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Looking at their pictures left me grieving as if I had lost a family member . I'm hoping that some good came out of it because even CNN briefly returned to the barbarity of Hamas. Nevertheless I remain astonished by the media who never miss a chance to attack Israel and the United States. Since Viet Nam all military action by us has been seen as villainous. So it is not a surprising that Israel, with the addition of anti-Semitism, has been scorched by the Western coverage. The death of Palestinian civilians is tragic. But not more so than the million Muslim who lost their lives in the Iran-Iraq war. And then they used poisonous gas. Somehow white people killing brown people brings forth an outrage that we cannot ignore. The daily reporting of Arab casualties and the demand for a ceasefire is a distorted point of view. Of course civilian deaths is a horror. Who can be against ending their suffering. But 350,00 to 2 million German civilians were killed in the defeat of Germany. If the dead German civilians, led to a cease fire before the Germans capitulated, it would have left Hitler in power. It never occurred to us to consider stopping because there wasn't the same kind of war coverage, day after day reporting not on the progress of the war but on innocent civilians dying. Back then our media presenting this perspective would have been considered an attack on America's defense efforts. We were rightfully frightened by Hitler, and while the tragedy of innocents losing their lives is never irrelevant, focusing on it would have turned us into villains and ended our ability to go after Germany.

Israel must eliminate Hamas. Hamas has been calling for its extermination for decades and regularly sending missiles and rockets. Would America allow even one missile to attack us and ignore it. After Hamas invaded Israel and slaughtered its citizens they bragged there would be many more October 7s. Israel is 38 miles wide. America had 2 oceans to insulate us yet we properly felt frightened enough to unleash whatever damage we could at Germany. Our media understood this then and stood behind our military. Making Israel a villain by again and again focusing on Palestinian dead women and children is only possible because we have forgotten what it is like to feel unsafe. I have written an article in the May Commentary along these lines which develops these points further

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As Americans we mourn the atrocious murder of our fellow American Hersh by Hamas just as much as we all mourn the atrocious murder of our fellow American, the great journalist Shireen Abu Akleh by an IDF killer who shot her at very close range in May of 2022.

Our mourning is not based on ethnicity or religion. As Americans our mourning is because these were our fellow Americans who were murdered.

I hope DOJ indicts the IDF killer, because it’s apparent Israel won’t do anything about it.

And I’m sure Bari Weiss especially mourns the murder of a fellow American journalist.

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Great article, Bari.

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The character and faith of the woman who mentioned psalm 23 blows my mind. We all need some of her in us

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Anti-Israel chuds are the filthy rejects of Western society. That’s all they are. Loudmouth failures with bullhorns and internet accounts.

But at least they’re really, really, helping those poor, beleaguered folks in Gaza about whom they care so much.

(slow clap)

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Just a reminder that anyone who peddles antisemitic conspiracy (while hiding behind a screen-name) is a loser who has failed in life and needs a scapegoat.

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Face the truth, Islam is a genocidal ideology. The founder was genocidal warlord. The book is just another heresy which wants to destroy both Christians and Jews.

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We all in America need to get it through our heads that there are no concessions by Biden, Harris or Netanyahu that will get the hostages released. If one is paying attention, one will notice that Hamas has never given its conditions for the release of all hostages. Only Israel has been expected or demanded to make concessions in the HOPE that hostages will be released. But Hamas's ultimate demand is unacceptable, which is that all Jews (and Christians) leave Israel and give the land and all the facilities on it to the Palestinians. That is what they mean when the say "From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free". Americans (and Israelis) just need to think of the hostages as additional victims of October 7 and already gone. They are. Unless some can find a way to sneak away from captivity like others have.

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From the river to the sea Israel will be Islam free

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it comes down to citizenship, the apostle Paul was being flogged to death until he mentioned he was a Roman Citizen. his oppressor's immediately ceased. because they knew all of Rome's army's would be there to destroy them for harming just 1 citizen. the USA has abandoned this in any sense of the word. even so far as to IGNORE the hostage until the media forces the gov's verbal response knowing full well in two weeks the media will move on. We sent the 6th fleet down to south america when they harassed a one Richard Nixon for a few hours. Something has created a Victim mentality on a national scale on purpose. Victims never win until they Quit being Victims and make the Other S>O>B a Victim of your Vengeance. but ohh boo hoo lets just try and Appease for another 50 years , its to late for the UK, all of western society is on the chopping board if you don't start being brave again. Land of the FREE home of the BRAVE, oh forgot that didn't everyone , erased that everywhere because its deemed "offensive." Hamas and all of palestine are the ENEMY (every Arab Nation Knows it!!) not terrorists, the Enemy. and as long as they (you) keep that label off of them they WIN.

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I have to admit I am surprised by the demonstrations in Israel demanding a deal to release the remaining hostages. What is the "deal" Hamas has put forth to return the hostages? If it is 'stop shooting'... sure. sounds like it might work. If it is 'return all jailed Palestinian people jailed in Israel' probably not a reasonable thing to ask. Isn't the stated goal of Hamas 'death to Jews and return all Israel lands to Palestine'? But these demonstrators in Israel demanding this deal think there is a deal to be made? hm. Maybe Hamas could change their stated goals slightly? Peace. Maybe a 2 state solution. The whole 'death to Israel' just doesn't sound like they are ready for a deal. /sarcasm_off

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There will never be a "2 state solution" in Israel for the simple reason that Hamas / Palestinians / Iran will NEVER accept Israel to have a rightful claim to the land it is on (even though Jews have been in Israel continuously for 3500 years). So, if one side demands unconditional surrender of all the land, how can the other side ever agree to share land with them knowing they will continuously be attacked? There will be ONE state in the end and that will be the state with the greatest military power

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Bingo. That was the whole point of my comment.

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Confused!! Moral clarity! USA USA We are no. 1. No. 1 in what. ??? I remember the "Speak Softly, but carry a big stick". "Peace through strength!. If you think about it America has not WON any war that mattered since WW 11. We have lost thousands of American lives and spent trillions of dollars on the following >> Korean, what was the outcome. Certainly not victory compared to WW11. Viet Nam, shameful outcome, Iraq, poor execution and decisions, Afghanistan, even worse outcome and humiliating. What have we won, what and who have we in essence allowed to grow and prosper after "causing" the death of all our young men and trillions of taxpayer dollars. Let move on to today. We as a civilized world could have said to Putin, sorry but it is 2024 you are not allowed to just decide for any reason to annex another country. We have first the power to destroy you economically . Your country is now a pariah and no planes can land in other country, nobody will buy any thing your passports are invalid around the world. The war would stop. Moral clarity ?? Of course the "world" did not do that. How about we know where the leaders of Hamas live, we know who they are, we know who exactly is supplying the personnel and weapons to kill innocent civilians. Could the allies and the world make it perfectly clear that the price they are going to pay is immense and not worth their country's present ideology and continued economic viability. Peace though strength , Moral Clarity.? No we lack the vision and will because we do not see the value in being the winner, and we fail to dictate a clear moral right and wrong and are willing to suffer the consequences of being the winner.

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No, we, and certainly not most of the Europeans, don't play to win. Peace through strength works, if you're willing to use the strength. As of now, we really are not. Example. If Donald Trump, as President, told Hamas/Iran if they harmed one hair of an American citizen we'd remove them from the face of the earth, do you think there would be any American hostages? Wouldn't have to go that far. Just blow up their oil business. Before they get a nuclear bomb. That changes the world. We'd better get going on eliminating that threat. This "bring them into the International community" notion of the generally stupid Diplomatic Corps is a childish fantasy.

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This iteration of the Israeli/Palestinian war is another poster child example of the complete failure of International Diplomacy in general and the US International Diplomatic Corps in particular. The whole model of "Diplomacy" is failed. Intellectually bankrupt and morally corrupt. The Obama/Biden refusal to admit their Iran bungles is murdering Israelis. The antisemitism of the Democrat Party is in full view. Horrible people by any measure. And to add insult to injury, then give us a senile President, and cover it up, until it's impossible to maintain the fraud. Then give us a silly woman, and an equally silly man, to provide top leadership. To be kind, Democrats can't be looked at as serious people. How could anyone ever vote for any of them, for obvious reasons.

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To honor the memory of the 6 martyrs, the 1200 and fallen Israelis in Gaza,

EACH OF US NEEDS TO PUBLICLY BLAME HAMAS, who has successfully delegitimized Israel for Hamas' own sins. And we need to get every one of our organizations and synagogues to PUBLICLY BLAME HAMAS for Gaza's deaths and destruction by using their own people as human shields and their homes as military bases; hijacking aid trucks..... we all know the story, but we are not communicating it publicly, so we are badly losing the crucial PR war. .


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The hostages were MURDERED, violating every national and international standard of human conduct. Yet the world (and even some Israelis) are blameing Netanyahu - insanity!

When Israel finally wins (and it will), the Nuremberg trials need to be reprised as the 'Gaza Trials' with Hamas leaders in the dock..

The problem is they won't, because the world has lost its moral compass.

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It’s not clear to me the protesters in Israel are blaming Bibi, so much as needing SOMEONE to blame, and Hamas is unavailable. Tragically, Bibi is right. He cannot risk the lives of all Israelis for the sake of 60 hostages. A just war is one that produces decades of peace. Anything short of that is a waste.

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Tragic indeed, but have Israel’s forms of domination over Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank been “civilization’”? Was the European destruction of the Indians “civilization”?

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Speaking as a citizen of the Chickasaw Nation, I think you need to take a course in world history. Europeans weren't intrinsically evil because they tried to expand their boundaries, any more than the Comanche were intrinsically evil when they chased the Apache out of territory they had previously occupied. (What Indians did to other Indians isn't always a pretty picture, despite what Disney wants you to believe.) The peoples of the world, going back to the Neanderthals, moved, occupied, and expanded their worlds. At what point in human history do you want to freeze the location of every tribe and race? What boundaries would you like to reestablish? Given that Jews have occupied the area since well before the bronze age, you're going to have to go back a ways.

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Thank you for your thoughtful comment. When I try to explain the Jews and Israel to gentiles, I often invoke Native American tribes. It’s so interesting you refer to your tribes as “Nations.” Did you know Israel uses “nationality” — as distinct from citizenship — in exactly the same way?

Native Americans are a natural ally for Jews, and I don’t understand why more don’t see the similarities in our fights for indigenous rights. I’d love to hear your thoughts on following analogy I use with the US wokesters:

China defeats the U.S. in war. They decide to divide the land into 12 new self-governing states. Due to their indigeneity and history of enduring persecution and genocide wherever they are a minority, China gives Vermont to the Native Americans.

Your family has lived in Vermont for generations. You basically have three options: 1.) Stay in Vermont and agree to live under NA sovereignty. 2.) Move to another state and let the NAs ‘do their thing.’ Or 3.) Declare war on the NA immigrants. Which would you choose?

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Thank you!

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Jane — The resemblance to Comanche, Apache, and other tribes’ atrocities immediately occurred to me, though apparently to no one else, when I learned what Hamas was doing to helpless Israeli captives. Those older atrocities had their apologists and explainers, too.

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You make a good point about the implicit fact that Indians only lost to Europeans because they had inferior weapons and numbers. And as an Indian yourself, you rightly laugh at putting “noble savages” on moral pedestals. That said, you’re the one who needs the world history course. There were only a few thousand Jews in a sea of Palestinian Arabs in WWI. Then the Rothchilds caught the Zionist bug, leaned on England to produce the Balfour Declaration, and started shipping Jews to Palestine in the first wave of Zionism’s settler colonialism, which proceeds apace to this day as Jews steal more and more Arab land on the West Bank. There is no question that the Arabs, understandably hating the Jews for having better weapons and richer, more powerful friends, would drink the Jews’ blood if given the chance. Just as the Comanches and Zulus would quaffed the blood of their own equally ruthless conquerors. But the issue before the world today is the same issue before it with South African apartheid, and Israel is losing the battle for the world’s hearts and minds just as the Boers did. This will increasingly be true in America as well as the overwhelmingly Trump and Bibi loving Boomers die off ever faster and are replaced at the polls by all those pesky progressives under 50. Watch the superb Israeli documentary The Gatekeepers (2012 or so) in which six retired former heads of Shin Bet unanimously agree that either Israel works out a two-state solution or it is doomed. You can take it on faith that these guys had all heard all the Jewish arguments about how the lack of two states was all the fault of the Palestinians. They clearly weren’t buying.

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So, for you, Jewish history goes back only to the early 1900's?

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That's what I thought? Archeology and written history only start with Balfour?

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This gibbering ignoramus shows up here from time to time to embarrass himself. Best to just ignore. He’s desperate for attention.

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Thanks, didn't know he was a frequent flier.

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Was the Indian slaughter and slavery of each other before the Europeans arrived "civilization?" Were the Apache raids into Mexico and slaughter of Mexicans "civilization?" Apparently you subscribe to the modern myth of the noble savage, most commonly attributed to the 18th-century Enlightenment philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau.

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Do you always ask unrelated questions in article comments, or is this a unique case?

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Israel must ensure that this will never happen to them again. They must permanently destroy Hamas in Gaza.

Our nation's current, feckless leadership has no moral principles - they only count votes. Israel should ignore them until their job is done.

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