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My daughter saw this exact same thing happen last year to a musician. He'd gotten a job for a prestigious symphony and a post surfaced from when he was sixteen. Apologies were demanded and not accepted. They got him fired and his career wrecked. A few people defended him and spoke out against the over the top attacks and they were attacked in turn.

From what I've experienced, no one can be more intolerant and vindictive than the far left. Its the Mao era stuff. It really bothers me because my beliefs are definitely more on the left.

Most of the older liberals I know are very dismayed at what we see. Their arrogance is going to guarantee a return of Trump. Rich, young "liberals" are a small minority, no matter how "woke and right" they are.

There are real things to worry about like a crash in insect populations, spring coming three weeks early and the hummingbirds missed most of the flowers, the driest year in record. Instead they focus on crimes against verbiage. Its easier to attack the words of a stupid sixteen year old from ten years ago.

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You can bet it wasn’t the Trump voter that cancelled Mr wadi.

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I am perplexed: "the driest year on record"? Are we really in 1934 again? The driest years in the U.S. since 1000 are all in the 1930s and 1950s: https://www.nasa.gov/content/goddard/1934-had-worst-drought-of-last-thousand-years/

There has not been drought like that in the last several decades. Indeed 2019 had the lowest level of drought in this century and probably going back 30 or more years. https://droughtmonitor.unl.edu/DmData/TimeSeries.aspx

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I'm talking about my specific location, not generally. Here, where I live, it looks like its late July. We're already at Moderate fire danger.

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OK, but that does not say anything about climate. In our part of Kansas temperatures have been lower than normal, not even reaching the 90s until June. That doesn't say anything about climate either. The overall temperatures in the world have been lower this year than last year.

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Thought for you. Who do you think raised these children/young adults to think this way? Our family is center right and every time my son and daughter come home from college we do some unannounced deprogramming. We are in constant communication so they know what we believe, what is right and what is absolutely wrong and dangerous. So I'd like to know who raises these kids/adults who are so comfortable cancelling anyone who has a different opinion.

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I support the role of parents/family as guidance but activist social media combined with enabling institutions presents a “David vs. Goliath” imbalance of influence.

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True, but no kid has to have a smart phone. No reason that if they do have a smart phone they can demand that they have access to their social media. But beyond that, it's what parents teach and model in the home that makes the ultimate difference.

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I feel like there are a lot of baby boomer liberals who were raised with more traditional values both by their parents and through the broader culture. But they take for granted all the good things about those values and assume they don’t require active cultivation in the next generation. They are still moored to something solid by that socialization, whether they acknowledge it or not, but they never bothered to pass that onto their kids. And the broader culture stopped cultivating those values as well. As a result you have second generation liberals who had no exposure to traditional values from their parents, being bombarded by whatever is being thrown their way by teachers and professors.

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That said, and I agree with you, how do you think Mr. Wadi's daughter learned her opinions?

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You can't stop the tide.

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I would rather be drowned by that tide of illegal and hateful thinking, if it is indeed a tide than abandon my principals. We stand together with our neighbors, our faith families, and the faithful of all creeds. We work with them, and our children face to face. We attend school boards. We turn our backs on universities who teach the hate of neo racism and tribalism. I believe in these people. I stand, and I work for the true common good. We can vanquish hate, together.

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Sigh... replace illegal with ill liberal

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From friends and family and the larger community, but not necessarily the parents. I’m an immigrant from a Muslim country to the US—I’m quite aware that casual antisemitism is pervasive in Muslim communities.

But he didn’t hurt anyone and she’s a kid so that’s not a reason for either to be cancelled.

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I am not suggesting she or her father be canceled. That would make us "them". But there is no avoiding culpability on the part of her family or community as you state. And Minneapolis is rife with radical antisemitic Islamism. Just look at who they RE-elected to Congress. "Those who bless Israel shall be blessed and those who curse Israel shall be cursed". It's ironic isn't it that the Wadis would be canceled by racist, antisemitic BLM and its sycophants, isn't it? Someone named "Hashem" should understand this.

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Her behavior is reprehensible but not unforgivable. She was 16 - a great example of why 16 yo's shouldn't get to vote! Because we don't allow anyone to make a mistake, much less accept an apology, the onus is on those who are unforgiving. As parents we can do only so much to teach our children right and wrong and honestly, the family could/should have done a better job of managing their daughter's social media. What kind of parents cheerlead their kids cancellation of other kids? Then those kids turn into adults and do more of the same. I've seen two stories recently where two very young teens' snaps was saved for four years until a college acceptance/decision was made and then revealed and college acceptances rescinded. It's insane and we not doing our job as parents.

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There’s just a lack of overall meaning and basic morality in the West in general I think...leading people to create a new far more illiberal system of morality.

It’s like a hole in people’s lives right now. Liberalism - true liberalism, which brought universality and relativism to the world, which is needed in some sense, is what broke down the barriers of the old traditional way of thinking. But we need some form of religion, and higher purpose, and people will create new illogical cruel systems when there is a lack.

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The hole---do unto others as you would have them do unto you---is a sentiment we no longer espouse as a people. To each his own; every man for himself; I want mine, etc etc. That beautiful sentiment flows through every faith and morality in general. It's really so simple and yet we've allowed it to erode. Not sure we can get back to that place.

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Our Bishop said it best that I have heard in an April assembly at our high school (religious). He first counseled the children to stay off social media saying nothing good came from social media. He emphasized the free exchange of ideas face to face as a connection based communication. He said social media put you in the mindset of the power of manipulation, that the world and society around you was solely for your amusement, your playground

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Wish that could go viral (but then it would require social media)!

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My daughter was shocked at school in a liberal arts class ethics class when most of her classmates didn't believe ( or understand ) do unto others as you would have them do unto you. They thought it was self-centered. Which I think means they never had it explained to them. I wonder how many parents haven't taught their kids a sense of ethics. She was also surprised at the level of ignorance her peers had about race in America. They also twisted Martin Luther King Jr.s words around to justify rioting.

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The delinquency of parents is real.....sadly.

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