
Keep up the good work! You’re breaking through the Trump mind virus.

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These are just two. The reason accusations have "yielded nothing" is that the same Justice Department that has been pursuing Trump with a vengeance has been peculiarly lenient to the Biden's, only finally acting after whistleblowers inside government agencies exposed that the Hunter Biden tax investigation was not being conducted according to standard protocols, and later, when pressured to appoint a special investigator, departed from standard protocols for that as well.. The MSM has failed to report on it, spun it favorably to the Bidens, and covered it up. The Biden Justice Department does not intend for any of this to go to trial until after the elections if ever. Do you really think that FOREIGN corporations in China and Ukraine were paying millions to a drug-addled Hunter Biden, who possessed no skills pertinent to their business, for his expertise? He was influence peddling and Joe was involved per the sworn testimony of Hunter's business partners and emails concerning transactions. This has been slow-walked by the Justice Department, which at one point dropped the tax-evasion case because the statute of limitations had expired. If you think this all just adds up to innuendo may I offer to sell you a certain bridge in Brooklyn?

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Peter Savodnik, this was a very interesting paper. When you get to high school, you might want to take a debate class. Providing evidence that one thing/person/situation is “bad” doesn’t prove that another thing/person/situation is “good” (or even marginally better.)

Excellent try, keep working at it. Also, don’t forget to write Ms. Weiss a thank you for letting you put your paper in her podcast!

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I loved reading this. Very moving. “Heroes, however imperfect, walk among us still” struck me. America can’t take our freedom for granted and must always strive to improve it. Thank you.

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I understand courage but suicide is not a demonstration of courage.

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Bari -- You have told a very powerful story and thank you for it. I plan on using this text at our upcoming Passover Seder to generate discussion. As you know, in the Jewish tradition, it is customary to express condolences to mourners with the words "may his/her memory be a blessing." My question to you, Bari, is what would you suggest we do at this time to make Alexsei Navalny's memory a beautiful blessing.

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Julienne Assange?

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Thank you, Bari, for your beautiful tribute to Alexei Navalny. We will not forget hi sacrifice.

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In regards to Navalny-" Be ready to pay with your life for your principles." A lot of arguments amongst Russian intellectual community in regards to Navalny's rational coming back to Russia and impact of his death on the society.

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I am 73 now, and I worked for years and raised a family, and didn’t pay too close attention during much of that time to politics. I used to think that all or most judges were impartial and non political, and that was kind of what was required or expected of them. If they did have political leanings, that they kept it to themselves. Wasn’t it ever that way, and if so, when did it change? We now seem to have severely biased judges. We have a congress and senate that can’t seem to accomplish anything, and now the court system is becoming that way. One judge makes a decision which then gets appealed, and the next judge throws it out, and then it goes on to another judge and things drag on for years. We are becoming mired in chaos, and I guess that is exactly what these radical liberals want.

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Hi Bari Weiss and team at the Democratic Party Rehabilitation Project...! This is another boffo piece of writing!

Wow! You guys must really hate Putin! Good for you! You're on the "right side of history!"...

Now, why don't you and your organization grow a fucking pair and investigate the tragedy behind Julian Assange...?

What's the matter! Too close to home for you?

It's easy for you to toss shit at the Russians but let's not point out what the Democratic Party Machine is doing to the west!

Democracy doesn't die in darkness... it dies buried underneath the bullshit that you "liberals" shovel onto the pages of this publication every week!

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I wish there were a Nobel Prize for Courage, because the first should go to Alexei Navalny. We toss "hero" at the winning quarterback and the clerk who made the most money for the company in the first quarter. Navalny is a genuine hero, and his death hit me hard even though I knew--the world knew--it was coming. Navalny knew it too, which made the act of returning even more heroic.

Which made Tucker Carlson's fluff-and-blow of Putin even harder to swallow, though Tucker certainly enjoyed the big gulp.

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Shame on you, and others, for linking Tucker Carlson's name to Navalny's death. This is guilt by association. There can actually be some decent things about Moscow and Russia pointed out without giving credit to Putin. If Carlson agrees with Putin that the sun rises in the East and sets in the West would that mean that he aligned himself with Putin? And if Putin goes-and that could be anytime- we get Medvedev who wants to nuke the West. Carlson got the interview that any journalist would have jumped at. So much jealousy. If he would have pressed things in the interview as you wished, he may have wound up as Navalny's, or the WSJ reporters, cellmate.

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Wow! You write a piece saying Navalny had courage and moral clarity because he stood up for freedom. TFP readers explode, attacking everyone everywhere. This demonstrates our moral confusion. May Navalny’s memory be eternal.

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By all accounts he seemed like a genuine dissident who sacrificed in hope of a better future for Russia sans Putin. The last five years have taught me to wait for as many truths as possible. Is it certain his death was at the hands of the Putin universe? The timing of his death is suspicious. As funding for the Ukraine war stalls and the Munich conference commences. I'll wait for final judgement.

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First, we need a small group of unimpeachable elected officials of both parties to review the existing classified documents to determine if they should remain classified. The administration in power classifies everything they possibly can to keep prying public eyes away. Enough is enough. When a document emerges from the government and literally every word other than "the" and "and" is redacted, somebody is trying to hoodwink the Congress and the American public.

Second, the next Vice President needs to oversee the restructuring of the National Archives. Highly classified documents are regularly checked out of the Archives and never returned. And no one ever goes after them (unless, of course, Trump is the culprit) Its a wonder that they caught Sandy Berger with classified documents stuffed down his pants. Public Libraries all over this country do a better job of retrieving books from grade schoolers than the National Archives does in retrieving allegedly "top secret" documents.

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