carlson, the new best friend of Navalny's murderer, to be our moral teacher now?
Respectfully, he appears to have taught you something with his recent interview. Of course, it might not have been what he intended to teach you - if he intended anything. Hopefully, you agree that he was free to conduct the interview. And that the rest of us are free to review, interpret, assess, debate and draw our own conclusions about its lessons.
I have not concluded that Carlson or Putin should be our moral teacher now. I also value multiple teachers over a lone one. And I do not consider the lessons taught by any of them to be the final word on any subject.
Would you have valued Hitler's perspective as just one of many "moral views" which we were lucky to have?
Who else is going to interview people who've been cancelled?
Hitler was once "canceled" here, too. Would you have applauded an American journalist for giving him such a toadying interview during WWII?
"Hitler." Right.
Well, as you would know if you read, well, any credible news source, Navalny was not murdered, was he?
And am I personally condoning your decision to be arrogant and ignorant by interacting with you? I don't think so. I think you should stop.
Tucker did not endorse Putin. What he did is provide a needed corrective to the relentless war mongering and anti-Putin/anti-Russian propaganda we can assume is funded by, because it most directly benefits, the War Industry.
Do you support the stupid murder of hundreds of thousands of people? Obviously you must, because that is the first little thought that came into my little head, and feeling is truth. Right?
Pondering this a tad more--and I tend to use these sorts of things as prompts for my own ruminations--I am going to suggest a key problem MAY be that college students in non-scientific fields PAY NO PRICE FOR BEING WRONG. As Thomas Sowell wrote long ago, those are the precise people you don't want in charge of anything that matters.
The stupidest polices don't affect them, the stupidest ideas have no real world consequences they can't deny and lie about; and if you add to this ARROGANCE of the sort that being a member of an elite school makes likely, then you have a perfect storm of ignorance and presumption that has no natural feedback loop. You can be wrong across a career and a lifetime. You can damage the people you claim to value, and if you lack integrity you simply blame everyone else. And since you run the system--since you are an aristocrat in a world of serfs--your finances and your life are both quite good.
So it would sense that the blindness is most pronounced at the most selective schools.
Sounds like Biden and Obama.
Unfortunately I think you are right. No penalty for incompetence as well
IтАЩm reading this as IтАЩm watching our weather man on TVтАж ЁЯШВ
I'm not, actually. It's only today's sad reminder that anybody who believes education alone leads necessarily to enlightenment really hasn't spent much time around universities. I say this as a university faculty member.
Educated is quite different from intelligent. ItтАЩs no surprise that so many have been тАЬeducatedтАЭ yet so few are intelligent.
And neither have ties to morality or empathy
The people of Germany were among the most "educated" of their day in the years before WWII, especially in the natural sciences. Non-Jews in the best German universities went along with the Nazis in expelling Jewish professors and students whom they knew personally. Now the most "educated" in American universities, including the presidents and deans, stand by and let students, staff and faculty forcibly prevent speakers who support the State of Israel or who even just want there to be a discussion of what is happening in Gaza.
Ninety percent of German SS officers had their PHDs.
I struggle to find a credible source to support that claim. Can you cite your evidence source(s)? Apologies in advance if you feel that I'm 'over-exercising' my freedom.
Don't be a drama queen. I would never criticize you for expressing your opinion. I'm not a Democrat and I am not Woke.
Forty years ago I was listening to AFRTS, Armed Force Radio and Television. Its AM radio was mainly news and commentary. I believe it was Cokie Roberts had a weekly one hour commentary and she mention the 90% figure. I can't remember to pick up bread at the store but I do remember trivia like what Roberts said. The statistic she gave stunned me and I have remembered it ever sinse.
Of course I could be wrong.
My father was an engineer who worked on the Manhattan project with a number of Germans who fled the nazis He told me years later he was stunned by how far advanced the Germans were in physics and science. Education , morality, and empathy have no common ties.
If Hitler has listened to his Generals on the Eastern Front the Germans would undoubtedly have won that war. Churchill quipped at one point that the best General the British had was Adolph Hitler.
And given that they DID develop jets at the end of the war, had already developed ballistic missiles and cruise missiles, and would have developed atomic weapons in relatively short order, we are very lucky we are not speaking German.
But to reverse an old saw, I would rather be smart than lucky. But Americans are not smart. Not, at least, the graduates of most of our universities.
Yes, this question was asked after 1945 as well. All of the anecdotal evidence was that the most educated were the least courageous in resisting the Nazis or escaping in time.
Where are the Bonhoeffers?
Would Bonhoeffer be on the side of the IDF in Gaza today shooting at desperate, starving Gazans trying to get food other than grass?
Those same Gazans that supported Hamas and celebrated the 10/7 massacre?
Those Nazis (and they are not ashamed of it) deserve no more support than the German Nazis we bombed in Dresden, Hamburg and Schweinfurt.
Or, as Kurtz so memorably puts it in Heart of Darkness, "Exterminate all the brutes," right? Those women, kids, and old people are all just animals anyway.
Hamas has made this a battle to the death - by their own words. If it is not the death of Hamas, it will be a second Holocaust of us Jews.
Hamas must be wiped out at all costs. The Gazans elected them, just as the Germans elected the Nazis into office. They pay the price. Leftists and Jihadists must pay the price for their foolish voting, just as we conservatives are told we have to.
Wasn't it Obama who said that elections have consequences?
It is a valid question. I guess I'd respond with who is more like the Nazi's? We know the Mufti, during WW2, sided with the Nazi's in the initiation of the conflict with the Jews and today this conflict would not be taking place if Hamas had not attacked. Did Hamas just wake up one day and decided to murder all those people. No, it seems clear by the continual rocket fire over the years and the tunnels and war rooms built under hospitals and schools that their mindset is on warfare. They could have focused on making homes and a life for their people since 2005 when Israel left Gaza, but their choice was to prepare for continuing war and violence. Choices have consequences.
Bonhoeffer took part in an assassination attempt on Hitler and for that he was arrested and killed. That there may shed light on what side he would be on as he was willing to take up arms in what might be called a just war.
You know as well as I that Bibi has been backing Hamas for years in order to tell the world Israel "has no partner for peace," in order to make an end-run around the possibility of a "two-state solution," because Bibi and his friends on the Israeli right plan to keep the Palestinians subjugated and miserable for the rest of time. A decade ago, the excellent Israeli documentary called The Gatekeepers brought together six former heads of Shin Bet itself. They were all bitterly experienced and old enough to recall 1967 and 1973 and all the rest. They were not "self-hating Jews." They were simply as tough-minded a group of bitterly experienced Israeli wise men as you could find anywhere. And their unanimous position was the same as Ehud Olmert's as he left office for jail: Israel either finds a way to create a just state for the Palestinians, or Israel is doomed. Full stop. The idea that Israel is "destroying" Hamas is preposterous. It is simply lighting fires of hatred it will have to contend with for as long as the Palestinians do not have a state of their own. As everyone knows, most Gazans are young. Many will be willing to literally do anything--anything--to avenge the tens of thousands Israel has killed in this war. Among the wildest cheers on earth for Hamas' actions on Oct. 7 were those in Pakistan, a nation with as many nukes right now as Israel and the nation which taught Iran how to make its own. The real nuclear "existential threat" to Israel comes from Pakistan, not Iran, though it may well come through Iran, and Hezbollah or Hamas. How can Israel forever protect Tel Aviv from a dirty bomb at a minimum when far more than a billion Muslims are on Hamas' side? Hamas sprang a terrible, viciously brilliant trap on Israel on Oct. 7. Hamas designed its atrocities to be so bad that Israel could not resist the trap. Now kids at all America's best colleges will be pouring over Rashid Kahlidi's account of The Hundred Years War on Palestine [by Zionists]. All the rich Jewish donors in the country cannot stop this, or stop the kids from signing up for courses on "Palestine and Israel" taught by PC professors. The kids will have seen the footage of Oct. 7, and footage of the IDF killing desperate Gazans trying to get food for their children, as well as footage of the famine--and plagues--about to descend on Gaza. How can anyone think this will be good for American-Israeli relations? Soon Gen Zers and the largest, most progressive generation in American history, before the Gen Zers, the millennials, will be running America with their tech and AI money and their votes, just as the Boomers have for the past thirty years. When the Boomers thought of "Israel," their next thought was "the Holocaust." When younger Americans think of it, the next thought for many will be Gaza. Just as Hamas planned.
"Hamas designed its atrocities to be so bad that Israel could not resist the trap. " Nonsense.
Hamas is merely following the example of their esteemed prophet, and their religious teachers to urge them to "kill the Jews wherever you find them" in ways calculated provoke paralyzing terror. Right now, Muslims are doing the same to Christians in Africa.
What Hamas didn't expect was that (1) Israel would dump the Konceptzia and go for a deep cleaning of Gaza, and (2) their Arab allies would stand aside and secretly cheer for the Jews.
Wishful thinking. The inevitability you imagine is unsupported by surveys of the American public. "You know as well as I" that Bibi is on his way out.
Yes, this was the Jewish communityтАЩs opportunity to support freedom by being the modern equivalent of тАЬvirtuous gentilesтАЭ commemorated at yad vashem. Instead, per BariтАЩs talk, we are reminded of those Jews who didnтАЩt even follow Moses into the desertтАУ тАУ they stayed in slavery with the pharaoh, or at best worshiped Baal. At least there were many Jewish scientists and journalists, such as Alex Berenson, who spoke out for freedom and informed consent. (More in Europe) . But NYC should not have accepted those mandates.
"The civil rights movement was about expanding freedom for those who have been deprived of it. It had an expansive view of equality. It argued that because our rights were God-given and because we were all created equal, that equality under the law must follow." -- These days, that defines "Christian nationalism".
Yes! So tired of being told we are Nazis or fascist because we love our country and we love and trust God and we fully understand that all our rights and freedoms are given only by God.
Very true
You could almost say that a 'higher education' (at least in the humanities and social sciences) has now become a case of:
1) learning how to articulate currently fashionable beliefs whilst
2) 'learning' how to de-activate whatever native intelligence you came with from the ability to notice their inherent absurdities and
3) how to increase your cognitive dissonance 'skills'.
As someone who teaches humanities at a large university, I have to say: individual results - instructors, and classrooms, and universities - may vary.
Personally, I distinguish тАЬeducatedтАЭ from тАЬlearned.тАЭ The former is chiefly just credentialing these days.
"I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.тАЭ
I would also add wise.