I don't mean to be critical. But... Ben comes off as so smug. Im so tired of thos from media types.

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If only we could get back to Obama and Romney!!!

Ben will do anything except take Constitutional conservatives seriously. There are millions of people who were not surprised by Biden's performance. I guess we are better observers of the political landscape than the "experts" who get paid to do it.

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Right off the bat, I hear how all the gaslighters were "wrong" about Biden. They weren't wrong. They lied. You don't get that wrong. This isn't a prediction about who's going to win a baseball game, or an attempt at a difficult math problem. They made definitive, specific statements that Biden is not just mentally fit, but on top of everything and incredibly detailed oriented. This debate blew that away. They weren't wrong. Biden has significant cognitive decline. It didn't just happen, and he didn't become brilliant in private meetings.

These people lied to Democratic voters and the American public.

If you can't honestly point out that dishonesty, why am I spending my money on this site??

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First, I’m taking into consideration this podcast was recorded late at night and that your guests were likely tired.

That said, whether or not he meant to, Mr. Smith didn’t seem capable of admitting that President Trump did anything positive. He would choose adjectives like “less weird” or “less Trump”. I thought Mr. Smith would point out that the CNN format actually ended up helping President Trump. That would’ve at least been diplomatic and not a direct positive.

Btw, Barrack Obama did not, and does not look like he’s about to ask President Biden to step down. Therefore, it’s unlikely anyone will. What Dem politician would dare risk ending their careers by going against him? The same amount as Republicans who speak out against President Trump is my guess.

Regarding the good lady MK, you equated the felony of President Trump as if it were not tainted in any way. American listeners deserve more respect than that. Not to say that YOU are prone to this, but the media should see that we are a bit tired of you all treating us as ignoramuses. We trusted (Yes. Intentional use of the past tense there) you all with the honor of truthfully presenting the news to us. That was blown to pieces long ago, and this presidential debate has proven this all the more. We recognize lawfare just well as you all. We’re not stupid. Just busy with our own lives.

The swipe at JD Vance writing a book and going to Yale... Really? What was that book about again? Perhaps he genuinely doesn’t actually like what he sees going on with the elites. Granted, he’s still early in his political career, and the swamp tends to change even the best of folks. But in the meantime, perhaps give him the benefit of the doubt until he proves otherwise.

I do agree with Mr. Smith that the panic may subside in some ways; however, campaign clips will be something to watch. And they’re coming. The Trump campaign proved this. I recommend we stay tuned.

In my opinion this debate wasn’t an embarrassment. No. I believe it was actually HELPFUL! It presented the transparency the media failed to provide us with for far too long. The embarrassment was the confirmation of just how horrible a job the media has been doing for decades now. I hope they’re doing damage control, but one can only hope. And I base this on THEIR track record. Of course, that’s why I’m now a paid subscriber of The Free Press.

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Pls post transcripts of podcasts. I will never listen to any of them.

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Free Press / Substack, your inline audio playback system makes it impossible to shuttle through or backwards in the podcast. I'm abandoning this way of listening in favor of Apple Podcasts. Please fix—this sucks!

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Second hand embarrassment to the 10x

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Do you think CNN let this happen because the Left is finding it useful to their game to sacrifice this chess piece?

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"Even the most steadfast Biden partisans were devastated, panicked, and dazed, many of them waking up this morning saying the quiet part out loud: we can’t possibly run this candidate in November."

No. You are wrong, Bari, about a great many things. But most especially about this. That is because you make the careless mistake of presuming integrity in the minds of these people. They have none. None whatsoever. There is ZERO integrity left in your anti-Semitic, Jew Hating, old-man propping Democratic Party. None. Just give up the charade already.

The Democratic Party of America, DELENDA EST!

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The debate is the nail in the coffin. You are absolutely correct that the dem party and its loyal acolytes are completely devoid of integrity.

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Biden was never really the President, never the decision maker. He was the puppet for the Obamas, the Clintons and oh so many behind the curtain, running the show.

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28

I think that Biden has become a martyr. The Democrats used him last night dig their way out of "The Great Awokening" that recently has only done them harm. They put old Joe on the cross, and watched him die for their sins. Now they can run an articulate moderate who might actually beat Trump.

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They are users and abusers. The Democrats have used various groups, voting blocks, to win elections. Maeanwhile they do not change policies that fail to help to people they insist they are about.

Could this be more evident than is our cities. Schools that do not service those most in need of access to education. Welfare that traps people in a system they cannot escape. Public housing that is much like concentration camps. Then, the Democrats turn around and tell us we must hire a job candidate because he or she belongs to one of their voting block groups. This in turn angers the person passed over even though he or she was the more qualified.

What kind of person believes that DEI is more important than MERIT.

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