
I read a piece by Michael Tracy right after I finished listening to this. Tracey's point (paraphrasing) was that the media focuses too much on Trump's bombast and ignores what he actually did in office. Andrew Sullivan should read it. Not that it would change his mind on anything.

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This is a really biased piece of writing. I enjoy hearing sides that don't align with my thinking on things, it is why I am here. But this is just over the top wrong.

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Interesting listen, but apparent that it's two men speaking. When asked what specific policy would be enacted with a second Trump presidency, it was amazing to me that they didn't immediately say an abortion ban. A second Trump presidency would likely mean an attempt on an abortion ban, which would eliminate bodily autonomy for American women.

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Totally agree with previous comments about AS working on making the exact same mistake about taking Trump at his word that he did in ‘16. Worse than that, he is denigrating Trump for his potential to end the rule of law while ignoring the fact that the current administration and justice department are engaged in blatant lawfare against him while turning a blind eye to the transgressions of their own side. The rule of law is supposed to work the same for all comers.

(Full disclosure-Republican, not a Trump fan)

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Bari (I'm a huge fan of yours and the Free Press, so please accept this as constructive criticism) - The interview would have been easier to swallow, had you not given it the headline of "Andrew Sullivan on What he got Wrong".... We listeners kept waiting for him to say WHAT HE GOT WRONG, and it never came. Bring on another writer/pundit who DID in fact get it wrong, and admits it.

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I came to the comments first to see if I should listen and I am glad I did. Seems like we are ramping up for a repeat of 2020 where every Elite or Elite adjacent is on the Cabal's payroll talking smack about Trump.

It's laughable at this point. Trump created this entire political entertainment genre or at the least resurrected it if it ever existed.

They know he is well loved because of his honesty. Sure he's all the things that can be cringy. I voted for him 2x, but don't enjoy listening to him.

I didn't vote for him so I can hear him speak. I voted for him because he's the only person willing to take on the globalist cabal that wants to enslave us. He loves America 🇺🇸. I think that's a good trait in a American president. Obvious much.

The globalist cabal doesnt like him because he can't be controlled.

He's not on their payroll.

He doesn't need them. And for that he's dangerous to their way of life.

But all these talking heads are on their payroll. Working to persuade people.

Every freedom loving American should get behind him and show the globalist cabal that we aren't interested in The Great Reset they have planned.

But that won't happen because people are too entrenched in the division the cabal backed media has created, for that exact reason.

I am sure they laugh at how simple we are and how easily we are to manipulate with appearances, name calling, and fear of being disliked for standing up for ourselves.

We've done ourselves in. America 🇺🇸 home of the comfortable and enslaved.

Hail The Uniparty Globalist Cabal.

You will own nothing and like it. 👍

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Like the Hapsburgs, Sullivan forgets nothing and learns nothing.

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If this is the kind nonsense that TFP plans on publishing in the quest to report on Trump more then I am hugely disappointed. Please cover Trump fairly. We need that so desperately.

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Serious question to other subscribers. Do you hear adds? Cause I'm tired of all the adds when I'm a paid subscriber. What the heck am I paying for?

It is a serious question. I am questioning my own feed. If you are a paid subscriber, do you hear adds?

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I'm a paid subscriber. Why do I have to hear adds? Is there something wrong with my private feed? No other podcast that I subscribe to has adds on the subscriber feed.

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Andrew Sullivan is a coward alarmist… deeply immersed in his conspiracy theories about Trump.

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How is he a coward? Because when he was on the front lines fighting for gay rights, he was brave to do so. You don't have to like him, but calling him a coward seems kinds ridiculous.

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Sullivan lost me when he said that he doesn't have TDS, but that Trump is deranged. That is LITERALLY the definition of TDS. Seriously dude, get help.

Based on really trying to listening to the discussion, it seems like if only Trump wouldn't destroy the Constitution, everything else he did was awesome (paraphrasing...). Sigh.

When will anti-Trumpers understand (Bill Maher applies here as well), that Trump simply appeals to people that believe they are not listened to. It's not much more complicated than that. For every progressive socialist and every university know-it-all (well, they think so anyway), for every political opponent that believes that their prosecution will be "the one", and for every media pundit that tries to make things more complex and "democracy-ending" about Trump, they fail miserably and he just gets more popular.

The only way to beat Trump is to come up with better candidates that really listen to Americans and have a reasonable plan to, um, make America great again...

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Steve, the more I re-read your analysis, the more I think you are right on - in every aspect. I repeat, well said. (This, BTW, coming from a solid Right Of Center voter, who is no fan of Trump, who voted in three primaries for other candidates, but who will 3 times vote for Trump in the general election)

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Same :)

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Brilliant minds think alike😁

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Steve - well said... TDS... I had to laugh when Sullivan downplayed that, and then gave a perfect example of why he himself is inflicted with the disease.

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Exactly. We'll said. If we leave the political class to decide we get Biden or Newsom or Haley. Company men or women that will only pretend to care about the American people while lining their pockets with more corruption. Trump was the opposite of that.

Trump revealed the Uniparty to the American people. It has never been more obvious that we've always just had the illusion of choice. Either way we were getting the same thing. The fighting between Uniparty sides is mostly theatrics. They work across the aisle, they bend a knee. Because no one loses in the Uniparty.

Trump is not part of that club and can't be controlled. They will stop at nothing to stop him from infiltrating their club again and that includes harming the American people. Killing us even. I am not being hyperbolic. Look around at what they have already done in the attempt to get rid of him.

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I think it is you who is not paying attention. Sullivan understands very well the exact reasons you stated that people like Trump. But that in no way means Sullivan's points aren't also valid.

I also don't hate all Trump policies, but being a seditionist is to me disqualifying, end of story. It doesn't matter what else Trump has to say; that disqualifies him from getting my vote anyway. He *did* encourage people to try and prevent the peaceful transfer of power. So, IMO, he is guilty of sedition.

Also, Trump is just a scumbag of a human. He disrespects literally everyone. For me, that also is disqualifying.

And no, I'm not a Biden supporter either, or a democrat.

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We just said the same thing. I’m not a Trump fan either.

My primary point is that his TDS is overwhelming his ability to make rational observations.

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I don't see him as having TDS. I agreed with almost every word he said. It's not deranged to recognize that Trump is in fact deranged.

TDS is real (e.g. Sam Harris), but I don't think Sullivan has TDS. I think he has a fair assessment of Trump.

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Ok, we just won’t agree on the TDS point then. I still usually like Sullivan and I follow his substack, I just believe he’s had some misses lately.

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I’m tired of the lies. Trump delegated to advisors and the states during Covid . We had it great in Florida.

If Fauci had given good advice we would have had a better Covid situation. Fauci knew more than he let on. He had paid for gain of function research at Wuhan through Ecohealth alliance .

The MSM pushed to close down to stop the spread then the MSM lost their minds and pushed to no openings til vaccines were available.

Trump started operation warp speed to get us a vaccine . He did NOT take advantage of the power. Look to ur red states and see . We r fine

LOOK AT WHO GRABBED POWER . Gavin Newsome and the blue states closed churches and schools.

I admit that this was the first and last Bari Weiss podcast for me. Too biased - and this guy learned nothing . Biden is the closest to dictator I’ve seen . He’s an old man yelling at soup

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Once you accept that TFP is very left leaning, and listen knowing that bias, I find the podcasts are still worth a listen. They show me how "the other side" thinks and I find that a valuable tool as I try to pull them to the center- right.

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TFP is a bunch of lefties who were mugged by reality and have the guts to point out the flaws of their side. This Honestly podcast was probably the worst one ever; most are good to brilliant. Don’t judge the whole enterprise based on this one alone.

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Listened to this failed analysis of Trump. Total waste of time. I was expecting a more insightful self-reflection. What we got was “Well I got it wrong the first time but not this time” and “I am a little torn because he did a lot of things right”. As to speak about the rule of law is a joke without referencing Hillary, the mockery of the contrived J6 hearing, Hunter’s laptop, Hunter himself and now POTUS’ retention of classified docs when he did not have a right to them, willful mishandling, etc and not being charged because he is dawdling old man. I understand TFP needs, and we need, insights on our political leaders I do not believe a person with TDS is the correct start.

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Dave - PERFECTLY said! You echo my thoughts.

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I don’t ever recall hearing Trump say he would be a dictator and I think if he had said it- dens would have made a million political ads using him saying it.

No one can argue that Trump isn’t a megalomaniac but most politicians have a bit of that- that’s why they seek office. But no mention that Trump has been royally screwed by “the rule of law”. He has had more than his fair share of witch hunts- most notably the woman who accused him of rape but didn’t know when… and he definitely wasn’t tried by a jury of his peers. The interviewer could have at least questioned Sullivan about his take on that. Overall- the interview fell short of the mark

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It's more rule by law than rule of law.

While I won't say I have a lot of trust in Trump when it comes to upholding the rule of law, it's ridiculous to cast him as the sole threat when his opponents are:

-Spending tens of billions without Congressional approval, in a clear vote-buying scheme

-Twisting and stretching the law to jail or bankrupt him or keep him off the ballot

-Engaging in coerced suppression if not outright censorship of opposing views

-Acting like the 2nd Amendment doesn't exist and defying court decisions clarifying that it in fact does

-Siccing federal law enforcement on regular citizens who speak out in disfavored ways

-Threatening to unilaterally remove the ability of one of the 3 branches of government to effectively check the other 2

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The only time I recall Trump saying he would be a dictator is when he said he would be a dictator on day 1 and issue a number of Executive Orders to close the border. That is no different than Obama saying he has a pen and a phone and can run the country without Congress. The Dems have made hay on that statement knowing their supporters (like Sullivan) won't bother to fact check it.

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In fact, that’s exactly what Biden did on his first day in office! I can’t stand the fact that dems say that republicans are deplorable for doing the exact same things that they do themselves!

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100% accurate.

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I agree . I was hoping for more . I was hoping for an apology. I know it’s too much to ask. If Biden took an acuity exam and was found fit I would apologize . I’ve told everyone that I would take the man’s car keys if he were my grandpa .

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