
Harvard was anti-semitic in the past and as it embraces the Far-Left it continues to be anti-semitic

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I'm a high school teacher. There is still hope. My students still can think for themselves, but the issue is more related to exposure. They are inundated with news/messaging from the left. When given the opportunity to think critically and analyze issues from multiple perspectives they tend to be quite moderate. We need to get back to teaching how to think, not what to think.

This encapsulates my mindset:

My students fill me with hope. As a society we need to band together to fight the divisive rhetoric. Hopefully there will be free-thinking individuals at Harvard who will ask questions and challenge the current groupthink.

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Dara, I live in your town. We had 28 National Merit Finalists this year, tying the mark from 2020. Of the 56, maybe one will agree with you, part of the larger issue of “education,” aka indoctrination and submissiveness.

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We need to get to the root of what is causing the loss of critical thinking. That may be the single greatest threat facing the US. It seems like it is no longer a priority of higher eduction.

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One question that has baffled me for years: why are so many Jews in bed with the Left, when the Left objectively hates Jews?

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Kudos to Dara Horn for this blunt, acidic, and brilliantly written "truth to power" piece and a heartfelt thank you to Bari Weiss for providing this platform for publishing a wide variety of heterodox iconoclasts. If you haven't yet read Michael Doran's very recent contribution to this prestigious platform ( on the continuing striving of the Bidenites to resurrect the JCPOA, I suggest you do so.

Two additional points worth noting:

a) Toward the end of the piece, Horn cites a brave, dissenting response to the Crimson cranks by Natalie Kahn, another editor at the paper ( If you look carefully at the piece, you'll see at the top of the web page, in tiny tiny letters the telltale label "Advertisement". Such a label to what is otherwise a legitimate opinion piece, suggests that Kahn or someone on her behalf, had to pay for the privilege of getting the response piece published. In other words, the Crimson did not have the decency, let alone the intellectual honesty, to publish on their own a dissenting view from one of their own senior staffers.

b) A Tweet by one Orlee Grace Shandl Marini-Rappoport, the Editorial Chair (I didn't know that furniture can write) at the Crimson proudly proclaimed that she is Jewish and cheered the Crimson's adoption of a pro-BDS stance ( This is an excellent example of the "Cool Kids" explicated by Horn in the article ( cited by Bari Weiss in her intro to the present Horn piece.

I should note that "Orlee Grace Shandl Marini-Rappoport" has a distinctly Israeli ring to it, presumably from her parents. A worthy successor to the Helenized Jewish youth of 2200 years ago cited by Horn in her Cool Kids piece.

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Greatly appreciate Bari introducing me to writers such as Dara and the podcast by Noam Weissman. Things are really bad if Jews are not free to identify as such at Harvard. Naively I always thought the US will not slide into the antisemitism on display in some parts of Europe. This report is very troubling and feels like a portent of darker times ahead.

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Thank you for this Dara. So well-said. Throwing eggs on the holy days? I had no idea.

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This is just awful. I hope that people, especially Jewish people start hitting back and BDS these universities right back who allow students to be terrorized. Everyone has to stop giving money to those who hate them and stop voting for a political party that encourages hatred and violence. I used to vigorously defend immigration, but it is clear that people who openly hate this country are being encouraged to come here. It's like this country is hell bent on seeing it's own demise. It's just pure madness.

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The alternatives to the traditional university are huge. Look at the free and ad-free website,, where all schools are rated by return on investment. It was developed over eight years at a cost of 1 million. It may very well stimulate thinking about alternatives for a young person's future.

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Harvard's Little Hitlers . . .

Sigh. The best way to be a Jew in the United States these days is to know our history and facts, discuss them politely and expertly to those who will listen, call out Jew haters in public, by name . . . and carry pepper spray and a gun to repel violent attacks if they occur. Yes, we're at that stage: Jews need to learn the art of self-protection.

Harvard's Little Hitlers cannot be allowed to win.

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Quiz: name the only country that has ever recognized a Palestinian state.

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You're not American, right?....So why are you commenting on the historical racial, religious, cultural, social, etc. dynamics of a country you know nothing about and have never experienced?

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I often wonder how so many “smart, educated” people are so easily mobilized. Think how fast the left jumped on board for all out war with Russia (aka I stand with Ukraine). Or how they took the bait on so much obvious false propaganda (pee pee dossier, impeachment over Ukraine phone call, etc). I feel like these people need constant affirmation via our fake media, social media, and higher ed (all controlled by the left/deep state these days). Pathetic.

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#momsmatter when parents started to vocally complain at school board meetings, the Biden administration instructed the DOJ to look into it as a possible act of domestic terrorism. That order has not been canceled. Meaning that many of you are on the list of possible domestic terrorists. Meaning, you will not pass a background check for most government jobs.

Tyranny starts with your own people and then expands with a vengeance to all other members of society. Clear?

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