I wish Dr. Maroja and her colleagues find a copy of the novel “White Garments” by Vladimir Dudintsev and indulge in his beautiful prose.
The novel describes the horrors happening in Soviet genetics in the 194Os. It doesn’t only focus on usual villains like Stalin and Lysenko-but also pictured a society that, either through passivity and …
I wish Dr. Maroja and her colleagues find a copy of the novel “White Garments” by Vladimir Dudintsev and indulge in his beautiful prose.
The novel describes the horrors happening in Soviet genetics in the 194Os. It doesn’t only focus on usual villains like Stalin and Lysenko-but also pictured a society that, either through passivity and indifference, or ambition and greed, allowed these abuses to happen.
White Garments tells the story of those Soviet specialists in plant physiology and breeding who were forced either to recant the foundations of classical genetics that had been laid by non-Soviet researchers such as Gregor Mendel and the American Nobel laureate Thomas H. Morgan, or take their experimental work underground. The official Soviet agenda was rejecting classical genetics as a “cosmo- politan” and “racist.”
Underground research seems to be the sad and viable option; It is tragic, that we as a society retracting to this Soviet style mentality and pondering underground research…. 🤦♀️
And yet, “White Garments” by Vladimir Dudintsev feels like a read right now for biologists, scientists and simple concerned citizens as it help facing the greed, cowardice and hubris of what the modern scientific world has turned into…
I wish Dr. Maroja and her colleagues find a copy of the novel “White Garments” by Vladimir Dudintsev and indulge in his beautiful prose.
The novel describes the horrors happening in Soviet genetics in the 194Os. It doesn’t only focus on usual villains like Stalin and Lysenko-but also pictured a society that, either through passivity and indifference, or ambition and greed, allowed these abuses to happen.
White Garments tells the story of those Soviet specialists in plant physiology and breeding who were forced either to recant the foundations of classical genetics that had been laid by non-Soviet researchers such as Gregor Mendel and the American Nobel laureate Thomas H. Morgan, or take their experimental work underground. The official Soviet agenda was rejecting classical genetics as a “cosmo- politan” and “racist.”
Underground research seems to be the sad and viable option; It is tragic, that we as a society retracting to this Soviet style mentality and pondering underground research…. 🤦♀️
And yet, “White Garments” by Vladimir Dudintsev feels like a read right now for biologists, scientists and simple concerned citizens as it help facing the greed, cowardice and hubris of what the modern scientific world has turned into…