
This article is communist Bullshit! Ludwig von Mises understood economics. He founded Austrian economics. Governments, all governments, are the problem not the solution to the problems in the world today.

As for Jews controlling the banks, read "The Creature from Jekyll Island" about the founding of the Fed.

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Thank you for keeping us informed during this tumultuous time.

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I've been in agreement with WRM for years. The only solution is for the U.S., Israel and Saudi Arabia to form an alliance (hopefully with other willing actors such as England, Australia, India,Japan, etc.) to take out the Mullahs quickly and efficiently by any means necessary. That will go a long way toward solving the Middle East problems as WRM points out. Then the alliance may shift its focus to China and protecting Taiwan and other friendly Nations in Asia (e.g. the Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, India, etc.).

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"Pre-war era" is a joke, right?

The US has been in a constant state of conflict since WWII, beginning with Korea, slithering its way through lies to justify wars in Kosovo (where the US funded Al Qaeda) all the way through to today, where the concept of peace is one that has been blown to smithereens on every continent. Nicaragua, Somalia, Sudan, Iraq, Yemen, Syria, Ukraine with Iran making the list of best hits.

Shame on Hamas for the attacks, but more the shame a supposedly civilised "better" country retaliating with brute force, exploiting an already untenable situation with more death, more destruction and more catastrophe.

Meanwhile, we tell our children to use their words, not their fists, to resolve conflict, to "talk it out." or we remind the older, stronger of the two that the younger will one day be his size and he'll remember the punches, the kicks and the slurs and will crush with the final word in a rivalry that generally ends in respect, love and forgiveness.

Where is the humanity in a conflict where neither side will back down? "Мудрість пропускає" (excuse my poor grammar) or "the smarter one let's go" as my Ukrainian mother used to teach my siblings and me as we fought our stupid, pointless battles, for all war is pointless, there is no such thing as a just war, as a noble war. That's just lazy propaganda we're taught to justify spending billions on wars that obfuscate from real problems of poverty, opportunity, health and the pursuit of happiness.

The war machine reminds me of the street vendor selling Israeli and Palestinian flags; who cares who's buying them so long as they're buying?

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You Bari & The Free Press team are doing a legendary job.

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My advice is buy ammo. WW 3 began on Oct 7.

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All of what we are seeing now was rather predictable, it's not necessary to be a geopolitical expert to put the equation together. After the demise of the Soviet Union in 1991 we went from a bipolar superpower world to a single superpower one - which was impossible to sustain. The world cannot be controlled that way. You need two to tango, with all the appellate satellites following. So what we have now is the evolution to the multipower world, with one superpower (descending in the views of some) and competitive others ascending for regional prowess. And we have seen this before, the years prior to WW1. But that does not mean that a wide war needs to be repeated. I don't expect it will. History does serve us.

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I agree on all of this. The "would be" up and coming powers know that cannot directly confront the US at this time. I would argue at any time really. The US spending on defense has been so much higher than everyone else for so long that most countries are decades behind. That doesn't mean they are they are not attacking the US. It means they are not doing it militarily. I do not see a world war coming. Continued regional conflicts? Why not? IT has been happening since we started walking.

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I agree with Mead that, however slowly, the Arab/Muslim world is coming around to the idea of living in peace with Israel. The Camp David Accords, the Abraham Accords and the potential for something similar between Saudi Arabia and Israel all suggest acceptance and greatly eased tensions. Meanwhile, states like Lebanon and Syria are too dysfunctional to convince anyone to follow them and much of Iran's population opposes the fascist theocracy that governs it. What has Hamas done for Palestinians except get them killed?

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Pelosi, when she was Speaker, never specifically called out Tlaib or Omar for their anti Semitic tropes and comments. Never.

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If the Israelis are smart, they'll push the Gaza Palestinians into Egypt--and lock the door behind them. And, Jews in our country should arm themselves. You can't appease barbarians. Still, there is something to be said that the Jews can be ethnocentric and self-involved. We're all supposed to come to their defense when they are being persecuted--and justly so. You just rarely see them worry about the rest of the world. It's a cold, brutal world, and persecutions are a lot more common than just those of the Jews.

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Really? For my part I'll say fuck around and find out if your position is correct.

Jews are people who improve their environment and generally make things markedly better through participation and a sense of community. If you don't see this its because you choose to ignore the documentary.

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",,,as long as you just pull your weight..."


I know this isn't the topic of the interview, but it needs to be said more frequently.

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What is 10% of $400,000 ?

It's hard evidence supporting sworn testimony. That's exactly what it is.

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WRM is very rare, an academician who is a clear and honest thinker, not an ideological Marxist.

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The last 5 minutes is the most critical part to listen to. It says it all.

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All that blather, and not w word about Joe Biden and his chosen cadre funneling $75 billion to the Banderas of Ukraine? And not a word about Israel backing this? The Banderas are literal Nazis, the direct descendants of the Ukrainians who went over wholeheartedly to the Third Reich - the men who committed the holocaust in Ukraine. Not a word about the USA's Biden administration and democrats pouring tens of billions into the corrupt pockets running Ukraine? Not a word at the Biden administration using the Ukrainian people as disposable cannon fodder to grind away at Russia's conventional forces, intent on overthrowing the government of Russia? And for what reason?

The reason for the Ukraine war is to wreck Russia so that hedge funds and investment banks can feed on the carcass and make trillions. That is it. There is no other purpose.

Not a word about the Biden administration picking a fight with China for no reason except racism? China is the sole reason that poverty has declined worldwide in this century in Africa, in Asia---the USA has contributed to creating poverty and destruction. This is just fact. We are the warmakers. We are playing proxy war in Ukraine, and attempting to play proxy war in Taiwan.

Not a word about how incredibly dangerous and stupid beyond belief it is to pick a fight with the two superpowers that could destroy the USA in a matter of hours, literally sterilize every square mile of the United States. (And end Global Warming in the process.) Those two superpowers also have a plausible deniability ace in a hole---North Korea. NK could launch and turn the USA into a developing nation overnight.

That is the real picture. Mr. Mead is ... well, a dinosaur who elides real facts in favor of easier messaging. He is just another version of woke garbage with his idiocy about moral equivalence? We don't have Aryan nations nor the KKK active here to speak of---certainly not in any real form, although there was a major incident hushed up in LA with Banderas of Ukraine exporting their Aryan Jew-hatred of the Nazi party to Los Angeles a few years back. But that was blowback! That was the same problem as the backing or ISIS & Al Qaeda by the Obama administration, and the acceptance wholesale of the militants from Egypt, Jordan and elsewhere because they are "poor oppressed people". Yes, those were oppressed. They were oppressed the way that we "oppress" the KKK, organized crime, and Aryan Nations.

This article is a "nice guy" piece. As analysis of the world situation? It's atrocious nonsense.

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And not a word about how the greatest threat for nuclear war is the destruction of Russia's conventional forces, and destabilization of the Russian Federation. Not a word about the insanity of pimping for "nuclear weapons for Ukraine". In the hands of who really? It's insanity.

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I thought this would have more to do with a possible WWIII. The the war in Ukraine, Iranian proxy groups attacking Israel. I think all we need for it to be WWIII is China making a move on Taiwan. Now would be an excellent time too with our Navy and armaments stretched thin by two other conflicts.

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