
He lied because he knew the media would protect him. And they did. It's evil. The whole lot. Thank god for this publication and independent journalists actually doing their jobs.

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Here's my two cents: I've come to believe the most fundamental problem facing humanity is the issue of psychopaths. For whatever highly unfortunate reason they seem to be born at a consistent, single digit percentage of the population. There's some interesting theorizing about the evolutionary reason for this, but in practice the theory doesn't matter because this is the world we've got. If institutions/civilization/humanity is to find a way forward that doesn't involve creating one unnecessary wave of suffering after another, or a complete loss of trust in everything we need to trust in order to function, we'll have to NAME this as a real problem and actively be talking about what to do about it.

Fauci - he's a psychopath that looks like a gnome in some tacky suburban garden. But pick your historical despot, it's more or less the same. There will always always always be a few humans in the world that are willing to murder millions, tens of millions, often with no apparent reason other than "just 'cuz". We cannot orient our society around our ability to convince people that are nuts that they are nuts, that will be a lost cause every time. "Facui, please confess your sins!" Humanity's problem is, rather, the (potentially) sane people that go along with these programs. For example, the ever-renewing spinelessness of the NYT or NPR, etc, or those around Fauci detailed in this article. It's easy to blame Fauci but his power is related to the insiders that go along with his lies, and then, the tens of millions that still unflinchingly believe anything they read on the internet in 2023. The only difference between Fauci and a psychotic person yelling crazy things on the streets of SF is that people listen to Fauci. And just like people (in these cases, folks that lean left politically) seem to have no idea how to deal with crazy people in the streets, they don't know how to deal with it when they're in political office, either. That's the problem. If it weren't Fauci, or the Sacklers, or all those doctors that mutilate the genitals of little girls, etc, it would be someone else. I cannot emphasize this enough: we as a society have to shift our focus towards this hard problem of what to do with psychopaths and how to create ample social defenses to keep them out of positions of power, and, deal with them effectively when they inevitably weasel their way in as they will. At present we have no mainstream institutions dedicated to this task (with journalism and the universities out of the picture) and I can tell you that my own field (psychotherapy) has little to prevent terrible people from entering the profession. All this is that is much more of a problem than a garden gnome.

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All this information has been out there for close to two years or more. I first read all of this in a lengthy very detailed infographic in The Epoch Times dated October 1, 2021. Yes, 2021! ["Infographic: COVID-19 Outbreak & Cover-up"

BY JEFF CARLSON AND HANS MAHNCKE October 1, 2021 Updated: October 1, 2021]

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Oh Dear dear, wait til you hear THIS. Your hair will be raised right off your head.

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The question I have is why did the US fund this research in Chinese lab what was the Original reason it was in China and not somewhere else ?

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The Government of the United States is incompetent and can't be trusted.

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What a narcissist and lier. If we have justice they he will go to jail for a long time.

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Fauci is an arrogant man with a Napoleonic complex: he oversaw billions of taxpayer dollars while extorting whatever results he wanted. He is a perfect example of the DEEP STATE!

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Tony warmed up to the lab leak theory at about the same time he embraced natural immunity. So much for him being "science".

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Toxic Tony is a disease.

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Fauci is an example of the worst kind of smooth-talker. The establishment, and millions of people, bowed to all his lies. And our government helped fund the research that caused so much suffering. I have a 30 year career in government public health services, and never again will I trust our federal health agencies and the mainstream media.

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When will Fauci be investigated? Pulling funding this past July is necessary and it’s also a cover up.

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Coincidentally, reading through Marc Morano's 'The Great Reset' at the moment (where Fauci features prominently too), the evidence of misappropriating data, fear mongering and hierarchical hubris were all apart of Fauci's MO well before Covid...

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The dude is evil. Eventually history will judge him.

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I can’t believe that anyone who lived through the AIDS debacle(s) ever took him seriously. Vain, careless, dishonest, and not particularly intelligent. We’ve known this for decades.

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Great article, I would like to remember, among the good journalists that were censored on the issue, the poised and awesome Nicholas Wade, with his article back in 2021. It was all there and Mr Fauci, , which I know call Nosferatu, did all he could to undermine it

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