In order for Peter Savodnik to earn income from the article-writing business he must feel
that he has to criticize the Right and the Left. His comment that the "identitarian right"
has no concern for the Afghan interpreters is A BALD-FACED LIE. I guess Peter Savodnik
never watches FoxNews. I watch FoxNew as I feel that I get a healthy do…
In order for Peter Savodnik to earn income from the article-writing business he must feel
that he has to criticize the Right and the Left. His comment that the "identitarian right"
has no concern for the Afghan interpreters is A BALD-FACED LIE. I guess Peter Savodnik
never watches FoxNews. I watch FoxNew as I feel that I get a healthy dose of truth, reality,
and facts. Many on FoxNews express great concern for the future safety of Afghans who
worked with Americans, but on FoxNews they are willing to expose the Biden/Blinken
con game of building-up the numbers-the numbers are built up so Biden/Blinken and
their followers can tout the numbers. The numbers are built-up by flying out many
Afghans who NEVER WORKED with Americans. This creates a very dangerous situation
for the United States of America since these Afghans are leaving a lawless country and
it is very difficult to vet them.
Another point which nobody mentions it was the destructive Left which turned
Guantanamo Bay into a political football. It is a perfect place for cold-blooded-murdering-
Jihadists. Guantanamo Bay SHOULD HAVE BEEN the destination of those five thousand
prisoners at Bagram. To Biden/Blinken to do that it would have been an infamy.
Harvey Bennett August 29, 2021