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"Baldwin has been subjected to an unusually zealous prosecution by New Mexico authorities." Yeah, no. Any mentally competent person not planning to kill someone has an obligation to make sure that a gun is not loaded before pointing it at someone and pulling the trigger. Duh, like, it was someone else's job isn't an excuse.

Should the armorer have made sure that the weapon was unloaded and that no one except her had access to the weapons? Absolutely. However, that does not excuse Baldwin for failing to verify the weapons status for himself. Trust, but verify, is the number one rule of gun safety, even on a movie set.

Involuntary manslaughter means that he did something that a reasonable person could reasonably foresee could result in the death of another. Pointing a gun that you have not personally verified to be unloaded directly at someone and pulling the trigger is something that a reasonable person, even a dumb-ass, entitled actor, could reasonably foresee could potentially be dangerous. Baldwin was negligent, lazy, or just plain stupid. As a result, someone lost their life.

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Eli, as you must know Russiagate was much more than some journalists and pundits writing about some fake Russian Facebook posts. It was a calculated insidious campaign to damage the Trump presidency. The Steele Dossier is just one example of one of the fictions that were constantly ginned up in all the major news outlets. And now the Russian interference stories begin again. I really think you know better. Too bad TFP cannot be more honest about this dark mark on the MSM.

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Amazing the NYT let Rob Henderson make this video when they refused to put his book on their bestseller list even though it sold more than enough copies to qualify.

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Eli Lake writes, "Many of the Americans who block traffic and take over quads on behalf of the terrorists of October 7 are not taking their cues from Persian cyber-spies, but college professors and journalists."

As a long-time professor at an elite university, I can confirm that it is true that pro-Hamas fanaticism among college students, professors, staff, and administrators, is an outgrowth of the neo-Marxist woke ideology that has been adopted by almost all universities with religious fervor. The ideological division of the world into "oppressors" and "victims," an abstracted version of Marx's "class struggle," lies behind the new legitimacy of hate.

Israel, falsely accused of being "colonial settler," an apartheid society, and guilty of "genocide," is identified as a paradigmatic "oppressor" of "innocent" Palestinians, who in fact have been at war with the Jews in the Holy Land for 100 years. In reality, the war on Jews in the Middle East is a religious war, driven by Islamic supremacism. University activists, who know nothing or care nothing of the history of the Holy Lands, act out their ideological "virtue" at the expense of Israel, and, now, by extension, Jews.

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Anyone listening to Joe Biden's desperate election campaign effort at the NATO press conference should make everyone deeply afraid for our country. The sharks are circling.

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The lies are as usual astounding. Anyone that votes for this shill are exactly part of the problem.

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Regarding Trumps' VP pick and the opinion: "Trump needs to pick already, so we can drop all this dumb speculation." That is a very silly thing to say/write. Trump will announce his VP pick when it is best for his campaign.

My personal favorite pick would be Tulsi Gabbard. She left the Democrat party (or rather it left her) because she has character and is solid on her views.

Can you just imagine a VP ticket debate between Tulsi Gabbard and Cackling Kamala?

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Would love it. Still think Niikki would be his strongest running mate.

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From my perspective Nikki is a little too "old school" Republican and was very weak on putting down the Gender cult. I care about a lot of things (including the border or lack of one) but I care about putting down that State supported cult the most.

This is a recent Parents with Inconvenient Truths about Trans article regarding WPATH, if you have any interest: https://www.pittparents.com/p/physiological-plausibility

The comments by the other parents are enlightening as well: https://www.pittparents.com/p/physiological-plausibility/comments

I love Tulsi's speech when she left the party:


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Concur. In a perfect world she wouldn't be my choice but for 2024 she would bring more to the table than any of the others. Whoever Trump chooses it will be very consequential in what promises to be an extremely close election. Would love to have J. D. Vance but would be a drag on the ticket.

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Jul 11·edited Jul 11

I don't think it will be Vance. And, Vance may be needed more in OH right now just as DeSantis might be more needed in Florida at this time. This talk about beards is silly, IMO. Trump is good with theater so he probably knows what he is doing letting everyone speculate widely.

The Free Press is good but thoroughly on team Democrat so the discussion regarding Republicans isn't sensible. I was an Independent prior to Sanctuary Cities and the Democrat platform adoption of "gender".

Gabbard is very intelligent, speaks well, has positions that nearly everyone agreed about a short time ago... and I like the idea of her pulling in dissatisfied Democrats. She was one. Huh, she could be a healer in the way Biden sure was not.

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Eli Lake says “elites” insist that “Palestinian terrorism is a legitimate protest against Palestinian dispossession”. Maybe the protests are actually over Israel’s deployment of 2000lb bombs and 155mm artillery shells against civilian populations. Latest example: 27 dead after aerial bombing and tank attacks to go after, as even Israel admitted, “one Hamas terrorist hiding in the civilian population”. It might not be genocide (it lacks the necessary intent) but it’s clearly a war crime. Time to stop this madness: it benefits only Hamas (which doesn’t care about civilians and will not be wiped out) AND Bibi (who doesn’t want a ceasefire since it would expose him to elections and the reality that his whole strategy for the past ten years is an abject failure).

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Have you worked in that area of the world? Your approach will simply ensure never ending bloodshed. If the Palestinian People wanted to end this they could end it very quickly.

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Can someone, anyone, from TFP or its readers, direct me to where I find this elusive "Letters" page that I'm told to look at? There is no link provided to it in the email, and when I log into the TFP site it cannot readily be found on the homepage. Thank you in advance.

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Thank you! I still can't find how to navigate to the Letters section from the homepage though, if there is one.

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“It’s a case that illuminates just how complex things can get when criminal justice intersects with a person’s celebrity status.”

It is a case that concerns a man who shot and killed a woman. Your response treats the killing flippantly.

The charge is involuntary manslaughter, meaning no specific intent to kill is required.

The prosecutor, in essence, must show that Baldwin acted in a reckless manner and should have been aware of the risks for a conviction.

If someone hands you a gun, you assume it is loaded until you know it isn’t. Baldwin didn’t follow this extremely simple and fundamental rule that most people are familiar with.

If he wasn’t familiar it’s worse. Being an unsophisticated gun handler should lead most to an even greater respect for safety.

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"Harvard has reversed suspensions of anti-Israel protesters who violated campus rules. Jewish leaders say the move will lead to more antisemitism. "

Let's do just a little editing, in order for this to be more factual:

Harvard has reversed suspensions of anti-Israel protesters who violated campus rules. Because they realized that, you know, America, free speech, don't react to extremists like Bill Ackman and Bari Weiss.

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Good grief!

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What don’t you understand about breaking rules? Try the simple experiment. Park your car. In the middle of the road and start shouting out your window. Free Palestine. Then tell the police. You’re exercising your first amendment rights. See what happens.

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There’s nothing “apparent” about euro attitudes toward hydration. They are confused by how much Americans drink.

Ask for water, still, and it’ll come in a small glass you’ll need refilled several times.

Our solution; bottled water.

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Why comments on the Soviet post by Ferguson are turned off? As a former Soviet I wanted to comment on non Soviets discussing being Soviet, but nah, can’t do it anymah.. 🤓

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RE: the "benefits" of being a college conservative

"conservatives at predominantly liberal colleges get “exposure to different perspectives, regular practice building and defending coherent arguments, [and] intellectual challenges that spur creativity and growth.” Wright says these are benefits that liberal students have been “robbed” of."

Talk about spin! Now conservatives are supposed to be grateful to their hate-filled liberal classmates? Perhaps it is the progressive students who would learn something if only they would LISTEN to their conservative classmates instead of shouting them down, throwing them down a flight of stairs, or otherwise harassing them. Once again, the libs are blinded & rendered deaf from within their purposely impenetrable bubbles.

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A key requirement for being a progressive is to be able to turn any situation to your advantage. To be able to spin and dissemble better than Pravda or Jacobin.

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or gaslight. Yes.

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Yes, and all the Jewish students should be grateful for the vile anti-semitism because it will help them build character!

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I take offense to the "deep blue" designation of NYS. The deep blue part of the state is NYC, the rest of the state is pretty conservative.

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Of course NYC is the 800 Lbs. gorilla in the room that makes the rest of the state irrelevant.

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Eli, I love a lot of your comments and articles. That said, Iran has entire intelligence agencies established for the sole purpose of taking advantage of idiots like the pro-Gaza protestors to promote chaos in the West. It's Intel 101, and it's been happening for decades.

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Iran is running one of the most successful PR campaigns in history! Move over Hitler!

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