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“Posters of lost cats aren’t systematically torn down by Broadway producers and graduate students, and yet these were human beings stolen from their beds,” writes Bari Weiss. (Photo by Mark Kerrison/In Pictures via Getty Images)

Bari Weiss: A Year of Revelations

‘We expected Hamas to kill Jews. We didn’t expect Americans to celebrate it.’

Someone asked me the other day how I planned to commemorate October 7. I found myself speechless, befuddled by the question. 

How do you offer an elegy when the war is not yet over—and 101 hostages, those still alive and the bodies of the murdered, are not yet home? How do you remember a catastrophe when it is still unfolding? How do you mark a past event that feels as though it was a prelude to a much deeper darkness, whose dimensions we are still discovering? How do you look at something with a sense of distance when it has revealed so much, so close to home?

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