Thank you. The number of people in the comments section of every article who seem to believe that their particular $5/month entitles them to have their interests and only theirs catered to 100% of the time is…something. Nobody’s got a gun to your head. If you’re not interested in a particular article, go read something else.
Thank you. The number of people in the comments section of every article who seem to believe that their particular $5/month entitles them to have their interests and only theirs catered to 100% of the time is…something. Nobody’s got a gun to your head. If you’re not interested in a particular article, go read something else.
Thank you. The number of people in the comments section of every article who seem to believe that their particular $5/month entitles them to have their interests and only theirs catered to 100% of the time is…something. Nobody’s got a gun to your head. If you’re not interested in a particular article, go read something else.