Not to pat myself on the back, but for years now, I've been saying antisemitism is getting worse. With the rise of DEI (which i find to be utter trash and just a way for ppl to make millions), the rise of antisemitism has been in lockstep. Why? Because DEI is all about claiming victimhood and wallowing in injustices. And because Jews have been disproportionately successful, we've never been welcomed into the bucket of 'the oppressed'. (Which I'd argue is WHY Jews are so successful...but that's different discussion). There are SO many contributing factors; clearly one is how many universities take money from middle east entities who hate Jews coupled with the loose to non-existent borders and mass immigration of people who hate Jews as well as AMERICA! But, for brevity, I'll bottom line this- We have ZERO leadership in the oval office. If we had a President and VP who addressed the nation from the start of these hate filled antisemitic fests and called out the disgusting antisemitism that was gaining steam----had they enforced strong repercussions for breaking laws and the incitement of violence---had they articulated unequivocally the absolute intolerance for antisemitic behavior---had they actually forcefully condemned the members of their own party who spewed antisemitic filth---we would not be seeing what we are today. They've made zero statements to combat what's happening across this country which is why I REFUSE TO VOTE FOR DEMOCRATS! Every mention of antisemitism is immediately followed with words about Islamophobia. There is zero interest in this admin to speak to anything but Charlottesville----which is laughable considering there are 50 Charlottesvilles a day. We hear "if you see something, say something" and yet no one gives a shit and they all refuse to listen. This admin's legacy is marked with a huge stain of the disgraceful rise of vile scourge of antisemitism. Aren't they embarrassed? Ashamed? Mortified? If this happened to Blacks, it would have been nipped in the bud. Jussie Smollet & Bubba Wallace stories flooded the airwaves for weeks as headliners despite quickly recognizing they were fake stories. Jews are openly hunted in America and not a word. Not a blink. Don't be mad at Jews for voting Red. We don't have time to be patient. Our leaders have made a huge statement by saying nothing at all.

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I pray for the Jews, even my mother-in-law, who is so far gone and brainwashed that she will vote for her own destruction this November.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

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It is truly a sad day. I didn’t expect a year later hostages would remain in captivity. Nor did I expect the constant accusation of genocide being level at Israel. It is always shocking to see how many people lack any degree of critical thinking when it comes to analyzing their own worldview. Both on the right and the left. Or the out of control partisanship makes people turn an article which serves as a memorial into demands for political endorsements.

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Israel was given a clear choice. They can assimilate or they can die. (Choice offered by US & West, Iran & proxies offered no choice) Israel chose to live as Jews. They get at best token, conditional verbal support from its western ally the US. Elections have consequences; but my money is on tiny Israel (on all 7 fronts) with the support of her diaspora. History is on my side.

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Does it matter who Bari votes for?

I want to know who she votes for to see if she is a hypocrite. Where was the "progressive" outrage when Syria and Iraq used nerve gas on their own people? Where was the "progressive" outrage when Sudan, an all black muslin nation, was raiding Christian villages slaughtering everyone except young women and children whom they sold into slavery? Where was the outrage when Iran was slaughtering Bhais? Where was the "progressive" outrage when ISIS was slaughtering anyone who wasn't a Sunni Muslim? I didn't see these "progressives" protesting on campuses or in the streets protesting. Did you?

When you confront these "progressives" with their hypocrisy, they won't give you an answer. They will call you an Islamophobe.

So yes, it is correct to ask Beri which party she supports.

I must admit this election more than any other in my lifetime of 84 years is the most fucked up election I have ever seen. Our choice is a radical left wing, a socialist moron, or a megalomanic, madman.

If you are interested, I am voting for the madman.

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The madman is probably the better choice. But I can't bring myself to do it.

I'm writing in John Fetterman.

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Bari said, “ We didn’t expect Americans to celebrate when they did.” I’m surprised! We damn well should have! Every time in history that the Jews have been attacked we have been vilified as having caused it ourselves. Bari knows the history. I suspect she was speaking on behalf of those who have tried to assimilate — successfully or unsuccessfully. Those of us who thought the US was different don’t remember the US St. Louis and its cargo of Holocaust refugees who were not permitted to dock; and was followed by the coast guard lest the captain tried to run the ship aground so that the refugees could escape. The US made certain no Jews got to safety that day. I am about to leave for a rally to remember Oct 7. I fully expect to be harassed and possibly physically harmed. I am 80 years old. “I am NOT a Jew with trembling knees.” The US has not changed. The current administration has been very clear that the is a First Amendment right to harass me. Elections do have consequences. Hope to see you on the National Mall.

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Not long ago there would have been widespread condemnation of the Oct.7 terrorist attack in the west, followed by unwavering support of our Israel for the duration of the conflict. What has changed? We have allowed people into our countries that are happy to bring Jew hatred with them and then act accordingly. We also have native born, scarf wearing citizens, who have lost their ability to think critically and blindly follow along. They have no real sense of human decency or morality as they repeat slogans and virtue signal at every opportunity. Then there are the weak minded politicians who straddle the fence and are afraid to stand up for Israel because they may lose votes. All of these people are lost souls and they may never wake up to the evil that they are perpetrating. So today, instead of dwelling on the enemies of the Jews, my thoughts and prayers will be for the people of Israel, as well as Jewish people in the west who are also experiencing a resurgence of antisemitism. I will also pray that the remaining hostages are brought home to their families. Thank you to the Free Press staff, and especially Bari, for your moral clarity and tenacious reporting about this and so many other important issues.

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And yet, Bari has turned her Substack into a propaganda outlet to enthusiastically support the very people who are celebrating the killing of the Jews and to demonize those who support the Jews. Because it's not Americans in general who are celebrating the coming genocide, it's really just the Democrats. And not random meaningless nuts, but the important people who control and direct the party. (With a special shoutout to unrepentant Nazi George Soros, who is their largest financier). While the Republicans (other than a few randos) strongly support them, as they have always done.

For all the noise she makes, Bari can't really be all that upset about any of this, because if she were, she wouldn't be so wholeheartedly supporting the people who are directing it. Although I personally think that she would be very wise to do some self-reflection and explore just why it is that she is so eager to further empower those who are trying to kill her. Because it really doesn't seem like a particularly effective survival strategy.

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You didn't expect it because, I would argue, you've not been listening with a critical ear to the progressive side of the aisle. And, because of your silence and others, I now have a beloved family member (who I took to witness Aushwitz - Birkenau, the SS headquarters and the Berlin Wall) who relates to Queers for Palestine. I did my job. Did you do yours? PS - I am not a jew.

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Thanks for putting so much context around this. The groundwork done to shape US citizens distorted views took years. Every despotic world leader was involved. Corrupt American white men led the way - in shouting Big Lies on social media and in political settings. It’s a recipe, proven by history, and we are cooked.

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Not completely untrue, but that sure is a lot of rote thinking and stereotyped conclusions.

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Your comment is sorely lacking the context you claim to appreciate.

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With the focus for a cease fire now squarely on Netanyahu, it seems the elephant in the room is escaping unnoticed. That elephant? What is Hamas’s end game? Hamas, which came to power pledging better social services and an end to corruption, initiated the current war with a brutal attack on Israel. If Hamas wanted hostages to exchange for terrorist prisoners held in Israeli jails, they only needed to capture a handful of Israelis for trade without slaughtering 1,000 others. The same would be true if Hamas wanted better medical facilities or infrastructure for Gaza. The same would be true if Hamas wanted an independent state for Gaza. But none of these or the dozens of other reasons to take hostages were ever articulated. No, Hamas simply wanted a war with Israel with the end game turning world opinion against Israel and the Jewish people by demonizing them and eventually eradicating the Jewish state. The longer the war drags out, the more casualties among Gazans acting as human shields for Hamas, the more destruction of homes, businesses and infrastructure in Gaza, the better for Hamas’s plan. It’s long past time for the civilized world, and the anti-Israeli protestors, to realize they are being trampled by the elephant in the room. Larry Silver, Oldsmar, FL

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Thanks for this Bari.

The only thing you didn't flesh out enough is the fact that so many Democrats lack the moral courage to call out their repellent, antisemitic left flank for who they are. Instead of the moral clarity provided by (surprisingly) John Fetterman, we've gotten everything from weasel words indicating moral equivalence, straight up to full-on support for the Hamas savages.

How any Jew excepting the pure communists among them can ever vote for a Democrat again boggles my mind.

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Thank you for writing the truth. I've been critical of your coverage of certain happenings over the past year, and I'm likely to continue being critical when I feel it's necessary. But this, I'm sure, is why you started TFP. This shows courage and a passion for the truth that cuts through the fog of propaganda out there. Cheers.

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Thank you, Bari. I will always remember this horrific moment that is still unfolding with deep sorrow. However, my eternal hope and faith is “the everlasting of Israel will not lie” (Book of Samuel). I appreciate the broad coverage and FP vision. And I support Israel’s right to exist free of threats of terrorism.

I also support American democracy and the constitution. And it’s right to exist free of a dictatorship, blame, bigotry and vitriol.

Ever since the contract DT placed on American Jews when he said they would have a lot to do with his loss if he is at 40%, I fear for American Jews. Translate his statement into MAGA speak means go after the Jews if I lose. They are to blame. This is just like his insurrectionist rhetoric to storm the capital on Jan. 6. I remember the noose ready for VP Pence, the one “to blame” if he certified the election.

I will not vote for someone who threatens our democracy or me.

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You need to turn off CNN and MSNBC.

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Thanks for the article. The event is a sad reminder of how violent and evil people can be under certain beliefs. As a younger person, I remember looking back at historical events, WW1 for example and thinking, at least we’ve moved past the barbarism. But it’s still there. Don’t give an inch to bad ideas and deception.. people will take a mile.. and the antisemitism that’s exposed itself on college campuses shows how ugly peoples can still be when given a reason. The oppressor/oppressed intersectional ideology, including critical social justice and critical whiteness, as well as the notion that the United States as a colonizer/oppressor state which is unredeemable, is what’s happened when bad ideas are given an inch. The United States is sadly filled with either real or LARPing domestic terrorists. Folks, I am no Trump fan, but let’s be real.. the progressive left has fostered this stuff, and they’ll keep doing it if given more power. My condolences to Jewish Americans here who have felt so maligned by all this. I grieve with you. We can do better.

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Antisemitism is too kind of a word. This is pure Jew hatred. We know this hatred has always had a home on the right but the hatred from the left is thousands of times greater. The Jacobins have infected us beyond measure. The Free Press needs to do more. The survival of Israel and the world’s Jews depends on it. Western civilization depends upon Israel being successful. We are the canary in the coal mine. Do more, we will not survive another 4 years of this current administration and western civilization may not survive either.


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I'm sorry if this offends some...don't care.

As we should have done after 9/11.....carpet bomb them all to their hell. Then....keep searching the World over for any survivors and shoot them in the head.

That's how you get rid of evil. Not by diplomacy.

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You know what's even more offensive? The fact that Hamas has a constituency in our government that would prevent that. It's like if Jane Fonda was in Congress when she made her trip to North Vietnam to sit in an anti-aircraft gun.

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