The only thing we can do is go to our local "independent" booksellers, and tell them that we will no longer patronize their stores unless they reject Shelf Awareness and feature Bernard-Henri Levy's work.

And if their keffiyeh-klad klukker employees bark back, that's that. One less customer, forever. Post a review on Yelp, and wherever you find bookstores discussed. The only way we can stop discrimination is to fight it, tooth-and-nail. You cannot appease the mob. You can only teach them that there is a price to pay.

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It's called being canceled , now of course it's new because it's because your are for Israel or jews but it's the same group think that we all have seen and know well . Welcome to the real world after Oct 7 and welcome to being canceled .

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"He went on to note that “customers will complain,” too."

Mmmm.....the customer is always right they say. That's a myth, but all this is about money.

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They should be prosecuted for discrimination. The more we tolerate this kind of behavior the worse it will get.

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Knew of him but have never read any of his books. Changing that today. Just ordered it. Thanks for calling attention to what’s happening. I’m not Jewish but I stand with Israel.

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If we're being "pushed back into the ghetto", we should respond the way Jews have always responded: make the ghetto a paradise. Time to build up Jewish publishing, literary and artistic worlds. Don't complain about being excluded; take a page out of our great-grandparents' book and build something better.

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So, what are the chances Levy's book will show up on the banned books table the next time bookstores celebrate banned books week?

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Just bought the book on Amazon

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I feel like this issue is so much broader, with some form of censorship appearing at a variety of publishers and booksellers and at Amazon. I also suspect that many at the Free Press might not have had any concern with those issues, as the censorious behavior was directed toward conservative writers like Ryan T. Anderson and Sohrab Ahmari. I don't mean to complain about this piece, but I do think the issue shouldn't be narrowed down to anti-semitism when the anti-semitism is a symptom of ideological rot among the political Left.

That said, I enjoy reading Bernard-Henri Levy. He is the sort of person who is perfectly captured in descriptions by both his admirers and his critics. Is he an intellectual, or a pseudo-intellectual? Yes. I'd say he's lofty yet accessible enough that one will feel smarter for having read him.

American Vertigo may be a bestseller, but it's a bit too Thomas Friedmanesque. War, Evil, and the End of History was a good read on serious topics, though it didn't help that many of the situations it described had utterly changed by the time the book was published. His book about the murder of Daniel Pearl by Islamic extremists might be as timely as it ever has been, though.

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